Pour en savoir plus
ISSN: 1297-319X
Périodicité: 6 issues / y
Calendrier de publicationJanuary, March, May, July, October, December
Format: 210x280
1ère publication: 1993
Langue de publication: English
Marque / éditeur: ELSEVIER
Indexation: Indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded, Embase, Pubmed/Medline, Scopus.
Copyright : © French Society of Rheumatology (Société Française de Rhumatologie / SFR)
Joint Bone Spine

Editor: Marie-Christophe Boissier (Bobigny)

Associate editors: Béatrice Bouvard (Angers), Laure Gossec (Paris), Benoît Le Goff (Nantes), Frédéric Lioté (Paris), Adeline Ruyssen-Witrand (Toulouse), Daniel Wendling (Besançon)

Editorial assistant: Sophie Galibert (Paris)

Impact Factor: 4.2 (2022)
2023 Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics

An international peer-reviewed journal

Bimonthly international journal, Joint Bone Spine publishes on behalf the French Society of Rheumatology (SFR) original research, clinical studies and all the latest advances in the field of Rheumatology.

Few articles published by Joint Bone Spine in English may be also translated for publication in Revue du Rhumatisme (editor's choice), the official French publication of the French Society of Rheumatology (SFR).

Joint Bone Spine is indexed in the main international databases.

Impact Factor: 4.2 (2022)
2023 Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics

An international peer-reviewed journal

Bimonthly international journal, Joint Bone Spine publishes on behalf the French Society of Rheumatology (SFR) original research, clinical studies and all the latest advances in the field of Rheumatology.

Few articles published by Joint Bone Spine in English may be also translated for publication in Revue du Rhumatisme (editor's choice), the official French publication of the French Society of Rheumatology (SFR).

Joint Bone Spine is indexed in the main international databases.

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