Vol 81 - N° 1 - février 2020
P. 1-100© Elsevier Masson SAS
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Coronavirus, occupational health safety
Page :1-2
A. Descatha
Spreading of the different professional sectors with risk of exposure among the leptospirosis cases diagnosed in France between 2007 and 2017
Page :3-12
C. Durfort, P. Bourée, D. Salmon
Essential oils & pregnancy at work
Page :13-23
M. Vaissière, J. Escale
Analysis of electrical accidents among employees of a company distributing electricity in Togo
Page :24-31
A.F. Tchicaya, I.N.A. Aka, A.A. Gafarou-touré, L.M.A. Nguessan, C.P. Guiégui, Y.M. Kouassi, J.S. Bonny
Socioprofessional reinsertion after stroke in Yaounde
Page :32-39
L.J. Owona Manga, P. Ayelo, S.H. Mandengue, V.P. Djientcheu, S.A. Tassin Foguem, B. Wognin Sangah
The procedure of recognition of occupational diseases and labour doctor's opinion
Page :40-43
S. Fantoni Quinton, C. Czuba, C. Baumann
Improving the mental health and well-being of employees: What are the interventions that work?
Page :44
Improving the mental health and well-being of employees: What are the interventions that work?
Page :45-54
V. Kovess-Masfety, L. Saunder, N. Mellor
Improving the mental health and well-being of employees: What are the interventions that work?
Page :55-56
Page :57-58
Occupational human biomonitoring in Europe: The HBM4 EU Project
Page :59-60
N. Fréry, E. Ougier, S. Ndaw, M. El Yamani, C. Rousselle
Page :60-61
C. Chouaïd, L. Bigay-Game, F. Hérin
Drug consumption in working environment: A general population health marker?
Page :61-62
Maryse Lapeyre-Mestre
Occupational coronary heart disease
Page :62
Jean-Pierre Houppe
The sedentariness at work: A true occupational risk
Page :63
F. Dutheil, J. Ferrières, V. Magnon, G. Boude, Y. Esquirol
Consequences of occupational physical activities on cardiovascular disease
Page :63-64
Y. Esquirol, J. Ferrières, F. Dutheil
Night/shift work and cardiovascular risks
Page :64
S. Boini, L. Weibel, M.A. Gautier
Study of the relationship between exposure to titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) and cause-specific mortality in an occupational cohort in France
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A. Gaillen-Guédy, D. Luce, P. Wild, I. Guseva Canu
Association between formaldehyde occupational exposure and cognitive performances: results from the Constances cohort
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N. Letellier, G. Choron, F. Artaud, A. Descatha, M. Goldberg, M. Zins, A. Elbaz, C. Berr
Occupational risk factors for lung cancer in the French West Indies
Page :65
L. Cabréra, A. Auguste, L. Michineau, J. Deloumeaux, C. Joachim-Contaret, D. Luce
Sex-specific lung cancer risk across occupational and industrial groups in Switzerland (1990-2014)
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N. Bovio, I. Guseva Canu, Swiss National Cohort (SNC)
The impact of chronic myeloid leukemia therapy on employment: A cohort study from the French administrative health insurance database
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F. Vayr, C. Conte, F. Despas, M. Gauthier, J.-M. Soulat, M. Lapeyre Mestre, F. Herin
Do artisans and employees who have been exposed to wood dust have the same psychological impact when initiating a procedure for screening nasosinus cancers by nasofibroscopy?
Page :66-67
V. Losfeld, C. Nisse, members CERBois, F. Herin, A. Leroyer
Parental occupations at birth and risk of testicular germ cell tumor in adulthood: A French case-control study
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A. Paul, en collaboration avec l’équipe de recherche TESTIS, A.M.N. Danjou, B. Charbotel, O. Pérol, B. Dananché, J. Spinosi, L. Bouaoun, J. Schüz, B. Fervers
Agricultural exposures and risk of Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas (NHL), by subtypes: Results from the agriculture and cancer (AGRICAN) cohort
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A. Busson, S. Tual, M. Boulanger, M. Renier, R. Pons, C. Piel, C. Pouchieu, S. Perrier, AGRICAN-Group, A.V. Guizard, A. Monnereau, I. Baldi, P. Lebailly
A cohort study of agricultural workers exposed to chlordecone in the French West Indies: First mortality analysis
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D. Luce, J. Dugas, A. Vaidie, L. Michineau, M. El-Yamani, L. Multigner
Prevalence of respiratory symptoms and diseases in a cohort of agricultural workers in five French districts in 2010
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L. Bénézet, M.C. Delmas, B. Geoffroy-Perez, Y. Iwatsubo
Coset-Indépendants et Coset-MSA: Two cohort studies for the epidemiological surveillance of self-employed and agricultural workers
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B. Geoffroy-Perez, J.-L. Marchand, N. Soullier, P. Delézire, L. Bénézet, G. Deschamps, E. Breuillard, J. Chesneau
Evolution of occupational risk exposure over the last 20 years: First results from the french national Sumer survey
Page :69
S. Memmi, É. Rosankis, N. Sandret, P. Duprat, M. Léonard, S. Morand, V. Tassy
Cardiovascular risks according to different profiles of night work and shift work
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E. Bourgkard, Y. Esquirol, M. Dziurla, J. Ferrières, C. Ribet, S. Boini
The professional driving and cardiovascular risks: APPTIV cohort study
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B. Buscail-Tan, C. Colonna, G. Duchalet-Serrano, C. Mazziotta, C. Meresse, S. Monier, C. Smallwood, J. Ferrières, Y. Esquirol
HTA and non-typical or offset working hours in SNCF (French railways)
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F. Veirun, D. De Bensason
Weight of epidemiological evidence in classification of titanium dioxide by the European chemical agency
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I. Guseva Canu, S. Fraize-Frontier, C. Michel, S. Charles
Unfitness for work in the Languedoc-Roussillon area from 2012 to 2016
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J.-P. Buch, C. Smallwood
Study of the relationship between exposure to titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) and cause-specific mortality in an occupational cohort in France
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A. Gaillen-Guédy, D. Luce, P. Wild, I. Guseva Canu
Talking sleep when resuming work after cardiovascular pathology: Return of work by an occupational physician somnologist
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L. Giboulot
Dose-response associations between occupational factors and sleep problems in France: Results from the national 2016 Working Conditions survey
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S. Bertrais, N. André, M. Beque, J.-F. Chastang, I. Niedhammer
Cumulative effects of occupational exposures on depression and anxiety in the working population of employees in France: Results from the national 2016 Working Conditions survey
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S. Bertrais, A. Mauroux, J.-F. Chastang, I. Niedhammer
Working conditions and major depression in the French working population of employees: A study using the national SUMER 2016-17 survey data
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I. Niedhammer, K. Coindre, S. Memmi, S. Bertrais, J.-F. Chastang
Psychosocial work factors and mortality in France: STRESSJEM study protocol
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I. Niedhammer, A. Milner, B. Geoffroy-Perez, T. Coutrot, A. La Montagne, J.-F. Chastang
Support of employees with chronic disease by occupational health service
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P. Fau-Prudhomot, H. Attali, R. Codron, F. Locher, P.-Y. Montéléon, V. Mora, M.-L. Sanchez, C. Wargon
Secondary contractual teachers in France: Working conditions, professional well-being and quality of life
Page :75
T. Calon, S. Temam, M.N. Vercambre-Jacquot
Monitoring of the functioning of Occupational Health and Safety Committees (OHS Committees) over the period 2015 to 2016 in Côte d’Ivoire
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J. Soya, B.Y. Yéboué-Kouamé, J.H. Kouadio, E.F. Boni, A.J. Eba
Agricultural exposure and risk of sarcomas in the AGRIculture and CANcer (AGRICAN) cohort
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M. Renier, M. Boulanger, A. Busson, C. Piel, C. Pouchieu, R. Pons, S. Tual, B. Amadéo, B. Clin, I. Baldi, AGRICAN group, P. Lebailly
Coding of agricultural exploitations and jobs in the 2010 French agricultural census in French Nomenclature of Activities (NAF) and Occupations and Socio-Professional Categories (PCS)
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L. Cahour, T. Henry, L. Delabre, C. Pilorget
Non-medical staff and midwives commuting accidents in a French Hospital – 2012–2016
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A. Ponsin, M.-A. Denis, E. Fort, M. Hours, B. Charbotel
Retrospective study of adverse effects of BCG vaccine in children under four years old
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S. Belamalem, A. Tebaa, A. Khadmaoui, Mokhtari Abdelrhani, Soulaymani Abdelmajid, R. Soulaymani-Bencheik
The epidemiological characteristics of epidermal necrolysis in adults
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S. Belamalem, A. Tebaa, A. Khadmaoui, M. Abdelrhani, A. Soulaymani, R. Soulaymani-Bencheik
“ED/TEO score”: Identification of endocrine disruptors and/or toxic of endocrine organs effects of phytopharmaceutical active substances in organic and conventional farming
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A. Paul, B. Charbotel
Surveillance of work-related road accidents in France, 2014 and 2015
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J. Brière, B. Gadegbeku, E. Amoros, B. Charbotel
Number and reporting of blood exposure accidents in the medical staff
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A. Massardier-Pilonchéry, T. Battail, E. Fort, M.-A. Denis, J.-B. Fassier
What are the specific characteristics of the work and health of temporary workers in the Hauts-de-France region?
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F. Tone, R. Leroy, B. Leroyer, A. Leroyer, Groupe régional Hauts de France des médecins du travail suivant les Intérimaires
Mortality in lead and zinc smelter workers in Northern France: first results
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A. Leroyer, H. Gomajee, R. Leroy, M. Mazzuca, C. Nisse
Study of inter- and intra-individual variability in the measurement of oxidative stress biomarkers for validation for biomonitoring in environmental and occupational health
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M. Hemmendinger, M. Graille, T. Ben Rayana, N. Hopf, J.-J. Sauvain, G. Suárez, I. Guseva Canu
Impact of working conditions on blood pressure in the VISAT cohort
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S. Huo Yung Kai, J.-B. Ruidavets, J.-C. Marquié, V. Bongard, J. Ferrieres, Y. Esquirol
Drug consumption in a cohort of workers from the Toulouse area in 2016
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C. Gernigon, J. Othenin, A. Michaud, F. Vayr, V. Rousseau, E. Montastier, M. Lapeyre-Mestre, M. Niezborala, F. Hérin
Occupational risk factors for head and neck cancer in the French West Indies
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A. Auguste, L. Michineau, J. Deloumeaux, C. Joachim-Contaret, S. Duflo, D. Luce
Spatio-temporal pattern of lumbar herniated disc surgery in the French working-age population from 2006 to 2014
Page :82
S. Smaïli, J. Plaine, E. Chazelle
Work-related diseases among large-scale food retailing employees in France–2009-2016 results
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A. Fouquet, M. Robert, J.M. Wendling, M. Léonard, E. Boiselet, L. Garras, S. Smaïli, J. Homère, E. Sambany, J. Chatelot
Psychosocial risks’ evaluation among the workers of Claude Bernard Univesity Lyon 1: Identification of at-risk populations
Page :83
J.G. Hahn, A. Paul, E. Fort, Y. Bridaï, B. Charbotel
Upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders: How many cases can be prevented? Estimates from the Cosali cohort for the Pays de la Loire region
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A. Nambiema, J. Bodin, N. Fouquet, S. Bertrais, A. Aublet-Cuvelier, S.R. Stock, A. Descatha, Y. Roquelaure
In which industry sectors the epidemiological surveillance at the company level should be promoted? Usefulness of a composite score
Page :84
F. Moisan, K. Chami
Assessment of determinants of occupational exposure to particulate matter in the underground railway areas and resulting oxidative stress
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T. Ben Rayana, M. Hemmendinger, N. Méthy, A. Debatisse, V. Jouannique, J.-J. Sauvain, N. Hopf, G. Suarez, J. Pralong, P. Wild, B. Guinhouya, I. Guseva Canu
Atlas in occupational health in French regions. A synthesis
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M. Telle-Lamberton
Can psychiatric and somatic comorbidities explain the excess mortality by suicide in certain occupational groups in Switzerland?
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M. Schmid, L. Michaud, N. Bovio, I. Guseva Canu, Suisse National Cohort (SNC)
Occupational risk factor in Occitanie: Description per employment zone
Page :86
S. Cassadou, M. Astorg, E. Gardiès, F. Cayla
Realization of a shared diagnosis of occupational health in cartographic form
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P. Bossi, S. Garcia, C. Levrat-Pinatel, M. Delaunay
Presentation of the first elements of the territorial diagnostic of Ametra Montpellier
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C. Bernardet, B. Celik, F.-X. Lesage
Using business software for epidemiological data collection: Example of IODA project (Uselessness in Occitanie: diagnosis and analyses)
Page :87
S. Cassadou, groupe opérationnel du projet IODA
Health and job retention: How to take age-related issues into account?
Page :87-88
Serge Volkoff, Sophie Fantoni-Quinton
Return to work after a cardiovascular disease
Page :88
Michel Galinier, Yolande Esquirol
Page :89-95
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