Vol 41 - N° 8 - août 2020
P. 507-574Société nationale française de médecine interne (SNFMI)
Pagina :i
Pagina :e15
Health crisis and reflexive crisis: The medical perspective in times of epidemic
Pagina :507-509
J. Galtier, E. Rivière
Nasopharyngeal carriage of SARS-CoV-2 among health personnel with symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 in a University Hospital in the Paris suburbs
Pagina :510-516
S. Greffe, F. Espinasse, C. Duran, S. Labrune, M. Sirol, B. Mantalvan, M.C. Gramer, C. Babulle, G. Do Rosario, Q. Vauvillier, A. Huet, A. Van der Heidjen, J. Tysebaert, L.F. Kramarz, J.-P. Rabes, G. Pellissier, T. Chinet, F. Moreau, E. Rouveix
Illnesses unrelated to systemic sclerosis (IUSS) diagnosed throughout the patient's follow-up in a referral center: A cohort of 200 patients
Pagina :517-522
C. Lepart, S. Ardois, M. Bismut, A. Ballerie, C. Cazalets, G. Coiffier, P. Jego, N. Belhomme, A. Lescoat
Microscopic colitis
Pagina :523-528
P. Rivière, F. Zerbib
How to formalise the supervision of learning of clinical reasoning
Pagina :529-535
Elie Cogan, Hubert Maisonneuve, Marc Leeman, Jean-Christophe Goffard, Estelle Michelet, Marie-Claude Audétat
Introduction to debriefing for internists: how to transform real or simulated clinical situations into learning moments
Pagina :536-544
J. Galland, M. Jaffrelot, S. Sanges, J.P. Fournier, J. Jouquan, G. Chiniara, É. Rivière
Functional immunoassays in the setting of infectious risk and immunosuppressive therapy of non-HIV immunocompromised patients
Pagina :545-551
M. Boccard, C. Albert-Vega, W. Mouton, I. Durieu, K. Brengel-Pesce, F. Venet, S. Trouillet-Assant, F. Ader
Fatal intracerebral hemorrhage in a patient with chronic neutrophilic leukemia: About one case and literature review
Pagina :552-558
L. Talon, B. de Renzis, M. Fiore, L. Sanhes, A.-F. Sapin, M. Berger, T. Sinègre, A. Lebreton
Development of sarcoma on a ectopic extramedullary hematopoiesis secondary to hereditary spherocytosis: Case report and literature review
Pagina :559-561
S. De Almeida Chaves, S. Le Guellec, G. Pugnet, L. Astudillo, L. Sailler, G. Moulis
An abscessed granulomatous prostatitis
Pagina :562-566
K. Chevalier, J. Ferreira, D. Cabral, M. de Laroche, T. Hanslik, J.-E. Kahn
Perirenal masses
Pagina :567-568
Eve Calvar, Antoine Hankard, Gwenola Maigne, Thierry Lobbedez, Achille Aouba, François Maillot, Alexandra Audemard-Verger
Heavy eyelids
Pagina :569-570
L. Trefond, V. Rieu, V. Grobost, A.-S. Resseguier, A. Lemaire, G. Le Guenno, M. Ruivard
In patient with symptomatic peripheral arterial disease who had undergone lower-extremity revascularization, does rivaroxaban 2.5?mg twice daily plus aspirin reduce the composite risk of acute limb ischemia, major amputation for vascular causes, myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke or cardiovascular death compared to aspirin alone while being safe?
Pagina :571-572
L. Lanthier, G. Huard, M.-E. Plourde, M. Cauchon
Viewpoint of recent articles
Pagina :573-574
C. Baverez, P. Quentric, L. Azoyan, F. Cohen Aubart, A. Roeser
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