Vol 99 - N° 8S - décembre 2013
P. S387-S432© Elsevier Masson SAS
Travaux de la Société Française d'Arthroscopie
Pagina :i
Pagina :v
Pagina :S387
P. Boisrenoult
Pagina :S388
J. Deranlot, P.-H. Flurin, P. Hardy, S. Klouche, la Société française d’arthroscopie (SFA) c
Pagina :S393
P.-H. Flurin, P. Hardy, P. Abadie, P. Desmoineaux, J. Essig, T. Joudet, C. Sommaire, C.-E. Thelu, la Société française d’arthroscopie (SFA) h
Pagina :S401
P.-H. Flurin, P. Hardy, P. Abadie, P. Boileau, P. Collin, J. Deranlot, P. Desmoineaux, M. Duport, J. Essig, A. Godenèche, T. Joudet, J. Kany, C. Sommaire, C.-E. Thelu, P. Valenti, Société française d’arthroscopie (SFA) l
Pagina :S407
J. Kany, P.-H. Flurin, G. Richardi, P. Hardy, la Société française d’arthroscopie (SFA) d
Pagina :S413
D. Dejour, P. Ferrua, P.G. Ntagiopoulos, C. Radier, C. Hulet, F. Rémy, J. Chouteau, F. Chotel, P. Boisrenoult, A. Sebilo, S. Guilbert, D. Bertin, F.-P. Ehkirch, V. Chassaing, la Société française d’arthroscopie (SFA) j
Pagina :S422
S. Guilbert, V. Chassaing, C. Radier, C. Hulet, F. Rémy, J. Chouteau, F. Chotel, P. Boisrenoult, A. Sebilo, P. Ferrua, F.P. Ehkirch, D. Bertin, D. Dejour, Société française d’Arthroscopie (SFA) l
Current concept for the use of PRP in arthroscopic surgery
Pagina :S430
G. Nourissat, D. Mainard, F. Kelberine, Société française d’arthroscopie (SFA) d
Pagina :S431
S. Guillo, T. Bauer, J.W. Lee, M. Takao, S.W. Kong, J.W. Stone, P.G. Mangone, A. Molloy, A. Perera, C.J. Pearce, F. Michels, Y. Tourné, A. Ghorbani, J. Calder
Index d’Acromial : corrélations avec l’étendue IRM des ruptures de la coiffe
Pagina :e1
A. Ahmed, A. Ghandour, T. Ghandour, W. Samir
Biomechanical study of rotator cuff tear repair: Transosseous fibertape vs transosseous suture vs double-row anchors
Pagina :e1
S. Hinse, J. Ménard, D.M. Rouleau, M. Beauchamp, F. Canet
Does the use of tape sutures decrease the risk of abrasion on cuff tendon? A biomechanical study in sheep model
Pagina :e2
J. Deranlot, n. Maurel, G. Nourissat
Analyse prospective des lésions sous-scapulaires supérieures : la réparation contre simple débridement
Pagina :e2
P. Arrigoni, R. d’Ambrosi, R. Compagnoni, P. Spennacchio, C. Fossati, P. Randelli
Should we repair rotator cuff tear in patients aged over 60 years? A prospective, randomized and comparative study about 103 patients, at an average follow-up of 4 years
Pagina :e2
A. Jacquot, C. Dezaly, F. Sirveaux, D. Molé
Is immediate arthroscopic stabilization a good option in young athletes with first time anterior shoulder dislocation? Preliminary report of a prospective comparative study
Pagina :e3
J. Uhring, S. Rochet, P.-B. Rey, L. Obert
La forme et l’épaisseur du ligament croisé antérieur sur toute sa longueur. Une étude cadavérique
Pagina :e3
A.-D. Georgoulis, A. Gousia, N.-K. Paschos, E. Triantafyllidi
Méthode radiographique pour déterminer les facteurs de risque de rupture du LCA chez les athlètes en fonction de la morphologie osseuse
Pagina :e4
H. Pereira, M. Fernandes, R. Pereira, A. Monteiro, J.-M. Oliveira, R.-L. Reis, P. Pinheiro, J. Espregueira-Mendes
Improvement of anterior cruciate ligament injuries diagnostic by combined measurements of anterior and rotational laxity
Pagina :e4
C. Mouton, D. Theisen, H. Agostinis, C. Nührenbörger, D. Pape, R. Seil
Preliminary experience on the set up of an intrahospital register for anterior cruciate ligament injuries
Pagina :e5
C. Mouton, D. Theisen, H. Agostinis, C. Nührenbörger, D. Pape, R. Seil
Cross-cultural validation of a scale to measure the psychological impact of returning to sport following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery: The ACL-RSI
Pagina :e5
Y. Bohu, S. Klouche, N. Lefevre, K. Webster, S. Herman
Prospective comparative assessment of ambulatory surgery feasibility in the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Pagina :e5
N. Lefevre, Y. Bohu, S. Klouche, M.-A. Ettori, S. Herman
Reducible valgus flat foot: Analysis of induced displacement at the posterior subtalar joint
Pagina :e6
F. Dujardin, F. Duparc, X. Roussignol, N. Tarissi
Articular surfaces abrasion quality in tibio-talar arthroscopic arthrodesis. A cadaver study
Pagina :e6
J. Lebhar, M. Andrieu, H. Thomazeau, D. Huten, E. Berton, M. Ropars
Tibiotalar arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis: Outcome assessment and radiologic study of bone fusion
Pagina :e7
F. Basselot, M. Andrieu, H. Thomazeau, D. Huten, R. Guillin, M. Ropars
Reconstruction des lésions ostéochondrales de l’astragale avec greffe autologue spongieuse et chondrogenèse autologue induite par matrice (AMIC)
Pagina :e7
M. Wiewiorski, V. Valderrabano
Anatomical study of an original arthroscopic assessment for injuries to the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis
Pagina :e8
I. Tourabaly, J. Langlois, P. Hardy, T. Bauer
Endoscopic retromalleolar groove deepening for treatment of peroneal tendons dislocation
Pagina :e8
T. Bauer, P. Hardy
Anatomic study comparing the femoral tunnel postion in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with three different technique: In-Out, Outside-In with anteromedial aiming, Outside-In with antero-lateral aiming. A cadaveric Study
Pagina :e8
O. Reynaud, E. Servien, P. Neyret, J.-B. Pialat
How accurate are anatomic landmarks for femoral tunnel positioning in ACL reconstruction? An imaging study analysis comparing anteromedial portal and outside-in techniques
Pagina :e9
E. Pansard, G. Vardi, E. Greeff, S. Klouche, P. Hardy, M. Ferguson
Evaluation of intra-articular ACL length with computer assisted navigation. Can simple clinical parameters be predictive of the length?
Pagina :e9
P. Colombet, T. Williams
Pain evaluation after all-inside anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Results of a prospective randomized study
Pagina :e10
H. d’Astorg, J. Deranlot, H. Benea, S. Klouche, P. Hardy
Evaluation of Genourob arthrometer compared to KT1000 in the assessment of isolated anterior laxity
Pagina :e10
R. Rousseau, P. Djian, M. Michnowski
Comparaison arthrométrique des réparations simple faisceau du LCA « horizontale » ou « verticale »
Pagina :e10
M. Denti, P. Arrigoni, R. Compagnoni, C. Fossati, P. Spennacchio, P. Randelli
Clinical and MRI features of the arthroscopic treatment of acromio-clavicular dislocation using a double button device
Pagina :e11
P. Loriaut, B. Dallaudiere, E. Desportes, P.-E. Moreau, T. Rouanet, P. Massin, P. Boyer
Axial reduction of the clavicle after acromioclavicular dislocation arthroscopically treated by coracoclavicular double button device. Results at a minimum of 24 months
Pagina :e11
Q. Tribot Laspierre, F. Aim, N. Pujol, P. Boisrenoult, P. Beaufils
Does clavicular resection influence functional results of endoscopic treatment of acromio-clavicular arthritis? A radio-clinic study of 18 cases with TDM and mean follow-up of 4 years
Pagina :e12
W. Kim, A. Deniel, A. Fournier, R. Guillin, M. Ropars, H. Thomazeau
Hill–Sachs measurements: Description of the clock method
Pagina :e12
L. Garant-Saine, F. Canet, E. Sandman, D. Rouleau
Biomechanical effects after shoulder remplissage procedure in shoulder instability: Does technique matter?
Pagina :e13
R. Aswad, S. Coutié, P. Riera
Subscapularis muscle division for the arthroscopic bone block: Do we have intra-articular landmarks to do a split at the lower third? A cadaveric study
Pagina :e13
T. Kishi, A. Iserin, G. Nourissat
Is there any interest in the study of postural control and gait pattern in postoperative evaluation after ACL reconstruction: Preliminary study
Pagina :e13
P. Chaudier, A. Bertani, G. Tondeur, L. Have, F. Rongiéras, L. Mathieu
Impact of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in adolescence on 3D Knee kinematic variability
Pagina :e14
L. Ayoubian, G. Grimard
Neurovascular anatomic relationships to arthroscopic posterior and trans-septal portals in different knee positions
Pagina :e14
N. Agrawal, G. Basdekis, P. Djian, G. Makridis, A. Wajsfisz
Anatomical study of the benchmarks for two techniques of pie-crusting of the MCL during a partial medial meniscectomy
Pagina :e15
N. Bouguennec, A. Meyer, N. Graveleau
Pie-crusting of the superficial medial collateral ligament of the knee at the distal tibial insertion: Arthroscopic anatomical study with measure of the opening at the medial femoro tibial compartment
Pagina :e15
X. Roussignol, O. Courage, F. Dujardin, F. Dujardin, F. Duparc, C. Mandereau
Rotational profile alterations after anatomic posterolateral corner reconstruction in multiligament injured knees
Pagina :e15
N. Tardy, C. Mouton, P. Boisrenoult, D. Theisen, P. Beaufils, R. Seil
Multiligament-injured knees involving medial side lesions : Long term results of one step treatment strategy
Pagina :e16
P. Teissier, N. Tardy, N. Pujol, P. Beaufils, P. Boisrenoult
Midterm results of combined surgical procedure to treat extension deficit of knee joint by arthroscopic anterior arthrolysis and posterior open release
Pagina :e16
J.-M. Fayard, N. Tardy, B. Sonnery-Cottet, M. Thaunat, P. Chambat
Étude clinique prospective randomisée comparant les résultats à 24 mois des techniques AMIC ® associées ou non avec de la moelle osseuse concentrée (cBMA)
Pagina :e17
L. de Girolamo, C. Bait, H. Schoenhuber, M. Cervellin, A. Quaglia, G. Thiebat, P. Volpi
Autologous chondrocyte graft (Cartipatch ® ) versus mosaicplasty in chondral lesions of the femoral condyle. Clinical trial stage III
Pagina :e17
H. Robert, J.-F. Potel, F. Dubrana, E. Servien, C. Bussiere, D. Mainard, C. Hulet, G. Versier
Meniscal tear diagnosis: Are clinical examination and imaging reliable?
Pagina :e18
K. Bouattour, M. Khlifa, M. Jdidi, K. Maaref, L. Zouari, I. Bougmiza, M. Mseddi, J. Dahmene
A central medial tibial plateau bone bruise: A new MRI sign of medial meniscus posterior root avulsion in adolescent
Pagina :e18
B. Sonnery-Cottet, F. Gadea, R. Chatellard, J.-M. Fayard, M. Thaunat, J. Clechet
Utilisation combiné de Silk-Fibroin/Gellan Gum Methacrylated hydrogel dans les approches d’ingénierie tissulaire pour le remplacement partiel et/ou total des ménisques tout en permettant le contrôle de la néovascularisation
Pagina :e18
H. Pereira, J. Silva-Correia, L.-P. Yan, A. Oliveira, J.-M. Oliveira, J. Espregueira-Mendes, R. Reis
Platelet rich plasma in conjunction with open meniscal repair of horizontal cleavage in young patients. Preliminary results at minimum 1 year
Pagina :e19
N. Pujol, E. Salle de Chou, P. Boisrenoult, P. Beaufils
Ancres bicorticales, un nouveau principe : étude mécanique dans les cadavres
Pagina :e19
A. Eberhardt, R. Foster, R. Griffin, J. Lesley, B. Ponce, J. Savage, H. Silva
Arthroscopic anatomy of the middle glenohumeral ligament: Is it a possible cause of subscapularis tendon lesion?
Pagina :e20
P. Collotte, L. Nove-Josserand
Imaging prospective study of diagnosis brachial biceps lesion
Pagina :e20
Q. Tribot-Laspiere, G. Nourissat, F. Aïm, C. Radier
Clinical and radiological results of a prospective serie of 53 antero-superior rotator cuff tear repaired by arthroscopy
Pagina :e20
P. Valentia, J. Kany, J. Garret, J. Abarcca, T. Moraiti, A. Maqdes
Comparison of the clinical and radiological outcome after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair in patients younger than 50 or older than 70 years old: A prospective multicenter study
Pagina :e21
C. Moraiti
Efficacy of multimodal analgesic drugs injection combined with corticosteroids after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
Pagina :e21
A. Perdreau, T. Joudet
Arthroscopic reduction and internal fixation of intra-articular distal radius fracture: Do we achieve the anatomical goal?
Pagina :e22
M. Burnier, G. Herzberg, Y. Izem, S. Joulie
Minimally invasive approach and wrist arthroscopy for distal radius articular fractures: Case series of 20 patients
Pagina :e22
A. Zemirline, C. Taleb, F. Lebailly, S. Gouzou, S. Facca, P. Liverneaux
Arthroscopic bone graft for scaphoid non-union
Pagina :e22
E. Vernet, M. Levadoux, C. Mathoulin
Functional results of Bennett fractures: Arthroscopically assisted percutaneous fixation versus surgical approach
Pagina :e23
G. Pomares, C. Stugarek-Lecoanet, T. Jager, F. Dap, G. Dautel
Responsibility of extrinsec ligaments lesion in the scapholunate instability. Prospective arthroscopic analysis. About 85 complete testings
Pagina :e23
E. Camus, L. Van Overstraeten
The prevalence of dorsal wrist capsule tears in 100 patients having wrist arthroscopy for wrist pain
Pagina :e24
A. Cambon-Binder, C. Mathoulin
Evolution of indications for the treatment of anterior shoulder instability in a specialized university hospital orthopaedic department over a span of 17 years. Interest of an “à la carte” treatment
Pagina :e24
C. Duysens, C. Bessière, C. Trojani, P. Boileau
Does the ISIS remain a reliable prognostic assessment at a long-term follow up?
Pagina :e25
O. Boughebri, C. Dib, P. Valenti
Arthroscopic Bankart shoulder stabilization: Return to play and functional results in 46 athletes at 2 years mean follow-up
Pagina :e25
A. Gerometta, S. Klouche, P. Hardy
Do standard X-rays underestimate ISIS bony lesions? Analysis of the Gerber X-Index
Pagina :e25
Y. Chammai, P. Hardy, J.-F. Kempf, S. Klouche, A. Maqdes, L. Regis
Latarjet procedure: Comparative short-term study of arthroscopic versus mini-invasive approach
Pagina :e26
B. Marion, J. Deranlot, S. Klouche, G. Nourissat, P. Hardy
Bone healing of the coracoid bone block using double button fixation
Pagina :e26
P. Gendre, C. Thélu, C. Bessière, T. d’Ollonne, C. Trojani, P. Boileau
Meniscal scaffold: 2 years clinical outcome and MRI assesment
Pagina :e27
B. Faivre, N. Pujol, P. Boisrenoult, P. Beaufils
Meniscal substitute named Actifit. A Breizh challenge of 18 cases
Pagina :e27
C. Baynat, P. Buisson, F.-X. Gunepin, J.-C. Moynot, A. Perhoc, P. Schiele
Partial meniscectomy and suture of meniscocapsular desinsertion for discoid meniscus in children
Pagina :e27
J. Bérard, F. Chotel, P. Greiner, S. Raux
Évaluation d’un protocole de rééducation accélérée après réparation méniscale
Pagina :e28
J. Deszczynski, R. Jopowicz, K. Slynarski, M. Wernicka, J. Desczynski, A. Stolarczyk
Comparaison des évaluations échographique et arthroscopique du genou : une étude de cohorte prospective. Une étude de cohorte prospective
Pagina :e28
B. Dobosz, J. Dutka, P. Skowronek, T. Sorysz
Seven years follow up after treatment of objective patellar instability with deepening sulcus trochleoplasty
Pagina :e28
P. Ntagiopoulos, P. Ferrua, P. Byn, D. Dejour
Anatomical study on the interest of the hyperextension internal rotation test of the shoulder, in the analysis of anterior gleno humeral instability
Pagina :e29
T. Lafosse, L. Lafosse
Évaluation de la dégradation à long terme des ancres en poly-lactide co-glycolide/B-tricalcium phosphate utilisées pour la réparation des lésions de Bankart. Étude prospective
Pagina :e29
R. Compagnoni, P. Arrigoni, P. Spennacchio, C. Fossati, P. Randelli
Short term complications of the arthro-Latarjet procédure
Pagina :e30
G. Nourissat, G. Ciais, R. Tiemtore, S. Augouard
Evaluation of the dynamic effect of the shoulder bone block procedure (Latarjet)
Pagina :e30
P. Hardy, A. Meyer, J. Rigal
Development and preliminary results of an original “Arthroscopic Trillat Procedure” in the treatment of chronic anterior shoulder instability
Pagina :e30
P.-Y. Reybet-Degat, L. Labattut, P. Martz, P. Trouilloud, E. Baulot
How to stabilize the shoulder in the case of massive and unreparable rotator cuff tear or hyperlaxity?
Pagina :e31
P. Boileau, M.-B. Hardy, C. Bessière, C. Thélu, D. Schwarz
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