Vol 109 - Numéro 8 Supplément 1 - décembre 2023
P. S179-S354© Elsevier Masson SAS
Travaux de la Société Francophone d'Arthroscopie
Pagina :i
Pagina :iii
Pagina :vii
The Francophone Arthroscopy Society at the service of scientific publication
Pagina :S179
Thomas Bauer, Bertrand Sonnery-Cottet, Philippe Clavert
Construction and validation of a functional diagnostic score in anterior cruciate ligament ruptures of the knee in the immediate post-traumatic period. Preliminary results of a multicenter prospective study
Pagina :S181
François-Xavier Gunepin, Romain Letartre, Caroline Mouton, Pierrick Guillemot, Harold Common, Patricia Thoreux, Rémi Di Francia, Nicolas Graveleau, Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie (SFA)
The frequency of medial meniscal repairs in stable knees during one year of arthroscopic activity (2021–2022) – comparison with a retrospective study (prior to 2017)
Pagina :S190
Marie Laure Louis, Henri Favreau, Gaelle Maroteau, Kevin Benad, César Praz, Olivier Carnessechi, Sammy Badr, Teddy Trouillez, Djebara Az-Eddine, Simon Pelletier, Benjamin Freychet, Vincent Pineau, Sophie Putman, la Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie (SFA)
Medial meniscal repair in stable knees: Survival rate and risk factors for failure at a minimum of 5 years
Pagina :S195
Simon Pelletier, Azeddine Djebara, Benjamin Freychet, Olivier Carnessechi, Nicolas Graveleau, Marie-Laure Louis, Kevin Benad, Cesar Praz, Gaëlle Maroteau, Sammy Badr, Teddy Trouillez, Henri Favreau, Vincent Pineau, Sophie Putman, Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie (SFA)
Rehabilitation protocol after suturing the medial meniscus of a stable knee, a retrospective series of the Francophone Arthroscopy Society
Pagina :S202
Henri Favreau, Gaelle Maroteau, César Praz, Matthieu Ehlinger, Olivier Carnesecchi, Kevin Benad, Marie-Laure Louis, Az-Eddine Djebara, Nicolas Graveleau, Benjamin Freychet, Sammy Badr, Simon Pelletier, Vincent Pineau, Sophie Putman, Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie (SFA)
High tibial osteotomy is equally effective for varus malaligned knees with either virgin or wrecked medial meniscus: An age and gender matched secondary analysis of a Francophone Arthroscopy Society Symposium
Pagina :S207
Ahmed Mabrouk, Matthieu Ollivier, Jean-marie Fayard, Cécile Batailler, Nicolas Bougennec, Nicolas Tardy, Goulven Rochcongar
Better clinical outcomes and faster weight bearing after medial opening-wedge high tibial osteotomy using allogeneic than synthetic graft: A secondary analysis of a Francophone Arthroscopy Society Symposium
Pagina :S215
Jae-Sung An, Nicolas Bouguennec, Cécile Batailler, Nicolas Tardy, Goulven Rochcongar, Jean-Marie Frayard, Matthieu Ollivier, Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie (SFA)
Tenotomy or tenodesis versus conservation of the long head of the biceps tendon in the repair of isolated supraspinatus tears: A systematic review of the literature
Pagina :S222
Rémy Vigié, Nicolas Bonnevialle, Kevin A. Hao, Julien Berhouet, Christophe Charousset, Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie (SFA)
Can artificial intelligence help decision-making in arthroscopy? Part 1: Use of a standardized analysis protocol improves inter-observer agreement of arthroscopic diagnostic assessments of the long head of biceps tendon in small rotator cuff tears
Pagina :S231
Rayane Benhenneda, Thierry Brouard, Franck Dordain, François Gadéa, Christophe Charousset, Julien Berhouet, et la Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie (SFA)
Can artificial intelligence help decision-making in arthroscopy? Part 2: The IA-RTRHO Model – a decision-making aid for long head of the biceps diagnoses in small rotator cuff tears
Pagina :S237
Rayane Benhenneda, Thierry Brouard, Christophe Charousset, Julien Berhouet, Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie (SFA)
Methods to analyse the long head of the biceps in the management of distal ruptures of the supraspinatus tendon. Part 1: The concept of the “biceps box”: Dynamic Rotator Interval Approach. Incidence of lesions of the long head of the biceps tendon
Pagina :S247
François Gadéa, Franck Dordain, Johan Merbah, Christophe Charousset, Julien Berhouet, la Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie (SFA)
Methods of analyzing the long head of the biceps tendon in the management of distal supraspinatus tendon ruptures. Part 2: The role and validation of an arthroscopic exploration protocol of the long head of the biceps tendon
Pagina :S254
Franck Dordain, François Gadéa, Christophe Charousset, Julien Berhouet
Return to sport after surgery for osteochondral lesions of the talar dome. Results of a multicenter prospective study on 58 patients
Pagina :S259
Ronny Lopes, Thomas Amouyel, Jonathan Benoist, Nicolas De L’Escalopier, Guillaume Cordier, Benjamin Freychet, Nicolas Baudrier, Victor Dubois Ferrière, Frédéric Leiber Wackenheim, Didier Mainard, Giovany Padiolleau, Olivier Barbier, et la Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie
Five-year clinical follow-up of arthroscopically treated chronic ankle instability
Pagina :S264
André Thès, Michael Andrieu, Guillaume Cordier, François Molinier, Jonathan Benoist, Fabrice Colin, Marc Elkaïm, Olivier Boniface, Stéphane Guillo, Thomas Bauer, Ronny Lopes, Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie (SFA)
What happens to endoscopic/arthroscopic tenotomies with iliopsoas impingement in the medium-term? Review of a prospective cohort of 64 patients with a minimum follow-up of 5 years
Pagina :S270
Pierre-Jean Lambrey, Nicolas Bonin, Mathieu Thaunat, Jean-Emmanuel Gédouin, Xavier Flecher, Michael Wettstein, Willaume Guicherd, Nicolas Prevot, Olivier May, Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie (SFA)
Radiological signs of femoroacetabular impingement are linked to pelvic version in asymptomatic subjects
Pagina :S276
Rémy Coulomb, Jeffrey Michaud, Étienne Maury, Nicolas Bonin, Nicolas Krantz, Olivier May, Mathieu Thaunat, Maxence Bordes, Nicolas Tardy, Pierre Martz, Jean-Emmanuel Gedouin, Emeline Chapron, Pascal Kouyoumdjian, la Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie (SFA)
Treatment of scaphoid nonunion by arthroscopic cancellous bone grafting
Pagina :S283
Marion Burnier, François Loisel, Ludovic Ardouin, Violaine Beauthier, Alexandre Durand, Lionel Erhard, André Gay, Mathilde Gras, Olivier Mares, Jean-Michel Cognet, Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie (SFA)
The influence of the sacral slope on pelvic kinematics and clinical manifestations in femoroacetabular impingement
Pagina :S291
Maxence Bordes, Mathieu Thaunat, Etienne Maury, Nicolas Bonin, Olivier May, Nicolas Tardy, Pierre Martz, Jean-Emmanuel Gedouin, Pascal Kouyoumdjian, Nicolas Krantz, Rémy Coulomb, et la Société Francophone d’Arthrostropie (SFA)
Respective function of the structures of the medial side on the control of anterior translation and rotations of the knee. Cadaveric study of 24 knees
Pagina :S297
Baptiste Guegan, Michel Drouineau, Harold Common, Henri Robert
No differences between continuous and separate grafts for anatomical ALL reconstruction when combined with ACL reconstruction: a retrospective cohort study from the SANTI study group
Pagina :S297
Thomas Ripoll, Andre Giardino, Samy Saoudi, Antoine Noguero, Romain Nicolle, Victor Maris, Camillo Helito, Etienne Cavaignac
Comparaison de trois techniques de reconstruction du point d’angle postéro-externe : étude cadavérique
Pagina :S298
Charles Pioger, Nicolas Pujol, Pierre-Alban Bouché, Thomas-Xavier Haen
ACL revision. Review of a series of 49 patients
Pagina :S298
Ahmed Zemmouri
Modified extra-articular lemaire plasty does not improve static or dynamic anterior laxity in ACL reconstruction
Pagina :S299
Nicolas Cance, Tomas Pineda, Michael Dan, Guillaume Demey, David Dejour
Combined ACL and ALL procedure : Learning curve analysis of the 108 first cases at one year follow up
Pagina :S299
Malo Buisson, Charles Kajetanek, Alexandre Zadem
LCA double faisceau associé une plastie antéro-latérale chez les patients à haut risque en échec du LCA : résultats cliniques et radiologiques
Pagina :S300
Chih-Hao Chiu, Cheng-Pang Yang
Orthopaedic surgery and ecology: state of practices, interest and knowledge of members of the Francophone Arthroscopy Society (Société Francophone d’Arthroscopie)
Pagina :S300
Sylvain Guy, Jean-Baptiste De Villeneuve Bargemon, Laetitia Bordes, Emilie Bilichtin
Revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with quadriceps tendon and lateral extra-articular tenodesis : mid-to long-term clinical, radiological and functional results
Pagina :S301
Sammy Kassab Hassan, Guillaume Odri, Patrick Djian
Incidence radiographique de l’arthrose du genou après une reconstruction isolée du LCA ou une reconstruction combinée du LCA et du LAL
Pagina :S301
Thais Dutra Vieira, Jobe Shatrov, Benjamin Freychet, Graeme Hopper, Benoit Coulin, Abdo El Helou, Jae-Sung An, Bertrand Sonnery-Cottet
Comparaison entre les résultats cliniques de la reconstruction isolée du LCA et de la reconstruction combinée du LCA et du LAL guidée par l’échographie peropératoire. Une étude cas-témoins de 292 patients appariés par score de propension
Pagina :S302
Thomas Ripoll, Thais Dutra Vieira, Victor Marris, Samy Saoudi, Romain Nicolle, Antoine Noguera, Vincent Marot, Emilie Berard, Etienne Cavaignac
The normal value for the static anterior tibial translation is 1.31 mm in control population
Pagina :S302
Michael Dan, Nicolas Cance, Tomas Pineda, Guillaume Demey, David Dejour
A non-weight bearing protocol after ACL reconstruction improves residual anterior tibial translation
Pagina :S303
Iacopo Romandini, Nicolas Cance, Michael J. Dan, Tomas Pineda, Oriane Satin, Benoit Pairot De Fontenay, Guillaume Demey, David H. Dejour
Influence of residual anterior laxity on functional outcomes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Pagina :S303
Florent Gaillard, Emilien Michel, Leonard Duporte, Louis Dagneaux
Management of postoperative pain after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: cryotherapy with dynamic versus static compression.
Pagina :S304
Adrien Zampieri, Antoine Labouyrie, Romain Letartre
Results of fascia lata anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using an arthroscopic harvesting technique.
Pagina :S304
Karim Ami Moussa, Mohamed Ahmed Lazar
The long peroneal tendon: Graft quality and donor site morbidity
Pagina :S304
Ahmed Zendeoui, Hichem Abid, Mouadh Nefiss, Moatassem Jlassi, Hedi Ezzine, Anis Tborbi
Ultrasonographic and surgical validation of a formula estimating pes anserinus position according to height
Pagina :S305
Sylvain Guy, Sébastien Parratte, Corentin Pangaud, Christophe Jacquet, Jean-Noël Argenson, Matthieu Ollivier
Influence of the femoral intercondylar notch morphology on the positionning of femoral tunnel during ACL reconstruction by in/out technique
Pagina :S305
Tariq Aldugman, Louis Dagneaux, Florent Gaillard, François Canovas
Influence of patient size on the intra articular length of the graft in ACL reconstruction
Pagina :S306
Antoine Labouyrie, Adrien Zampieri, Romain Letartre
GNRB® laximeter with magnetic resonance imaging in clinical practice for partial Anterior Cruciate Ligament tears detection : A prospective diagnostic study with arthroscopic validation on 214 patients
Pagina :S306
Théo Cojean, Cécile Batailler, Henri Robert, Laurence Cheze
A sustainability consideration for graft selection in ACL reconstruction
Pagina :S307
Karam Karam, Mohamad Moussa, Eugenie Valentin, Alain Meyer, Yoann Bohu, Antoine Gerometta, Olivier Grimaud, Nicolas Lefevre, Alexandre Hardy
Long-term outcomes after arthroscopic posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using LARS
Pagina :S307
Arthur Guignard
Signs of the hooked posterior cruciate ligament and the lateral collateral ligament to evaluate knee decompensation after ACL injury
Pagina :S308
Caroline Mouton, Jakub Oronowicz, Charles Pioger, Jérôme Valcarenghi, Thomas Tischer, Romain Seil
Knee anterior laxity and graft ligamentization after transphyseal anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Pagina :S308
Franck Accadbled, Timothé Lescot
Persistance d’un déficit d’activation neuro musculaire du membre inférieur à 3 ans de recul après une reconstruction du LCA
Pagina :S309
Jérôme Murgier, Bertrand Garet, Bruno Vinciguerra, Guillaume Zunzarren
Incidence et facteurs de risque de l’inhibition musculaire arthrogène dans les lésions aiguës du ligament croisé antérieur : une étude transversale et une analyse des facteurs associés
Pagina :S309
Thais Dutra Vieira, Bertrand Sonnery-Cottet, Graeme Hopper, Lampros Gousopoulos, Charles Pioger, Mathieu Thaunat, Jean-Marie Fayard, Benjamin Freychet, Etienne Cavaignac, Adnan Saithna
What functional and IRM results can be expected after one year of a multiligament knee surgery
Pagina :S309
Pierre-Henri Vermorel
Management of multi-ligament knee injury by autograft in a trauma center: 50 cases
Pagina :S310
Bruno Dias Da Silva, Haroun Bouhali, Auriane Pourchot, Lucas Chanteux, Patrick Boyer, Marc-Antoine Rousseau
Functional results of multi-ligament knee reconstruction
Pagina :S310
Malek Ben Chaalia, Montassar Wadie, Hamdi Ziadi, Wael Lahssini, Mohamed Amine Bennour
Femoral tunnel positioning in isolated MPFL reconstruction does not influence long term clinical outcomes and patellofemoral osteoarthritis
Pagina :S311
Olivier Joris, Stanislas Gunst, Jobe Shatrov, Cécile Batailler, Elvire Servien, Sebastien Lustig
Résultats à moyen terme du traitement des défects ostéochondraux du genou par greffe osseuse et chondrogenèse induite par matrice autologue
Pagina :S311
Vasileios Mitrousias, George Chalatsis, Freideriki Panteliadou, Stella Stergiadou, Athanasios Siouras, Michael Hantes
Augmentation of the varus tibial and the patellar height in tibial deflexion osteotomy
Pagina :S312
Nicolas Cance, Michael Dan, Tomas Pineda, Guillaume Demey, David Dejour
The target tibial slope after a tibial deflection osteotomy associated with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction should be 4–6° to protect the graft
Pagina :S312
Michael Dan, Nicolas Cance, Tomas Pineda, Guillaume Demey, David H. Dejour
The effect of supra-tuberosity tibial deflexion osteotomy on patellar height
Pagina :S313
Guillaume Demey, Guillaume Mesnard, Edoardo Giovannetti De Santis, Mo Saffarini, David Dejour
Clinical outcomes of different managements of medial meniscus type 3 ramp lesions in ACL reconstruction : a comparative analysis between all-inside repair, suture hook repair and left in situ lesions
Pagina :S313
Rayane Benhenneda, Adrien Saint-Etienne, Thais Dutra Vieira, Jean-Marie Fayard, Mathieu Thaunat
Repair of meniscal ramp lesions through a posteromedial portal during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: Outcome study with a minimum 10 years follow-up
Pagina :S314
Luca Tanel, Mathieu Thaunat, Bertrand Sonnery-Cottet, Pierre Jean Lambrey, Adrien Portet, Antoine Vincent, Thais Dutra Vieira, Nicolas Jan, Jean Marie Fayard
Favorable long term results after meniscal suture without debridment. A single center study with a 10-year follow-up
Pagina :S314
Jean-Yves Jenny, Ceyran Hamoudi, Pierre Antoine Deborde
Analytic study of risk factors of ramp lesion
Pagina :S315
Mahdi Ghénaiet, Redouane Si Larbi, Nacim Soal, Abdelkader Chikhi
Meniscal lesions associated with ACL ruptures older than 2 years : incidence, mapping and types
Pagina :S315
Hichem Abid, Mohamed Youssef Souayah, Anis Tborbi, Hedi Ezzine, Mouadh Nefiss
Scientific misconduct in surgery : Study of articles submissions to the OTSR journal and meta-analysis
Pagina :S315
Henry Coudane, Olivier Jarde, Jane L. Danan
Similar functional results after associated ACL and postérolateral root reconstruction compared to isolated ACL reconstructions at 2 years follow up
Pagina :S316
Corentin Pangaud, Thomas Bard, Alexandre Ferreira, Matthieu Ollivier, Christophe Jacquet
Our experience with meniscal-wall ultrasound-guided infiltration of corticoid for stable degenerative meniscal lesion
Pagina :S316
François Duprat, Dany Mouarbes, Marie Faruch-Bilfeld, Vincent Marot, Emilie Berard, Etienne Cavaignac
Repair of the bucket-handle meniscus tear using the IN-OUT suture technique : Our experience
Pagina :S317
Hichem Abid, Anis Bousrih, Anis Tebourbi, Ramzi Bouzidi, Khelil Ezzaouia, Mouadh Nefiss
Radial traumatic lesions of the lateral meniscus on a stable knee: Results of repairs at a minimum of 2 years follow-up
Pagina :S317
Rayane Benhenneda, Mohamed Allaji, Jean-Marie Fayard, Mathieu Thaunat, Bertrand Sonnery-Cottet
Incidence et facteurs de risque des lésions du ménisque médial au moment de la reconstruction du LCA: analyse de 4697 genoux
Pagina :S318
Thais Dutra Vieira, Giurazza Giancarlo, Adnan Saithna, Jae-Sung An, Lahsika Mohammed, Joao Pedro Campos, Guier Christian A., Bertrand Sonnery-Cottet
Treatment of meniscal cysts by excision under arthroscopy
Pagina :S318
Omar Rajillah, Nicolas Pujol, Pierre Denis-Aubrée
Transplantation du ménisque: est-ce qu’une ligamentoplastie du ligament croisé antérieur concomitante affecte les résultats cliniques ?
Pagina :S318
Vasileios Mitrousias, George Chalatsis, Stella Stergiadou, Freideriki Panteliadou, Athanasios Siouras, Michael Hantes
Does AI improve the performance of MRI detection of menisco-ligamentous lesions of the knee by the clinician?
Pagina :S319
Julien Behr, Charles Grob, Pascal Zille, d’Assignies Gaspard, Guillaume Herpe, Catalin Zavastin, Nicolas Pujol, Christophe Nich
Radial head resection with arthroscopy of the elbow
Pagina :S320
Olivier Mares, Yassine Chaouqui
Comparaison des résultats fonctionnels d’une réparation Inlay versus Onlay du tendon distal du biceps par endobouton : cas-témoins
Pagina :S320
Pieter Pierreux, Yacine Carlier
Performance des lanceurs des ligues majeures de baseball retournant à la compétition après avoir subi une opération chirurgicale de reconstruction du ligament collatéral ulnaire
Pagina :S321
Yi Lu, Chih-Hao Chiu
Design of a 3D Printed wrist arthroscopy simulator
Pagina :S321
Axel Koehly, Alexandre Quemener-Tanguy, Safire Ballet, Laurent Obert, Thomas Fradin, François Loisel
Simple acute postero-lateral elbow instabimity: A historical perspective
Pagina :S322
Pierre Laumonerie
Inter intra observer evaluation of arthroscopic classifications of scapholunate ligament injurie
Pagina :S322
Camille Bouteille, Marion Burnier, François Loisel
An algorithm for functional test battery after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Pagina :S323
Benoit Pairot de Fontenay, Alexandre Germain, Thomas Chamu, Quentin Giaccomazzo, Guillaume Demey, David Dejour, Timothée Gillot
Three percent of the patients pass a functional test battery 6 months after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Pagina :S323
Benoit Pairot de Fontenay, Alexandre Germain, Thomas Chamu, Quentin Giaccomazzo, David Dejour
Return to soccer after ACL repair : A retrospective study on amateur soccer players.
Pagina :S324
Alessandro Carrozzo, Alessandro Annibaldi, Vito Caiolo, Andrea Ferretti, Edoardo Monaco
Residual anterior laxity after ACL reconstruction does not correlate with apprehension on sport recovery according to the ACL-RSI score in a cohort of amateur athletes
Pagina :S324
Florent Gaillard, Alicia Chen, Guillaume Karl, Louis Dagneaux, Francois Canovas
Does the composite evaluation test with isokinetic analysis, jump tests and ACL-RSI at 6 months after ACL reconstruction reduce the rate of re-rupture at the medium follow up ?
Pagina :S325
Thibault Marty Diloy, Pierre Laboudie, Nicolas Graveleau, Nicolas Bouguennec
The untested dimension in return to sport (RTS) after ACL reconstruction: Better patient-surgeon and patient-physiotherapist relationships are associated with higher rate of RTS at the same pre-injury level
Pagina :S325
Mohamad Moussa, Nicolas Lefevre, Eugénie Valentin, Zeinab Khalaf, Alain Meyer, Olivier Grimaud, Yoan Bohu, Antoine Gerometta, Frédéric Khiami, Alexandre Hardy
Correlation between ACL-RSI at six months postoperatively and clinical and functional outcomes after ACL reconstruction: about 498 patients at more than 4 years mean follow up
Pagina :S326
Thibault Marty Diloy, Pierre Laboudie, Nicolas Graveleau, Nicolas Bouguennec
Is early quadriceps muscle inhibition after ACL reconstruction an associated factor of running level in the military?
Pagina :S326
Diane Di Gioia, Bernard De Geofroy, Romain Mourtialon, Thibault Battut, Samir Chaouche, Philippe Candoni, Emmanuel De Landevoisin, Ammar Ghabi
Predictive radiological parameters of failure following surgical management of femoroacetabular impingement associated with borderline acetabular dysplasia
Pagina :S327
Constant Foissey, Mathieu Thaunat, Abid Hichem, Antoine Cazor, Pierre Martinot
Prospective randomized comparative trial evaluating the interest of capsular closure after interportal capsulotomy in the arthroscopic treatment of femoroacetabular impingement by cam or mixed effect
Pagina :S328
Francesco Manzini, Augustin le viguelloux, Willaume Guicherd, Nicolas Bonin
Functional and muscle strength evaluation after endoscopic tenotomy of the iliopsoas muscle for iliopsoas impingement following total hip replacement
Pagina :S328
Mathieu Thaunat, Adrien Portet, Mathieu Repelin Santy
Validation of the Parisian Hamstring Avulsion Score (PHAS) in the evaluation and follow-up of patients operated for proximal hamstring avulsion
Pagina :S329
Sammy Kassab Hassan, Nicolas Lefevre, Eugenie Valentin, Yoann Bohu, Antoine Gerometta, Alain Meyer, Olivier Grimaud, Alexandre Hardy
Fatty degeneration evaluated by MRI at 1 year postoperatively is associated with worsened UCLA and Tegner scores, after proximal hamstring avulsion reinsertion
Pagina :S329
Sammy Kassab Hassan, Nicolas Lefevre, Eugenie Valentin, Yoann Bohu, Antoine Gerometta, Alain Meyer, Alexandre Hardy
Arthroscopic treatment of acetabular chondropathy by autologous minced cartilage transplantation: First results at minimum one year follow-up
Pagina :S330
Michel Rahme
Retrospective study comparing cartilage suturing to coblation stabilization in Beck 3 labrocartilaginous lesions associated with femoroacetabular impingement
Pagina :S330
Pierre-Jean Lambrey, Luca Tanel, Adrien Portet, Mathieu Thaunat
Preliminary results of endoscopic shelf acetabuloplasty: A 6-month follow-up study of 10 cases
Pagina :S330
Pierre-Jean Lambrey, Adrien Portet, Luca Tanel, Mathieu Thaunat
Risk factors for rerupture and optimal timing for surgery post-proximal hamstring avulsion injury
Pagina :S331
Kinan Freiha, Nicolas Lefevre, Mohamad Moussa, Eugenie Valentin, Yoan Bohu, Alain Meyer, Alexandre Hardy
The “Chair Signs”: A preliminary semiological study on a set of sitting abnormalities in patients with proximal hamstring avulsion injury
Pagina :S331
Mohamad Moussa, Nicolas Lefevre, Eugenie Valentin, Hasan Basri Sezer, Yoan Bohu, Alain Meyer, Alexandre Hardy
Short-term functional outcomes of Whiteside transfers for massive gluteus medius tendon rupture on the native hip
Pagina :S332
Mathieu Thaunat, Adrien Portet
A comparison of outcomes after endoscopic repair of partial- versus full-thickness tears of the gluteus medius tendon
Pagina :S332
Benoit de Saint Vincent, Mathieu Thaunat
Five-year outcomes of endoscopic tenotomy for iliopsoas tendinopathy following total hip arthroplasty
Pagina :S333
Julien Erard, Roxana Viamont-Guerra, Sonia Ramos-Pascual, Mo Saffarini, Nicolas Bonin
Return to play after surgical repair of proximal hamstring complex injuries in professional athletes: A prospective study
Pagina :S333
Mohamad Moussa, Nicolas Lefevre, Eugenie Valentin, Alain Meyer, Yoan Bohu, Antoine Gerometta, Frederic Khiami, Olivier Grimaud, Zeinab Khalaf, Alexandre Hardy
Assessment of strength and function 3 months after arthroscopy for femoro-acetabular impingement syndrome
Pagina :S334
Benoit Pairot de Fontenay, Joévin Burnel, Nicolas Bonin, Gilles Griffon-Renaud, Wuillaume Guicherd, Guillaume Servant, Thomas Chamu
Comment les patients sont-ils influencés lorsqu’ils sont conseillés pour un Latarjet arthroscopique ou ouvert ? Un modèle par étapes évaluant les informations essentielles pour la prise de décision
Pagina :S334
Blaise Cochard, Sean Ho, Nicolas Bonneviale, Hugo Bothorel, Alexandre Lädermann
S-spoRTS: Discriminatory power of shoulder scores to predict return to sport in the early phase after anterior stabilization. Advantage to subjective scores
Pagina :S335
Anselme Billaud, Sara Verhaeghe, François Segretin
Arthroscopic Trillat for anterior shoulder stabilization in athletes: Results of 74 patients
Pagina :S335
Floriane Moore, Ludovic Labattut, Thomas Chauvet, Alice Bordet, Pierre Martz
Activation cérébrale liée à l’appréhension de l’épaule chez les patients présentant une instabilité glénohumérale. Un suivi à 10 ans
Pagina :S336
Blaise Cochard, Grégory Cunningham, Alexandre Lädermann
DAS – the missing piece in treating shoulder instability with subcritical bone loss
Pagina :S336
Philippe Collin, Shri Kapilan, Alexandre Lädermann
Superior capsule reconstruction with the long biceps associated with partial rotator cuff repair: Prospective analysis with minimum 2 years of follow-up
Pagina :S336
Émilie Mathieu, Hugo Barret Barret, Mathieu Girard, Pierre Mansat, Nicolas Bonnevialle
Arthroscopic revision cuff repair for early failure: Should we repair again?
Pagina :S337
Michel Azar, Mikael Chelli, Pascal Boileau, Nicolas Bonnevialle, Laurent Nové-Josserand
Does biceps tenodesis with SCR effect improve healing in massive cuff tears? Comparative study by MRI
Pagina :S337
Tewfik Benkalfate
Comparaison des résultats cliniques et radiologiques entre les ruptures antérieures et postérosupérieure de la coiffe des rotateurs : y a-t-il une différence ?
Pagina :S338
Alexandre Lädermann, Mustafa Rashid, Jeanni Zbinden, Tiago Martinho, Philippe Collin
Taux de guérison des déchirures de la coiffe des rotateurs – les traumatiques vont-elles vraiment mieux que les dégénératives ?
Pagina :S338
Alexandre Lädermann, Jeanni Zbinden, Tiago Martinho, Alberto Guevara, Philippe Collin
Isolated biceps tenotomy/tenodesis for massive irreparable rotator cuff tear: Survival and long-term results (minimum 10 years)
Pagina :S339
Pierre Alban Bouché, Jules Descamps, Mikaël Chelli, Michel Azar, Christophe Trojani
The IA-RTRHO model for help decision making for the diagnosis of the long head of the biceps status in small rotator cuff tears
Pagina :S339
Rayane Benhenneda, Thierry Brouard, Franck Dordain, François Gadéa, Christophe Charousset, Julien Berhouet
The role of bone morphology of the greater tuberosity and lateral acromion on subacromial space during scaption: A three-dimensional dynamic simulation analysis
Pagina :S340
Alejandro Culebras, Rodrigo Brandariz, Caecilia Charbonnier, Alexandre Lädermann, Gregory Cunningham
Modèle prédictif du résultat fonctionnel après réparation de la coiffe des rotateurs à l’aide de méthodes d’apprentissage automatique. Une étude pilote
Pagina :S340
Patrick Denard, Alexandre Lädermann, Philippe Collin
Stiffness after cuff repair and quality of postoperative follow-up using a standardized self-rehabilitation protocol
Pagina :S341
François Saade, Jean-Pierre Liotard, Florent Borel, Gabriel Franger, Laurent Nové-Josserand, Lionel Neyton, Philippe Collotte, Gilles Walch, Arnaud Godenèche
Paramètres de l’offset physiologique de l’épaule dans la population asiatique : étude IRM
Pagina :S341
Liang-Tseng Kuo, Hung-Yi Huang, Chu-Hsiang Hsu
Différence de sommeil subjective-objective chez les patients présentant des lésions de la coiffe des rotateurs : une étude d’actigraphie
Pagina :S341
Poyu Chen, Chih-Hao Chiu
Predicting good clinical outcomes after repair of recurrent rotator cuff tears: Iterative cuff repair predictive score
Pagina :S342
Maxime Antoni, Yacine Carlier, Mikaël Chelli, Jean-David Werthel, Laurent Nove-Josserand, Nicolas Bonnevialle
Résultats à minimum 10 ans de recul des reprises de réparation de la coiffe des rotateurs
Pagina :S343
Justine Fleurette, Jean-David Werthel, Marion Besnard, Luc Favard, Pascal Boileau, Nicolas Bonnevialle, Laurent Nove-Josserand
Description of preoperative care pathways for adults over 40 years of age undergoing isolated acromioplasty in 2022 using SNDS data
Pagina :S343
Christel Conso, Adeline Degremont, Sabine Trellu, Catherine Bisquay, Marie-Martine Lefevre-Colau, Jordane Saunier, Pierre Gabach, Valérie Ertel-Pau, Pierre-Alain Jachiet
Long-term results (> 10 years) of the guided arhroscopic Latarjet procedure with double button fixation
Pagina :S344
Valentina Greco, Jules Descamps, Mikaël Chelli, Christophe Trojani, Pascal Boileau
Does hyperselection of patients reduce the risk of recurrence of instability after isolated arthroscopic Bankart? Paired case-control series of anterior instabilities at 6 years and 9 months follow-up
Pagina :S344
Clémentine Rieussec, Johannes Barth, Juan Cassinelli, Mati Hoffman, Clément Horteur
Should screw removal be considered as a complication of Latarjet procedure? A retrospective series of 692 cases of anterior instabilities at 6.5 years follow-up
Pagina :S345
Clémentine Rieussec, Johannes Barth, Juan Cassinelli, Mati Hoffman, Clément Horteur
Épaule douloureuse et dnstable postérieure : un stade précoce de subluxation postérieure statique ? Description clinique et morphométrique avec résultats arthroscopiques à deux ans minimum
Pagina :S345
Julien Chamoux, Caroline Cointat, Pascal Boileau, Jean-François Gonzalez, Marc-Olivier Gauci
La réparation capsulaire est-elle importante pour les micromouvements résiduels après le Latarjet ? Un essai prospectif avec contrôle externe
Pagina :S346
Alexandre Lädermann, Philippe Collin, Sylvain Chagué, Caecilia Charbonnier
What methods should be used to measure glenoid bone loss in chronic anterior shoulder instability? Study of a medical device evaluating virtually induced glenoid bone loss
Pagina :S346
Hugo Barret, Floor lambers
Assessment of glenoid bone defect in anterior glenohumeral instability, Bernageau Incidence versus arthro-CT and implications in the diagnostic approach
Pagina :S347
Pierre-Louis Coulet, Louis Lajoinie, Lisa Peduzzi, Francois Sirveaux
Long-term results of anterior stabilisation of the shoulder using the arthroscopic bankart repair and hill sachs remplissage
Pagina :S347
Dimitri Bakhach
Comparison of ligamentoplasty by auto versus allograft for chronic AC dislocation
Pagina :S348
Philippe Teissier, Jacques Teissier, Adriano Toffoli, Anthony Marquant, Yannick Cloquell
Vancomycin-soaking of the graft reduces the incidence of septic arthritis following arthroscopic anatomical ATFL and CFL reconstruction
Pagina :S348
Sammy Kassab Hassan, Gregoire Rougereau, Eugenie Valentin, Sacha Jehan, Thomas Bauer, Nicolas Baudrier, Alexandre Hardy
Endoscopic flexor hallucis longus transfer with double fixation: Outcomes of 39 patients at a mean follow-up of 29 months (6–46)
Pagina :S349
Pierre Jean Fauquette, Thomas Amouyel, Alexis Thiounn
Allografts for anatomic ligament reconstruction in chronic lateral ankle instability: A biomechanical study
Pagina :S349
Marianne Helix, Solenne Frey Ollivier, Barbara Piclet, Lolita Micicoi, Delphine Amsellem
Result of the AMIC® method in the treatment of osteochondral lesions of the dome of the talus
Pagina :S350
Matthieu Peras, Émilie Bilichtin, Camille Choufani, Alexandre Caubere, Olivier Barbier
Clinical result of percutaneous ligamentoplasty in medial Lisfranc sprain: About 12 cases
Pagina :S350
Sébastien Tomes
Allografts for anatomic ligament reconstruction in chronic lateral ankle instability: A biomechanical study
Pagina :S350
Philippe Corentin, Didier Mathon, Sophie Palierne, François Lintz, David Ancelin
Le score Ankle Ligament Reconstruction-Return to Sport After Injury (ALR-RSI) est un outil valide et reproductible pour évaluer la préparation psychologique après réparation du tendon d’Achille
Pagina :S351
Elie Shitrit, Eugénie Valentin, Thomas Bauer, Ronny Lopes, Yoann Bohu, Nicolas Baudrier, Gauthier Rauline
Evaluation of the MRI integration of tendon autografts in the anatomic ligament reconstruction of the lateral plane of the ankle, at a minimum follow-up of one year
Pagina :S351
David Ancelin, Philippe Corentin
MRI evaluation of ATFL ligamentization after anatomical surgical reconstruction with a hamstring graft
Pagina :S352
Émilie Bilichtin, Marie-Eva Rollet, Grégoire Rougereau, Arnaud de Rousiers, Marc Elkaïm, Benoit Rousselin, Thomas Bauer, Alexandre Hardy
Analyse tridimensionnelle des ligaments latéraux de la cheville : étude anatomique
Pagina :S352
Guillaume Cordier, Gustavo Araujo Nunes, Laura Martinez, Jordi Vega, Raquel Sanchez Moreno, Miki Dalmau-Pastor
Reinforcement of the calcaneofibular ligament by L-Brace technique under arthroscopy: Anatomical study
Pagina :S353
Frédéric Leiber-Wackenheim, Marie Pierret
Advantages of ultrasound identification of the distal insertion of the calcaneofibular ligament during ligament reconstructions
Pagina :S353
Julien Beldame, Christel Charpail, Fabrice Duparc
Comparative prospective study between anatomic arthroscopic ligamentoplasty and L brace ligamentoplasty at 6 month follow-up
Pagina :S353
Sébastien Tomes
Return to sport after ankle ligament surgery using a minimally invasive technique with gracilis autograft
Pagina :S354
Guillaume Mirouse, Hervé Silbert, Remy Dross
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