Vol 109 - N° 1 - février 2023
P. 1-174© Elsevier Masson SAS
Pagina :i
Pagina :iv
Progress in impact factor, separation of Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research from Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique , and blinding of peer review
Pagina :1-2
Philippe Clavert, Henri Migaud
Pagina :3-5
Orthopaedic and trauma surgery in the time of COVID-19 in France: A nationwide survey
Pagina :6-13
Audrey Angelliaume, Yohan Legallois, Edouard Harly, Julien Dartus, Pierre Lavignac, Pierre-Emmanuel Chammas, Pierre Meynard, le Collège des Jeunes Orthopédistes (CJO), la Société française de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique (SOFCOT), la Société française d’orthopédie pédiatrique
The impact of confinement on orthopaedic and trauma surgical activity
Pagina :14-18
Jeremy Allia, Gaya Ait Saada, Nicolas Bronsard, Jean-François Gonzalez, Pascal Boileau, Christophe Trojani
The proximal femur fracture epidemic continued during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of an observational study
Pagina :19-23
Solène Prost, Mathieu Carissimi, Andrés Muñoz McCausland, Patrick Tropiano, Jean-Noël Argenson, Benjamin Blondel
Has the COVID lockdown altered the incidence and management of fragility fractures in older adults? Case-control study at a French University Hospital
Pagina :24-29
Adrien Runtz, Loïc Sleiman, Alizé Dabert, Laurent Obert, Patrick Garbuio, Isabelle Pluvy, François Loisel
Descriptive analysis of pediatric orthopedic surgical emergencies during the COVID-19 lockdown: Single-center observational study in a pandemic red-zone area in France
Pagina :30-35
Anne-Laure Simon, Sammy Kassab Hassan, Florence Julien-Marsollier, Adèle Happiette, Pascal Jehanno, Jean-Gabriel Delvaque, Brice Ilharreborde
Pediatric traumatology in “green zone” during Covid-19 lockdown: A single-center study
Pagina :36-40
Manon Bolzinger, Guillaume Lopin, Franck Accadbled, Jérôme Sales de Gauzy, Roxane Compagnon
The impact of COVID-19 on hand surgery: A French retrospective comparative study in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 hand trauma centers
Pagina :41-47
Inès Regas, Marine Pichonnat, Isabelle Pluvy, Laurent Obert, Philippe Bellemère, Camilo Chaves, François Loisel
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic context on the microbiological epidemiology and management of flexor sheath phlegmons
Pagina :48-53
Pierrick Pirbakas, Charlotte Gabriel, Jacques Donatien, Lucian Stratan, Guillaume Odri, Stéphane Plawecki, Mathieu Pierre Severyns
How was spinal surgery activity maintained during the COVID-19 pandemic? Results of a French multicenter observational study
Pagina :54-58
Benjamin Blondel, Solène Prost, Dominique Chaussemy, Yann Mohsinaly, Soufiane Ghailane, Hughes Pascal-Moussellard, Richard Assaker, Cédric Barrey, Olivier Gille, Yann-Philippe Charles, Stéphane Fuentes
Evaluation of a smartphone application for self-rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction during a COVID-19 lockdown
Pagina :59-64
Paul-Henri Bauwens, Jean-Marie Fayard, Maxime Tatar, Hichem Abid, Benjamin Freychet, Bertrand Sonnery-Cottet, Mathieu Thaunat
Satisfaction and feasibility of videoconsultation (VC) in orthopaedic and trauma surgery in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: Prospective study of 783 patients
Pagina :65-72
Alexis Perrin, Nicolas Mainard, Marc Limousin, Eric Meyer, Franck Remy, Guillaume Strouk, Laurène Norberciak, Pierre-Emmanuel Ridon
Will videoteleconsultation have been just a stop-gap in French orthopedics-traumatology? A national survey of 280 surgeons
Pagina :73-79
Pierre-Jean Lambrey, Nicolas Mainard, Sahara Graf, Boni Armand Elegbe, Alexis Perrin
Mid-term results of titanium conical wagner stem with challenging femoral anatomy: Survivorship and unique bone remodeling
Pagina :80-89
Maged Shahin, Vincent Massé, Étienne Belzile, Luc Bédard, Michèle Angers, Pascal-André Vendittoli
Survival and radioclinical evaluation of the Optimys™ short stem at more than 6 years’ mean follow-up: A retrospective study of 108 cases
Pagina :90-98
Matthieu Gabrion, Simon Rattier, Emile Blondin, Audrey Michaud, Patrice Mertl, Antoine Gabrion
Correlation between shape-closed femoral stem design and bone cement implantation syndrome in osteoporotic elderly femoral neck fracture undergoing cemented hip arthroplasty: a retrospective case-control study in 128 patients
Pagina :99-100
Kulapat Chulsomlee, Sasichol Prukviwat, Panithan Tuntiyatorn, Satetha Vasaruchapong, Noratep Kulachote, Norachart Sirisreetreerux, Thiraphat Tanphiriyakun, Pongsthorn Chanplakorn, Paphon Sa-ngasoongsong
Does the bone mineral density measured on a preoperative CT scan before total hip arthroplasty reflect the bone's mechanical properties?
Pagina :101-108
Nicolas Gaujac, Elhadi Sariali, Quentin Grimal
Hip resurfacing for small-sized osteonecrosis: 73 cases at a median 8 years’ follow-up
Pagina :109-114
Pierre Martinot, Théo Martin, Julien Dartus, Emeline Cailliau, Sophie Putman, Henri Migaud, Julien Girard
Cementless metal-on-metal versus ceramic-on-polyethylene hip arthroplasty in under 50-year-olds with 20 to 22 years’ follow-up: Was it a good idea to abandon the small-diameter metal-on-metal bearing?
Pagina :115-119
Matthieu Grelier, Pierre Martinot, Julien Dartus, Henri Migaud, Sophie Putman, Julien Girard
Are CPR (Contact Patch to Rim) distance anomalies associated with the occurrence of abnormal noises on ceramic on ceramic THA?
Pagina :120-126
Jérémy Sarrazin, Marion Halbaut, Pierre Martinot, Sophie Putman, Henri Migaud, Julien Girard
Wear rate and osteolysis in two types of second-generation annealed highly cross-linked polyethylene in total hip arthroplasty: A retrospective comparative study with a minimum of five years
Pagina :127
Naoki Yamamoto, Ryohei Takada, Tetsuya Jinno, Kazumasa Miyatake, Naoto Watanabe, Hideyuki Koga, Toshitaka Yoshii, Kazuyoshi Yagishita, Atsushi Okawa
Liner type has no impact on bone mineral density changes around a 3D printed Trabecular Titanium acetabular component
Pagina :128
Antonio Klasan, Ali Bayan, Ian Holdaway, William J. Farrington
Doctor, what does my ceramic-on-ceramic hip arthroplasty weigh?
Pagina :129-135
Simon Marmor, Emmanuel De Panafieu, Antoine Mouton, Wilfrid Graff, Vincent Le Strat, Luc Lhotellier, Younes Kerroumi, Emmanuel Gibon
Does acetabular robotic-assisted total hip arthroplasty with femoral navigation improve clinical outcomes at 1-year post-operative? A case-matched propensity score study comparing 98 robotic-assisted versus 98 manual implantation hip arthroplasties
Pagina :136-145
Rémy Coulomb, Valentin Cascales, Vincent Haignere, François Bauzou, Pascal Kouyoumdjian
Combined kinematic cup alignment reduces the rate of impingement and edge loading compared to mechanical and anatomical alignment. An in-vitro case-control study
Pagina :146-152
Thomas Aubert, Pierre-Alban Bouche
C-Nail® locking nail versus conventional plate for thalamic calcaneal fractures
Pagina :153-159
Guillaume Le Roux, Guillaume David, Patrick Cronier, Jean Brilhault, Louis Rony
Talo-Navicular and Calcaneo-Cuboid Fusion with PEEK H-pode™ vs. Titanium Maxlock™ locking plates: comparison of functional and radiographic outcomes
Pagina :160-167
Julien Roger, Michel-Henri Fessy, Jean-Luc Besse
Subtalar and talonavicular arthrodesis under lateral arthroscopy
Pagina :168-172
Juliette Fradet, Ronny Lopes
Pagina :173
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