Vol 106 - N° 8 - décembre 2020
P. 911-1054© Elsevier Masson SAS
Pagina :i
Pagina :v
Scientific medical publication. Ongoing change benefits and risks: Predatory journals
Pagina :911-913
Sébastien Zilber, Hervé Maisonneuve, Henri Migaud, Philippe Clavert, Philippe Beaufils
Rate of publication in predatory journals by orthopedic surgeons members of the French Orthopedic and Traumatology Society (SOFCOT): A follow-up note
Pagina :914-918
Julien Dartus, Marc Saab, Pierre Martinot, Sophie Putman, Roger Erivan, Patrick Devos
Bibliometric analysis of case report citations and their effect on the impact factor: How does publishing case reports impact journals ?
Pagina :919-923
Roger Erivan, Julien Dartus, Guillaume Villatte, Pierre Sylvain Marcheix, Stéphane Descamps, Stéphane Boisgard
Do bibliometric findings differ between Medline, Google Scholar and Web of Science? Bibliometry of publications after oral presentation to the 2013 and 2014 French Society of Arthroscopy (SFA) Congresses
Pagina :924-929
Guillaume Villatte, Pierre-Sylvain Marcheix, Maxime Antoni, Patrick Devos, Stéphane Descamps, Stéphane Boisgard, Roger Erivan
Want a better h-index? – All you need to know about copyright and open access
Pagina :930-936
Janelise Favre, Tania Germond, Philippe Clavert, Philippe Collin, Aude Michelet, Alexandre Lädermann
Neck-sparing short femoral stems: A meta-analysis
Pagina :937
Sivan Sivaloganathan, Cédric Maillot, Ciara Harman, Loic Villet, Charles Rivière
Mid-term gender-specific differences in periprosthetic bone remodelling after implantation of a curved bone preserving hip stem
Pagina :938-939
J.S. Meyer, T. Freitag, H. Reichel, R. Bieger
Mid-term results of 119 Taperloc Microplasty™ femoral stems after a mean 61 months (50–82) of follow-up
Pagina :940-945
Dominique Saragaglia, Benoît Orfeuvre
Return to work after hip resurfacing
Pagina :946-949
Pierre Martinot, Julien Dartus, Sophie Putman, Julien Girard
High-level judo practice after hip resurfacing
Pagina :950-953
Harold Common, Romain Rousseau, Sophie Putman, Henri Migaud, Julien Girard
Fatty muscle infiltration of the hip lateral rotator muscles following direct anterior minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty
Pagina :954-960
Martin Cailleaud, Matthieu Lalevée, Jean Matsoukis, Julien Beldame, Marion Masse, Fabien Billuart, Stéphane Van Driessche
Minimally invasive posterolateral hip approach with SPARTAQUUS (Spare the Piriformis And Respect The Active QUadratus femoris and gluteus mediUS) technique
Pagina :961-964
Romain Gérard, Joël Savéan, Christian Lefèvre
Fast track protocol for primary total hip arthroplasty in non-trauma cases reduces the length of hospital stay: Prospective French multicenter study
Pagina :965-970
Aymard de Ladoucette, Patrice Mertl, Marc-Pierre Henry, Nicolas Bonin, Philippe Tracol, Cyril Courtin, Jean-Yves Jenny, la Société Française de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique (SoFCOT)
Bleeding and thromboembolism risk of standard antithrombotic prophylaxis after hip or knee replacement within an enhanced recovery program
Pagina :971-977
Jean-Yves Jenny, Yassine Bulaid, Philippe Boisrenoult, Nicolas Bonin, Pierre Henky, Philippe Tracol, Julien Chouteau, Cyril Courtin, Marc-Pierre Henry, Claude Schwartz, Patrice Mertl, Aymard de Ladoucette, la Société française de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique (SofCOT)
Does hip or knee joint replacement decrease chances to complete an ultra-trail race? Study in participants at the Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc®
Pagina :978-983
Michaël Rochoy, Julien Six, Jonathan Favre, Nicolas Lagrange, Jean-Marc Lefebvre, Jean-Charles Rollier, Julien Girard
Periacetabular osteotomy vs. total hip arthroplasty in young active patients with dysplastic hip: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Pagina :984
Chul-Ho Kim, Ji Wan Kim
Does prior core decompression have detrimental effect on subsequent total hip arthroplasty for osteonecrosis of the femoral head: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Pagina :985-986
Wang Deng, Zhaolun Wang, Yixin Zhou, Hongyi Shao, Dejin Yang, Hua Li
Does augmented core decompression decrease the rate of collapse and improve survival of femoral head avascular necrosis? Case-control study comparing 184 augmented core decompressions to 79 standard core decompressions with a minimum 2 years’ follow-up
Pagina :987-995
Pierre Martinot, Julien Dartus, Arthur Justo, Hicham Riouach, Paul Cremer, Charles-Henri Flouzat-Lachaniette, Philippe Luc Kerboull, Philippe Chiron, la Société française de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique (SoFCOT)
Proximal femoral morphology after transtrochanteric posterior rotational osteotomy for osteonecrosis of the femoral head: A three-dimensional simulation study
Pagina :996-997
Mingjian Xu, Goro Motomura, Satoshi Ikemura, Ryosuke Yamaguchi, Takeshi Utsunomiya, Shoji Baba, Koichiro Kawano, Yasuharu Nakashima
Treatment of femoroacetabular impingement by arthroscopy versus anterior mini-open approach: Case-control study of a continuous series of 91 cases at a mean 4.6 years’ follow-up
Pagina :998-1004
Pierrre Martinot, Teddy Trouillez, Julien Dartus, Sophie Putman, Julien Girard, Henri Migaud
Stabilization of the distal radioulnar joint by reconstructing the interosseous membrane's distal oblique bundle: Cadaver study
Pagina :1005-1012
Laurent Delbast, Jean-Baptiste Pic, Thibault Marty-Diloy, Jérôme Dimet, Cédric Lepetit
Long-term radiological changes and functional outcomes after proximal row carpectomy: Retrospective study with 3 years’ minimum follow-up
Pagina :1013-1019
Charles Bijon, Marc Saab, Thomas Amouyel, Nadine Sturbois-Nachef, Elvire Guerre, Christophe Chantelot
Modification of matched distal ulnar resection for distal radio-ulnar joint arthropathy: Analysis of distal instability and radio-ulnar convergence
Pagina :1020-1026
Hugo Barret, Cyril Lazerges, Pierre-Emmanuel Chammas, Benjamin Degeorge, Bertrand Coulet, Michel Chammas
Differences in patient and injury characteristics between sports- and non-sports related distal radius fractures
Pagina :1027
In-Tae Hong, Jun-Ku Lee, Cheungsoo Ha, Seongmin Jo, Pei Wei Wang, Soo-Hong Han
Isoelastic resurfacing prosthesis for distal radius fractures: Outcomes in 24 cases with at least 2 years follow-up
Pagina :1028-1033
Antoine Martins, Priscille Lazarus, Sybille Facca, Stéphanie Gouzou, Nicolas Meyer, Philippe Liverneaux
Minimally invasive anterior plate osteosynthesis of the distal radius: A 710 case series
Pagina :1034-1040
Paul Vernet, Stéphanie Gouzou, Juan José Hidalgo Diaz, Sybille Facca, Philippe Liverneaux
Is pronator quadratus repair necessary to improve outcomes after volar plate fixation of distal radius fractures? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Pagina :1041
Fenglei Shi, Lixia Ren
Ulnar-sided carpometacarpal fractures and fractures-dislocations. A systematic review and publication guidelines
Pagina :1042-1049
Camilo Chaves, Thierry Dubert
Analysis of the Anatomical Factors Associated with Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Pagina :1050
Sang Ki Lee, Seok Young Hwang, Sung Gul Kim, Won Sik Choy
The “Trigonometric Technique” for simple measurement of volar angulation in boxers’ fractures
Pagina :1051
Guido Wierer, Fabian Plachel, Philipp W. Winkler, Teresa Grossauer, Michael Quirchmayr, Thomas Hoffelner, Philipp Moroder
À propos de : «Factors associated with mortality due to trochanteric fracture. A cross-sectional study » de M. Velez, U. Palacios- Barahona, M Paredes-Laverde, JA Ramos-Castaneda, publié dans Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2020 Feb;106(1):135–139
Pagina :1052-1053
Christian Buesaquillo, Daniel Pérez, Jose Andres Calvache
Reply to the letter by C. Buesaquillo, D. Pérez, J. A. Calvache
Pagina :1053
Mario Velez, Uriel Palacios-Barahona, Marcela Paredes-Laverde, Jorge A. Ramos-Castaneda
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