Vol 105 - N° 8 - décembre 2019
P. 913-1070© Elsevier Masson SAS
Pagina :i
Pagina :iv
Bibliometrics. Why talk about that?
Pagina :913-914
Philippe Beaufils
Bibliometric evaluation of orthopaedics and traumatology publications from France: 20-year trends (1998–2017) and international positioning
Pagina :915-926
Julien Dartus, Marc Saab, Roger Erivan, Nicolas Reina, Matthieu Ollivier, Patrick Devos
Publication output of French orthopedic and trauma surgeons: Quantitative and qualitative bibliometric analysis of their scientific production in orthopedics and other medical fields
Pagina :927-934
Marc Saab, Julien Dartus, Roger Erivan, Nicolas Reina, Matthieu Ollivier, Patrick Devos
Full-text publication rate of studies reported as 2013 SoFCOT Meeting Abstracts
Pagina :935-940
Roger Erivan, Julien Dartus, Nicolas Reina, Matthieu Ollivier, Guillaume Villatte, Marc Saab, Patrick Devos
Publication rate of abstracts presented at the Congress of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT)
Pagina :941
Matthias Trost, Fabian Langer, Philipp Lechler, Friederike Schröder, Mark Wetterkamp, Tobias Ludger Schulte, Peer Eysel, Christoph Kolja Boese
Pagina :942-946
Roger Erivan, Guillaume Villatte, Matthieu Ollivier, Nicolas Reina, Stéphane Descamps, Stéphane Boisgard
Publication rate of young surgeons. Survey among the French National College of Young Surgeons
Pagina :947-953
Marc-Olivier Gauci, Charles Henri David, Adnan El Bakri, Cecilia Frasconi, Alizée Porto, Camille Choufani, Morgane Riquier-Le Chatelier
What is the perception of RCOT-OTSR ? Results of a readership survey
Pagina :954-960
Philippe Beaufils, Henri Migaud, Bernard Augereau, Pascal Léger, Didier Mainard, Franck Fitoussi
French National Health Data System: Description and application in the field of orthopaedics
Pagina :961-966
Benjamin Bouyer, Mahmoud Zureik, Rosemary Dray-Spira, Alain Weill, Joel Coste
Orthopaedics or Orthopedics ? Does the Difference Go Beyond Spelling?
Pagina :967-969
Nikolaos Christodoulou, Rémi Kohler, Jean Soubrier, et la rédaction d’OTSR-RCOT
Effect of subcritical glenoid bone loss on activities of daily living in patients with anterior shoulder instability
Pagina :970
Nobuyuki Yamamoto, Jun Kawakami, Taku Hatta, Eiji Itoi
Return to sports after glenoid reconstruction using an implant-free iliac crest bone graft
Pagina :971
Reinhold Ortmaier, Christian Fink, Wolfgang Schobersberger, Harald Kindermann, Georg Mattiassich, Josef Hochreiter, Fabian Plachel, Marian Mitterer, Herbert Resch
Previous arthroscopic Bankart repair is an independent risk factor for an inferior outcome after Latarjet procedure
Pagina :972
Tapio Flinkkilä, Rony Knape, Mika Nevalainen, Kai Sirniö, Pasi Ohtonen, Juhana Leppilahti
Pre-medication with Gabapentin is associated with significant reductions in nausea and vomiting after shoulder arthroscopy: A meta-analysis
Pagina :973
Anwar ul Huda, Rob W. Jordan, Matthew Daggett, Adnan Saithna
Clinical and radiological outcomes of 17 reverse shoulder arthroplasty cases performed after failed humeral head resurfacing
Pagina :974-981
Pierre Gaeremynck, Thomas Amouyel, Marc Saab, Benjamin Gadisseux, Kevin Soudy, Christophe Szymanski, Carlos Maynou
Variation of the glenohumeral and scapulothoracic motion in progressive severity of glenohumeral osteoarthritis
Pagina :982
David M. Spranz, Hendrik Bruttel, Jan M. Eckerle, Sebastian I. Wolf, Gregor Berrsche, Michael W. Maier
Epidemiology and mortality in older patients treated by reverse shoulder arthroplasty for displaced proximal humerus fractures
Pagina :983-988
Emmanuel Maugendre, Benjamin Gadisseux, Christophe Chantelot, Philippe Clavert, Nassima Ramdane, Jean-David Werthel, Pascal Boileau, SOFCOT
Factors associated with internal rotation outcomes after reverse shoulder arthroplasty
Pagina :989-993
Morgane Rol, Luc Favard, Julien Berhouet, Société d’Orthopédie de l’Ouest (SOO)
Does ORIF of rare scapular spine fractures sustained after reverse shoulder arthroplasty benefit elderly patients? A case-series appraisal
Pagina :994
Felix Toft, Fabrizio Moro
Repair failure increases the risk of developing secondary glenohumeral osteoarthritis: A long-term follow-up after open repair of large subscapularis tendon tears
Pagina :995
Fabian Plachel, Gundobert Korn, Reinhold Ortmaier, Thomas Hoffelner, Herbert Resch, Philipp Moroder
The role of superior capsule reconstruction in the irreparable rotator cuff tear – a systematic review
Pagina :996
Robert W. Jordan, Nikhil Sharma, Matt Daggett, Adnan Saithna
Critical shoulder angle and greater tuberosity angle according to the partial thickness rotator cuff tear patterns
Pagina :997
Joongbae Seo, Kang Heo, Soonmin Kwon, Jaesung Yoo
Effect of affective temperament on outcome of rotator cuff surgery
Pagina :998
Hakk? Ça?da? Basat, Mehmet Armangil, Yener Yo?un
Comparison of spinal accessory nerve transfer to supra-scapular nerve vs. shoulder arthrodesis in adults with brachial plexus injury
Pagina :999-1005
Benjamin Degeorge, Cyril Lazerges, Pierre Emmanuel Chammas, Bertrand Coulet, Fabien Lacombe, Michel Chammas
Thoracic outlet syndrome: Diagnostic accuracy of MRI
Pagina :1006-1013
Alexandre Hardy, Cécile Pougès, Guillaume Wavreille, Hélène Behal, Xavier Demondion, Guillaume Lefebvre
Screw-Plate fixation for displaced middle-third clavicular fractures with three or more fragments: A report of 172 cases
Pagina :1014-1017
Dominique Saragaglia, Guillaume Cavalié, Brice Rubens-Duval, Régis Pailhé, Gabriel Lateur
Anterior capsule re-attachment in terrible triad elbow injury with coronoid tip fracture
Pagina :1018-1026
Maxime Antoni, David Eichler, Jean-François Kempf, Philippe Clavert
Factors affecting outcome of partial radial head fractures: A retrospective cohort study
Pagina :1027-1034
Anne Couture, Jonah Hébert-Davies, Julien Chapleau, G. Yves Laflamme, Emilie Sandman, Dominique M. Rouleau
Advantages of expulsion-proof pins in the treatment of olecranon fractures with tension band wiring: Comparison with a control group
Pagina :1035-1041
Rémi Di Francia, Hoel Letissier, Dominique Le Nen, Christian Lefèvre, Frédéric Dubrana, Éric Stindel
Clinical evaluation of double plate osteosynthesis for olecranon fractures: A retrospective case-control study
Pagina :1042
Alexander Ellwein, Konstantinos Argiropoulos, Rony-Orijit DeyHazra, Marc-Frederic Pastor, Tomas Smith, Helmut Lill
Total wrist denervation: Retrospective study of 39 wrists with 56 months’ follow-up
Pagina :1043-1047
Baptiste Picart, Clément Laborie, Christophe Hulet, Mélanie Malherbe
Radiocarpal dislocation: A retrospective study of 14 patients
Pagina :1048-1054
Alexandre Cornu, Nadine Sturbois-Nachef, Matthieu Baudoux, Thomas Amouyel, Marc Saab, Christophe Chantelot
Contribution of arthroscopy to the management of intra-articular distal radius fractures: Knowledge update based on a systematic 10-year literature review
Pagina :1055-1064
Marc Saab, Elvire Guerre, Christophe Chantelot, Philippe Clavert, Matthieu Ehlinger, Thomas Bauer, SoFCOT
Segmental aponeurectomy with Z-plasty as a treatment option in Dupuytren's disease : A retrospective cohort study
Pagina :1065-1069
Ludivine Gardeil, Valérie Matter Parrat, Anne-Carole Portenard, Dorothée Coquerel, Albane Bonmarchand, Isabelle Auquit Auckbur
Pagina :1070
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