Vol 105 - N° 2 - avril 2019
P. 119-268© Elsevier Masson SAS
Pagina :i
Pagina :iv
Is CT indispensable in shoulder arthroplasty in 2019?
Pagina :119-121
Pierre-Henri Flurin, François Sirveaux
Thoughts on a new surgical assistance method for implanting the glenoid component during total shoulder arthroplasty. Part 1: Statistical modeling of the native premorbid glenoid
Pagina :122-128
Julien Berhouet, Luc Favard, David Boas, Théo Voisin, Mohamed Slimane
Views on a new surgical assistance method for implanting the glenoid component during total shoulder arthroplasty. Part 2: From three-dimensional reconstruction to augmented reality: Feasibility study
Pagina :129-137
Julien Berhouet, Mohamed Slimane, Maxime Facomprez, Min Jiang, Luc Favard
Cement augmentation of glenoid baseplate screws does not improve primary stability in reversed shoulder arthroplasty – A cadaveric study
Pagina :138
Benjamin Bockmann, Martin Bäumlein, Rainer Koch, Jens Figiel, Philipp Lechler, René Aigner, Christopher Bliemel, Ludwig Oberkircher, Steffen Ruchholtz, Michael Frink
Do we need to stabilize and treat the os acromiale when performing reverse shoulder arthroplasty?
Pagina :139
Ali Er?en, Serkan Bayram, Ata Can Atalar, Mehmet Demirhan
Adjustable stemmed shoulder hemiarthroplasty: Ten-year results of a prospective multicentre study
Pagina :140
Ulrich Irlenbusch, Peter Zenz, Georges Blatter, Alexander Berth
Two-stage revision shoulder prosthesis vs. permanent articulating antibiotic spacer in the treatment of periprosthetic shoulder infections
Pagina :141
Antonio Pellegrini, Claudio Legnani, Vittorio Macchi, Enzo Meani
Risk factors for postoperative pain in the first three weeks after arthroscopic or open shoulder surgery
Pagina :142
Friso A. de Boer, Tundi T.J. Schouten, Erik P. Boekestein, Floor van Eijk, Paulien M. van Kampen, Roos Bazuin, Pol E. Huijsmans
Autologous Conditioned Plasma for tendon healing following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Prospective comparative assessment with magnetic resonance arthrography at 6 months’ follow-up
Pagina :143-148
Jean-Charles Aurégan, Shahnaz Klouche, Bruno Levy, Thomas Bauer, Benoit Rousselin, Mathieu Ferrand, Philippe Hardy
The “Auto-Constant”: Can we estimate the Constant-Murley score with a self-administered questionnaire? A pilot study
Pagina :149-154
Mikaël Chelli, Yohann Levy, Vincent Lavoué, Gilles Clowez, Jean-François Gonzalez, Pascal Boileau
Superior capsular reconstruction for irreparable supraspinatus tendon tears using the long head of biceps: A Biomechanical Study on Cadavers
Pagina :155
Fucai Han, Chee Hoe Kong, Muhammad Yaser Hasan, Amit K. Ramruttun, V. Prem Kumar
An arthroscopic technique for full-thickness rotator cuff repair by transposition of the long head of biceps
Pagina :156
Jian Lin, Weihui Qi, Zhongtang Liu, Kai Chen, Xiaobin Li, Yingzhao Yan, Xinxian Xu, Xinghe Xue, Yang Yang, Xiaoyun Pan
Biomechanical properties of transosseous bony Bankart repair in a cadaver model
Pagina :157-160
Philippe Clavert, Florence Aim, Nicolas Bonnevialle, Marine Arboucalot, Matthieu Ehlinger, Thomas Bauer, SOFCOT g
Anatomical study of the position and orientation of the coracoclavicular ligaments: Differences in bone tunnel position by gender
Pagina :161
Terufumi Shibata, Teruaki Izaki, Satoshi Miyake, Nobunao Doi, Yozo Shibata, Yutaka Irie, Katsuro Tachibana, Takuaki Yamamoto
Outcomes and function of conoid ligament on the basis of postoperative radiographic findings of arthroscopic stabilization for the distal clavicle fractures
Pagina :162
Katsumi Takase, Kengo Yamamoto
Glenohumeral abduction measurement in patients with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Pagina :163-166
David Cypel
Can objective criteria for poor tolerance of proximal humerus malunion be identified?
Pagina :167-175
Aude Griffart, Pauline Joly-Monrigal, Julien Andrin, Cyril Lazerges, Michel Chammas, Bertrand Coulet
Is the Charlson comorbidity index a good predictor of mortality and adverse effects in proximal humerus fractures?
Pagina :176
Ana Belén Fernández-Cortiñas, Jesús Vidal-Campos, Xavier Paredes-Carnero, Fernando Marco Martinez
Deltoid-split approach versus deltopectoral approach for proximal humerus fractures: A systematic Review and meta-Analysis
Pagina :177
Linzhen Xie, Yingying Zhang, Chunhui Chen, Wenhao Zheng, Hua Chen, Leyi Cai
Risk factors for secondary displacement in conservatively treated isolated greater tuberosity fractures: An analysis of 82 cases
Pagina :178
Benjamin Bockmann, Philipp Lechler, Christoph Kolja Boese, Rene Aigner, Steffen Ruchholtz, Michael Frink
Double incision repair technique with immediate mobilization for acute distal biceps tendon ruptures provides good results after 2 years in active patients
Pagina :179-184
Hugo Barret, Matthias Winter, Olivier Gastaud, David J. Saliken, Marc Olivier Gauci, Nicolas Bronsard
Arthroscopic chronic tennis elbow surgery preserves elbow proprioception
Pagina :185
Meric Unal, Aydin Budeyri, Sabriye Ercan, Onur Serbest, Onur Dogan, Hilmi Mustafa Demir, Cem Cetin
Nerve root compression by lumbar disc herniation: A french discovery?
Pagina :186-189
Arnaud Blamoutier
Chronic low back pain: Relevance of a new classification based on the injury pattern
Pagina :190-198
Cedric Yves Barrey, Jean-Charles Le Huec, la Société française de chirurgie du rachis (SFCR) c
Minimally invasive treatment of thoracolumbar flexion-distraction fracture
Pagina :199-203
Nadir Laghmouche, Solène Prost, Kaissar Farah, Thomas Graillon, Benjamin Blondel, Stéphane Fuentes
The third dimension of scoliosis: The forgotten axial plane
Pagina :204-212
Tamás Sándor Illés, François Lavaste, Jean Félix Dubousset
Computed tomography method for characterising the zebrafish spine
Pagina :213-218
Laura Marie-Hardy, Marc Khalifé, Lofti Slimani, Hugues Pascal-Moussellard
Percutaneous image-guided cryoablation of painful bone metastases: A single institution experience
Pagina :219-225
Nicolas Gallusser, Patrick Goetti, Fabio Becce, Frédéric Vauclair, Hannes A. Rüdiger, Pierre E. Bize, Stéphane Cherix
Current concepts in vitamin D and orthopaedic surgery
Pagina :226
Andrew S. Moon, Sellers Boudreau, Eric Mussell, Jun Kit He, Eugene W. Brabston, Brent A. Ponce, Amit M. Momaya
Bone cement usage modalities at a multi-site university hospital centre
Pagina :227-232
Marine Barral, Laure Lalande, Anthony Viste, Jean-Luc Besse, Michel-Henri Fessy, Emmanuelle Carré
Experiences with using e-learning tools in orthopedics in an uncontrolled field study application
Pagina :233
David Alexander Back, Jennifer von Malotky, Kai Sostmann, Harm Peters, Robert Hube, Eike Hoff
Are French orthopedic and trauma surgeons affected by burnout? Results of a nationwide survey
Pagina :234-239
Grégoire Faivre, Guillaume Marillier, Jérémie Nallet, Sylvie Nezelof, Isabelle Clement, Laurent Obert
Pagina :240
Philippe Beaufils
Introduction: Pediatric orthopaedics in humanitarian aid
Pagina :241-242
Jérôme Sales de Gauzy, Jean-Luc Jouve
Pediatric orthopaedics in precarious environment. Possibilities and limits of humanitarian surgery
Pagina :243-247
Michel Onimus, Bertrand Tekpa
Surgical treatment of severe equino varus feet deformities in children and adolescents in Africa
Pagina :248-251
Corinne Bronfen, Lucienne Marcucci, Guillaume Pierrard, Laurence Banallec, Abdul Karim Simaga, Terna Traoré, Antoine Laquièvre
Surgical treatment of rickets in Bangladesh: About 156 cases
Pagina :252-256
Thierry Craviari, Vincent Cunin, Jean-Luc Jouve, Lorenzo Garotta, Gilles Norotte, Franck Chotel, Thierry Haumont, Sébastien Raux
Twenty years of humanitarian cooperation in pediatric orthopaedics in Vietnam
Pagina :257-261
Jérôme Sales de Gauzy, Michel Dutoit, Jean-Luc Jouve
Aid for the development of pediatric vertebral surgery in Myanmar
Pagina :262-265
Jean-Luc Jouve, Jérôme Sales de Gauzy, Isabelle Suprano, Jean-François Trinchero
Tribute to Yves Cotrel (1925–2019)
Pagina :266-267
J. Dubousset, M. Guillaumat
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