Vol 104 - N° 1 - février 2018
P. 1-116© Elsevier Masson SAS
Pagina :i
Litigation in orthopaedic surgery: New ethical challenges
Pagina :1-2
H. Coudane, J.-L. Danan, J. Lighezollo Alnot
Pagina :3-4
Litigation in orthopedic surgery: What can we do to prevent it? Systematic analysis of 126 legal actions involving four university hospitals in France
Pagina :5-9
J. Mouton, R. Gauthé, M. Ould-Slimane, S. Bertiaux, S. Putman, F. Dujardin
Epidemiology of malpractice claims in the orthopedic and trauma surgery department of a French teaching hospital: A 10-year retrospective study
Pagina :10-14
C. Agout, P. Rosset, J. Druon, J. Brilhault, L. Favard
Chronic anterior shoulder instability with significant Hill-Sachs Lesion: Arthroscopic bankart with remplissage versus open latarjet procedure
Pagina :15-20
A. Bah, G.M. Lateur, B.T. Kouevidjin, J.Y.S. Bassinga, M. Issa, A. Jaafar, E. Beaudouin
Popeye sign: Tenodesis vs. self-locking “T” tenotomy of the long head of the biceps
Pagina :21-25
X. Clement, F. Baldairon, P. Clavert, J.-F. Kempf
Triple-bundle anatomical reconstruction using the coracoacromial ligament and the short head of biceps tendon to stabilize chronic acromioclavicular joint dislocations: A cadaver feasibility study
Pagina :26-31
M. Le Hanneur, D. Delgrande, T. Lafosse, J.-D. Werthel, P. Hardy, B. Elhassan
Arthroscopically assisted reduction of acute acromioclavicular joint dislocation using a single double-button device: Medium-term clinical and radiological outcomes
Pagina :32-37
S.-P. Issa, C. Payan, M. Le Hanneur, P. Loriaut, P. Boyer
Recovery after shoulder arthroscopy: In-patient versus out-patient management
Pagina :38-43
M. Boissard, V. Crenn, T. Noailles, S. Campard, F. Lespagnol
Shoulder patient-specific guide: First experience in 10 patients indicates room for improvement
Pagina :44-50
J. Berhouet, M. Rol, C. Spiry, M. Slimane, C. Chevalier, L. Favard
Management of the floating shoulder: Does the glenopolar angle influence outcomes? A systematic review
Pagina :51
V.M. Morey, K.H.Z. Chua, Z.D. Ng, H.M.B. Tan, V.P. Kumar
Management of metastatic humeral fractures: Variations according to orthopedic subspecialty, tumor characteristics
Pagina :52-53
S.J. Janssen, J.A.M. Bramer, T.G. Guitton, F.J. Hornicek, J.H. Schwab
Percutaneous fixation of valgus displaced fracture of the proximal humerus using a single screw
Pagina :54-57
S. Gunst, G. Walch, L. Nové-Josserand
A new method to locate the radial head “safe zone” on computed tomography axial view
Pagina :58
Y. Zhan, C.F. Luo, Y.J. Chen
Results of non-operative treatment of olecranon fracture in over-75 year-olds
Pagina :59-62
V. Marot, X. Bayle-Iniguez, E. Cavaignac, N. Bonnevialle, P. Mansat, J. Murgier
Application of 3D-printing technology in the treatment of humeral intercondylar fractures
Pagina :63
W. Zheng, J. Su, L. Cai, Y. Lou, J. Wang, X. Guo, J. Tang, H. Chen
Treatment of intra-articular fracture of distal radius fractures with fluoroscopic only or combined with arthroscopic control: A prospective tomodensitometric comparative study of 40 patients
Pagina :64-68
M. Burnier, M. Le Chatelier Riquier, G. Herzberg
Complications following open reduction and internal fixation versus external fixation in treating unstable distal radius fractures: Grading the evidence through a meta-analysis
Pagina :69
Z.Z. Yuan, Z. Yang, Q. Liu, Y.M. Liu
Role for cementoplasty in intra-articular distal radius fractures: Cadaver study and application to arthroscopy
Pagina :70-75
V. Fontaine, M. Grunberg, J. Soret, K. El-Youssef, L.-E. Gayet, R. Taberne
Scaphoid screw fixation perpendicular to the fracture plane: Comparing volar and dorsal approaches
Pagina :76
P.W.L. ten Berg, J.G.G. Dobbe, M.E. Brinkhorst, G. Meermans, S.D. Strackee, F. Verstreken, G.J. Streekstr
Corticocancellous bone graft vs cancellous bone graft for the management of unstable scaphoid nonunion
Pagina :77
J.K. Kim, J.O. Yoon, H. Baek
Results and complications of superficialis-to-profundus tendon transfer in brain-damaged patients: A series of 26 patients
Pagina :78-83
E. Peraut, L. Taïeb, C. Jourdan, F. Coroian, I. Laffont, M. Chammas, B. Coulet
Correlation between extension-block K-wire insertion angle and postoperative extension loss in mallet finger fracture
Pagina :84
S.K. Lee, Y.H. Kim, K.H. Moon, W.S. Choy
The new digit tourniquet ForgetMeNot ®
Pagina :85-88
J.J. Hidalgo Díaz, L. Muresan, S. Touchal, N. Bahlouli, P. Liverneaux, S. Facca
Treatment of infected non-unions of the Femur and Tibia in a French referral center for complex bone and joint infections: Outcomes of 55 patients after 2 to 11 years
Pagina :89-97
T. Bauer, S. Klouche, O. Grimaud, A. Lortat-Jacob, P. Hardy
Salvage of congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia by the induced membrane technique followed by a motorised lengthening nail
Pagina :98-109
T. Pollon, J. Sales de Gauzy, T. Pham, C. Thévenin Lemoine, F. Accadbled
Brachial plexus traumatic palsy in adults: Outcomes of conservative treatment in a developing country (Lome-Togo)
Pagina :110-112
E. Kpelao, A.K. Moumouni, K.A. Beketi, E.H. Bakonde, K.M.H. Ahanogbe, A.K. Doleagbenou, K. Egu, A. Hima-Maiga, P. Egbohou
Comments on: “Is amputation a viable treatment option in lower extremity trauma?” of M. Barla, B. Gavanier, M. Mangin, J. Parot, C. Bauer, D. Mainard published in Orthop Traumatol Surg Res 2017;103(6):971–975
Pagina :113
D. Ollat, O. Barbier
Reply to the letter by D. Ollat and O. Barbier
Pagina :114
M. Barla, D. Mainard
Pagina :115
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