Vol 100 - N° 8S - décembre 2014
P. S331-S392© Elsevier Masson SAS
Travaux de la Société Française d'Arthroscopie
Pagina :i
Pagina :v
Long live the rising generation of French arthroscopy!
Pagina :S331
P. Clavert
Pagina :S332
J.-L. Voisin, M. Ropars, H. Thomazeau
Pagina :S338
Y. Bouju, L. Bouilleau, G. Dubois de Montmarin, G. Bacle, L. Favard
Pagina :S343
A. Bouchard, J. Garret, L. Favard, H. Charles, D. Ollat
Pagina :S348
G. Rocheconcar, S. Plaweski, M. Azar, G. Demey, J. Arndt, M.-L. Louis, R. Limozin, P. Djian, B. Sonnery-Cottet, V. Bousquet, X. Bajard, A. Wajsfisz, P. Boisrenoult, la SFA m
Pagina :S356
A. Wajsfisz, X. Bajard, S. Plaweski, P. Djian, G. Demey, R. Limozin, V. Bousquet, G. Rocheconcar, M.-L. Louis, J. Arndt, M. Azar, B. Sonnery-Cottet, P. Boisrenoult, la Société française d’arthroscopie m
Pagina :S361
C. Baynat, C. Andro, J.-P. Vincent, P. Schiele, P. Buisson, F. Dubrana, F.-X. Gunepin
Pagina :S366
G. Nourissat, Q. Tribot-Laspiere, F. Aim, C. Radier
Pagina :S370
N. Tarissi, A. Vallée, F. Dujardin, F. Duparc, X. Roussignol
Pagina :S375
J. Uhring, P.-B. Rey, S. Rochet, L. Obert
Pagina :S384
P. Clavert, H. Thomazeau
Pagina :S388
S. Guillo, G. Cordier, B. Sonnery-Cottet, T. Bauer
Therapeutic options and local recurrence rates of pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee joint: A systematic review
Pagina :e1
S. Klouche, J.-C. Auregan, Y. Bohu, N. Lefevre, S. Herman, P. Hardy
Arthroscopic treatment of septic knees in children
Pagina :e1
C. Agout, J. Fournier, W. Lakhal, C. Bonnard
Early deep knee joint infection treatment after arthroscopic ACL reconstruction: Is the arthroscopic debridement with conservation of the ACL graft associated with antibiotherapy sufficient to heal the infection
Pagina :e2
N. Graveleau, P. Colombet, H. Dutronc, V. Bousquet, G. Cordier, C. de Lavigne, S. Jambou, N. Prevot
Reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament: Clinical and radiological predictors
Pagina :e2
T. Neri, B. Basson, R. Philippot, B. Boyer, F. Farizon
Régénération du tendon du semi-tendineux après prélèvement pour reconstruction du ligament croisé antérieur
Pagina :e3
S. Vladan, P. Agnica
Isokinetic evaluation of the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using semitendinosus as a transplant. About 110 cases
Pagina :e3
L. Sœur, S. Bricteux, A. Devillier, E. Baulot, P. Trouilloud
Randomized controlled trial of the analgesic effectiveness of suprascapular nerve block after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair in day-case surgery
Pagina :e3
A. Desroches, C. Schlur, S. Klouche, T. Waitzenegger, G. Kuhlman, T. Bauer, P. Hardy
Multimodal analgesic drugs injection with corticosteroids: Short- and medium-term efficacy after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
Pagina :e4
A. Perdreau, T. Joudet
Does cortisone injections compromise tendon healing process in rotator cuff repairs?
Pagina :e4
A. Perdreau, T. Joudet
Rotator cuff repair on an outpatient basis: A prospective comparative study of 60 cases
Pagina :e5
S. Lallouet
SHOULDER C-Test (SC-T) : pour évaluer la fonction de l’épaule en une unique mesure goniométrique
Pagina :e5
H. Thomazeau, T. Raoul, S. Pollet, J.-D. Albert, P. Kriegel, M. Ropars
Influence of radiofrequency on intra-articular temperature in shoulder arthroscopy
Pagina :e6
B. Ghostine, F.I. el Khoury, J. Roue, E. Dagher
Treatment of epicondylitis by ultrasound-guided local injections of platelet-rich plasma (PRP): A double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial with 1-year follow-up
Pagina :e6
P. Legoux, B. Montalvan, D. Borgel, S. Klouche, M. Breban, P. Hardy
Assisted endoscopic neurolysis of the ulnar nerve: A retrospective evaluation of the first 40 cases and review of the literature
Pagina :e7
E. Sautier, G. Gresta, R. Philippot, F. Farizon
Benefits of endoscopy for transposition in cubital tunnel syndrome: A prospective series of 16 cases
Pagina :e7
P. Crouzet, R. Guinand, J. Kany
Delayed distal biceps rupture (6–10 weeks): Interest of an endoscopic “double row” repair, a prospective series of 5 cases
Pagina :e7
P. Crouzet, R. Guinand, J. Kany
Chirurgie des fractures de la tête radiale sous arthroscopie : à propos de 9 cas
Pagina :e8
P. Crouzet, R. Guinand, J. Kany
Corrélation anatomique, arthroscopique et radiologique du bare sport de l’incisure trochléenne de l’ulna : risque d’erreur diagnostique d’arthrose
Pagina :e8
P. Clavert, E.M. Kieffer, J. Bouchaib, G. Bierry
Diagnostic performance of different powers of GNRB ® in total ACL tears
Pagina :e8
S. Klouche, Y. Bohu, S. Cascua, S. Herman, A. Gerometta, N. Lefevre
Résultats cliniques des reconstructions « all-inside » du LCA par voie fémorale de dehors en dedans
Pagina :e9
S. Yasen, B. Sabnis, B. Lord, F. Wandless, A. Wilson
Biological ACL reconstruction through the ACL remnant socket. Can we preserved the remnant and achieved anatomic tunnel placement? A prospective series of 100 cases with 3D CT scan evaluation
Pagina :e9
F. Buscayret, B. Sonnery-Cottet, P. Chambat
Long-term follow-up of 20 years after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using patellar tendon autograft
Pagina :e10
F. Dalat, A. Viste, J.-L. Besse, M.-H. Fessy, B. Moyen
Tendon rotulien vs ischio-jambiers à la reconstruction du LCA : dix ans étude prospective randomisée suivi
Pagina :e10
G. Camillieri, V. Calvisi, A. Mancò, B. Frangione, S. Pelle
Second failure of ACL reconstruction: Combined high tibial deflexion osteotmy and ACL graft
Pagina :e11
L. Baverel, G. Demey, G. Odri, D. Dejour
Influence sur le résultat de l’utilisation de l’interleukine 1 autologue (IL1-RA) et de plusieurs facteurs de croissance dans la chirurgie de reconstruction du LCAE à deux faisceaux
Pagina :e11
N. Darabos, M. Haspl
Biologic performances of interference screws ECLIPSE ® BCP composed of PLDLA HA+TCP and ECLIPSE ® PLDLA (biocomposite vs PLA screws) on a same patient simultaneously for ACL reconstruction with Hamstrings. A minimal two-year follow-up study with CT-scans
Pagina :e11
P. Akritopoulos, J. Barth, N. Graveleau, R. Barthélémy
Positioning and length of the femoral tunnel in ACL reconstruction: Comparison between rigid and flexible systems
Pagina :e12
F. Wein
The Lasso 360: The strongest configuration for suture-anchor biceps tenodesis
Pagina :e12
V. Bongiorno, L. Lafosse
Arthroscopic keyhole long head biceps tenodesis: Prospective study with metallic landmark
Pagina :e13
J. Kany, R. Guinand, I. Alassaf
Ultrasound-guided percutaneous tenotomy of the long head of the biceps: A cadaveric feasibility study
Pagina :e13
F. Atlan, J.-D. Werthel
Biceps tenodesis below the bicipital groove: Learning curve and failure
Pagina :e13
P. Hardy, T. Bauer, N. Tarissi, Y.-P. le Loulec, O. Courage
Transfer assisted by arthroscopy of the lower trapezius lengthened by fascia of the infraspinatus to restore active external rotation: 15 cadaveric dissections
Pagina :e14
C. Moraiti, A. Gkantsos, F. Reinares, J. Kany, P. Valenti
External rotation and point of fixation of latissimus dorsi transfer: Cadaver study
Pagina :e14
K. Bargoin, M. Boissard
Comparison of two techniques for surgical repair of massive rotator cuff tear retracted to the glenoid: Quadriceps tendon autograft versus arthroscopic suture
Pagina :e15
C. Tempelaere, P. Desmoineaux, N. Pujol, P. Beaufils
Arthroscopic stabilization of distal clavicle's fracture by a double button device
Pagina :e15
C. Bouthors
All-arthroscopic modified Weaver-Dunn procedure for chronic acromioclavicular joint dislocations
Pagina :e16
O. Gastaud, M. Cavalier, M.-O. Gauci, T. D’Ollonne, P. Gendre, C. Trojani, J.-F. Gonzales, P. Boileau
Long-term outcome after endoscopic assisted facial decompression for forearm exertional compartment syndrome: About 72 cases
Pagina :e16
M. Brun, D. Fontes
Arthroscopie des fractures extra-articulaires du radius distal : les fractures extra-articulaires sont aussi des traumatismes articulaires, à propos de 35 cas
Pagina :e16
P. Croutzet
Arthroscopie dans les fractures de Galeazzi (7 cas) : introduction à l’intérêt de l’arthroscopie du poignet dans les fractures extra-articulaires du radius
Pagina :e17
P. Croutzet
Traitement arthroscopique des fractures de Bennett : à propos de 8 cas
Pagina :e17
P. Croutzet
Intérêt d’un vissage double antirotatoire sous arthroscopie dans les fractures du scaphoïde : à propos de 9 cas
Pagina :e18
P. Croutzet
Pseudarthrose du scaphoide sous arthroscopie : vers des thérapeutiques associant chirurgie mini-invasive et traitement biologique
Pagina :e18
P. Croutzet
Arthroscopic repair of the rotator cuff tears in recreational athletes: Return to sport and clinical outcomes using the Western Ontario Rotator Cuff (WORC) Index at least 2 years follow-up
Pagina :e19
M. Antoni, V. Mas, M. Ferrand, S. Klouche, P. Hardy
Utilisation de la tractographie pour améliorer les possibilités de prédire la réparabilité des ruptures de la coiffe
Pagina :e19
G. Nourissat, C. Radier, E. Buffard, P. Bourgade
Correlation between microvascularization of greater tuberosity and rotator cuff tear: A new approach
Pagina :e19
N. Bonnevialle, X. Bayle, F. Projetti, M. Wargny, A. Gomez, P. Mansat
Postoperative assessment of rotator cuff integrity by ultrasonography (US) in comparison with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Pagina :e20
P. Collin, C. Lucas, T. Jossaume, Y. Massaito, B. Rousseau
Prospective clinical and radiological evaluation of factors predicting outcomes after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
Pagina :e20
P. Collin, A. Arifaizad, S. Gain
Arthroscopic repair of large or massive cuff tears with extracellular matrix augmentation and autologous platelet-rich plasma injections: Preliminary results
Pagina :e21
C. Charousset, A. Zaoui
Results for anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions: Which objectives should be reached?
Pagina :e21
C. Mouton, A. Frisch, D. Theisen, H. Agostinis, C. Nührenbörger, D. Pape, R. Seil
Comparison of early postoperative recovery between “out-patient” versus “in patient” ACL reconstruction
Pagina :e22
L. Baverel, G. Demey, G. Odri, D. Dejour
Management of arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (hamstring) in out-patient surgery: Feasibility based on a continuous series of 135 patients
Pagina :e22
C. Trojani, M. Carles, P. Boileau
Symptoms of postoperative discomfort after day-case anterior crucial ligament reconstruction: Prospective comparative study
Pagina :e22
N. Lefevre, S. klouche, S. Herman, O. de Pamphilis, C. Devaux, A. Gerometta, Y. Bohu
Assessment of psychological factors associated with return to same sport following anterior cruciate reconstruction: A prospective study using the ACL-RSI score at 1-year follow-up
Pagina :e23
Y. Bohu, S. klouche, S. Herman, A. Gerometta, N. Lefevre
Évaluation de la technique simple et rapide de traitement arthroscopique du kyste poplité : à propos de 200 cas sur 9 ans d’expérience
Pagina :e23
M. Konrad, R. Wiecek, H. Krzysztof, P. Jancewicz Bielsk, S. Marek
Arthroscopic location of lateral collateral ankle ligament: An anatomic study
Pagina :e24
A. Thès, M. Ferrand, J. Cournapeau, S. Klouche, P. Hardy, T. Bauer
Arthroscopic dissection of the lateral collateral ankle ligament: An anatomic study
Pagina :e24
A. Thès, M. Ferrand, J. Cournapeau, S. Klouche, P. Hardy, T. Bauer
Prospective comparative study of the treatment of Morton neuralgia by neurectomy or endoscopic section of the intermetatarsal ligament
Pagina :e25
M. Allizard, V. Darcel, A. Chataigneau
Difference of quality of abrasion after arthroscopic subtalar arthrodesis with motorized or manual instrumentation: A cadaveric study
Pagina :e25
T. Poujade, G. Lemaitre, M. Malherbe, S. Collon, A. Sebilo, V. Pineau, C. Hulet
Description of a new posterior approach to the posterior bone graft arthroscopic
Pagina :e26
A. Thiounn, T. Vervoort, C. Szymanski, X. Demondion, C. Maynou
L’hallux limitus fonctionnel (HLF) comme un facteur prédisposant potentiel du syndrome rotulien. Résultats après ténolyse endoscopique du tendon du long fléchisseur de l’hallux dans le tunnel retrotalien : une étude prospective
Pagina :e26
J. Vallotton, S. Diehl, C. Tzioupis
What is the function of the anterolateral structures of the knee in the control of passive medial rotation? Cadaveric study of 10 knees
Pagina :e26
N. Ruiz, J.-B. Marchand, J.-P. Vincent, S. Nouveau, H. Robert
Individualised knee laxity profiles: Combined measurements of anterior and rotational laxity measurements
Pagina :e27
C. Mouton, D. Theisen, H. Agostinis, R. Seil
Can we estimate in pre-op the length of the native ACL? Morphometric analysis of 50 3D MRI scans
Pagina :e27
J.-B. Marchand, N. Ruiz, H. Robert
Ribbon concept of the anterior cruciate ligament: The confirmation!
Pagina :e28
T. Noailles, N. Pujol, P. Beaufils, P. Boisrenoult
Arthroscopic assessment of the posterior anatomy of the femoral insertion of the anterior cruciate ligament
Pagina :e28
M. Sanchez, N. Pujol, P. Boisrenoult, P. Beaufils
Safety and efficiency of knee posterior capsular release in all-arthroscopic technique. A cadaveric study
Pagina :e29
H. Goncalves, A. Wajsfisz
Snapping knee in children: 3 exceptional causes not described
Pagina :e29
S. Raux, C. Pfirrmann, M. Arnal, T. Mouton, F. Chotel
Value of the clinical examination in meniscal lesions on chronic anterior laxity of the child and adolescent
Pagina :e30
Y. Herry, A. Petteruti, P. Chaudier, S. Raux, C. Pfirrmann, F. Chotel
MRI and functional evaluation of saucerization-suture versus partial meniscectomy in surgery for discoid meniscus in children
Pagina :e30
C. Pfirrmann, S. Raux, F. Chotel, L. Geffroy
Children's MPFL reconstruction: Anatomical justification of a femoral attachment on the proximal insertion of the medial collateral ligament
Pagina :e30
C. Decante, L. Geffroy, S. Ploteau, O. Armstrong, R. Robert, O. Hamel, A. Hamel
Early results evaluating the efficacy and tolerance of segmental treatment of partial meniscal lesions with a meniscal allograft
Pagina :e31
H. Robert, J.-F. Potel, J.-M. Fayard, F. Dubrana, A. de Ladoucette, F. Pazart, F.-X. Gunepin, J.-P. Vincent, L. Barnouin
Treatment of osteochondral lesion of the knee with Maioregen ® biomimetic osteochondral scaffold: Midterm follow-up results
Pagina :e31
M. Berruto, S. Pasqualotto, F. Uboldi, G. Carimati, E. Usellini, P. Ferrua
The epidemiology of shoulder dislocation/subluxation in French Rugby Union players: A prospective study over five seasons from 2008 to 2013
Pagina :e32
Y. Bohu, S. Klouche, J.-C. Peyrin, B. Dusfour, J.-P. Hager, A. Ribaut, S. Herman, A. Gerometta, N. Lefevre
Glenoid erosion is a contraindication to Bankart repair combined with Hill-Sachs remplissage
Pagina :e32
M. Cavalier, M.-O. Gauci, O. Andreani, C. Bessière, T. d’Ollonne, P. Gendre, N. Holzer, P. Boileau
Volumetric definition of shoulder range of motion and its correlation with clinical signs of shoulder hyperlaxity. A motion capture study
Pagina :e32
M. Ropars, H. Thomazeau, A. Cretual
Coracoid morphology and anterior shoulder dislocation: Monocentric anatomo-radiological retrospective study in 61 patients. Morphological factors and recurrent dislocations
Pagina :e33
J. Andrin, L. Labattut, C. Macaron, E. Baulot, P. Trouilloud
Bone mineral density of the coracoid process according to age
Pagina :e33
J.-S. Beranger, A. Maqdes, N. Pujol, P. Desmoineaux, P. Beaufils
Prospective comparative assessment of ambulatory surgery feasibility in Latarjet procedure for shoulder stabilization
Pagina :e34
Y. Bohu, S. Klouche, A. Gerometta, S. Herman, N. Lefevre
A new arthroscopic Latarjet technique without portal medial to the conjoint tendon: Anatomical study of feasibility
Pagina :e34
P. Valenti, C. Moraiti, F. Reinares, A. Gkantsos
A guided surgical approach and a novel fixation method for the arthroscopic Latarjet procedure
Pagina :e34
P. Boileau, P. Gendre, C.-E. Thélu, C. Bessière, T. d’Ollonne
Arthroscopic Trillat for anterior instability of the shoulder associated with irreparable cuff tear
Pagina :e35
P. Boileau, S. Bouacida, D. Schwartz, M.-B. Hardy, G. Walch
Description of a new posterior approach to the posterior bone graft arthroscopic
Pagina :e35
M.-B. Hardy, C.-E. Thélu, C. Bessière, T. d’Ollonne, P. Gendre, C. Trojani, P. Boileau
The “reverse bipolar fixation”: An original technique to improve the effectiveness of restorative surgery in the posterior shoulder instability. A prospective study of 8 cases
Pagina :e36
R. Guinaud, J. Kany, P. Croutzet
Description of a new posterior approach to the posterior bone graft arthroscopic
Pagina :e36
G. Mirouse, G. Nourissat
Endoscopic repair of gluteus medius tendon tears: Preliminary results
Pagina :e37
M. Thaunat, E. Noel, Y. Carrillon, B. Sonnery Cottet
Conception of a three-dimensional kinematics model of the knee joint, based on rigid body method, constitutive laws of ligaments and validation with cadaveric kinematics study with navigation system, and application to the analysis of ligament ruptures
Pagina :e37
J.-F. Potel, L. Geais, Christophe Hulet, P. Beaufils, P. Colombet, G. Rochcongar, R. Seil
Healthy volunteers humeral head translation: An MRI dynamic study
Pagina :e38
S. Zilber, D. Haouy
Modifications des temps de pré-activation musculaire lors du test de sauts latéraux
Pagina :e38
P. Gette, L. Malisoux, A. Lion, C. Mouton, R. Brunner, R. Seil, D. Theisen
Assessment of kinematics, anatomy and variation of ligaments length during a passive knee flexion
Pagina :e38
G. Rochcongar, H. Pillet, E. Bergamini, P. Thoreux, P. Rouch
Innovative and non-invasive evaluation of the quality of collagen scaffold functionalized by human mesenchymal stem cells before graft in cartilage lesion
Pagina :e39
C. Henrionnet, D. Dumas, S. Hupont, E. Werkmeister, D. Hentsh, J.L. Vonesch, P. Netter, J. Magdalou, J.-F. Stoltz, P. Gillet, A. Pinzano
Galectin-3-induced regulation of leptin and collagenase 1 in human osteoblasts under 20% and 2% of oxygen tension
Pagina :e39
Y. Hu, D. Mainard, A. Bianchi, P. Netter, J.-Y. Jouzeau, P. Reboul
Hoffa ligament: A fat tissue with pro-inflammatory properties
Pagina :e40
D. Mainard, J.-B. Gros, C. Guillaume, P. Gegout-Pottie, Nathalie Presle
Le facteur de transcription EGR1 joue un rôle fondamental dans la cicatrisation et la réparation tendineuse
Pagina :e40
M.-J. Guerquin, G. Nourissat, F. Berenbaum, E. Buffard, D. Duprez
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