Vol 206 - N° 8 - octobre 2022
P. 917-1166© Académie nationale de Médecine
Pagina :i
A real risk of medical device shortages
Pagina :921-922
Académie nationale de médecine, Académie nationale de pharmacie, Académie nationale de chirurgie
MappaBiology and health research: Prospects
Pagina :923-930
R. Ardaillou, C. Barthélémy, P. Berche, B. Bioulac, C. Boitard, B. Clément, L. Collet, P. Couvreur, P. Debré, F. Galibert, C. Garbay, Y. Le Bouc, A. Migus, P. Netter, B. Nordlinger
Riassunto MappaPerception of medication risk by the public and role of the media
Pagina :931-941
G. Bouvenot, P. Le Coz, Y. Juillet, au nom du Groupe de travail « Perception du risque médicamenteux par le public et rôle des médias » rattaché à la commission 2 de l’ANM
Riassunto MappaAnatomy at digital era
Pagina :942-951
V. Delmas, A. Chays, D. Poitout, P. Vouhé, au nom des commissions VI (Numérique et Santé- Imagerie médicale) et XV (Enseignement-Recherche-Parcours de formation) de l’ANM
Riassunto MappaTherapeutic developments in hematology in the 21 st century
Pagina :952-960
N.C. Gorin
Riassunto MappaHematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation from haplo-identical donors
Pagina :961-965
M. Mohty, N.-C. Gorin
Riassunto MappaMultiple myeloma in the elderly patients:From frailty assessment to progress in Immunotherapy
Pagina :966-972
T. Facon, S. Manier
Riassunto MappaA revolution in immunotherapy: Bispecific antibodies and CAR-T cells, the model for B lymphoid haemopathies
Pagina :973-979
E. Brissot
Riassunto MappaConclusions on recent advances in the management of haematological malignancies
Pagina :980-982
F. Guilhot
Riassunto MappaActions of the French Military Medical Service in the war against COVID-19: mari transve mare, hominibus semper prodesse !
Pagina :983-990
P. Pasquier, M. Danguy des Déserts, E. Meaudre, J. Escarment
Riassunto MappaResponse of the intensive care unit of a French military teaching hospital to the 1st COVID-19 wave
Pagina :991-996
G. de Rocquigny, C. Dubost, A. Jarrassier, C. Beaucreux, J.-P. Tourtier
Riassunto MappaManagement of the COVID-19 epidemic in the carrier battle group (January–April 2020) by the Armed Forces Epidemiology and Public Health Center
Pagina :997-1010
J.-B. Meynard, F. de Laval, G. Texier, O. Gorgé, H. Degui, V. Pommier de Santi
Riassunto MappaThe French Armed Forces Biomedical Research Institute (IRBA) and wastewater-based epidemiology: Applicability and relevance in armed forces
Pagina :1011-1021
M. Boni, O. Gorgé, J.-U. Mullot, S. Wurtzer, L. Moulin, Y. Maday, GIS Obépine, F. Canini, M. Chantre, R. Teyssou, V. Maréchal, F. Janvier, J.-N. Tournier
Riassunto MappaBiotechnology and health: Issues and perspectives
Pagina :1022-1027
C. Jorgensen
Riassunto MappaPrevention of insulin resistance by long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: A 2022 update
Pagina :1028-1036
J. Delarue
Riassunto MappaHomicide of women within heterosexual couple in France: Understanding it to better prevent it
Pagina :1037-1042
A. Delbreil, M. Voyer, G. Harika-Germaneau, N. Jaafari, A. Chatard, G. Joly-Coz
Riassunto MappaDonation of the body to science and uses of bodies for educational and scientific purposes: Ethical issues and perspectives for tomorrow
Pagina :1043-1050
G. Moutel, C. Destrieux, B. Suzat, M. Charvin, P. Baqué, S. Ploteau, M. Gouriot, G. Grandazzi
Riassunto MappaDiscussion about the presentation “Prevention of insulin resistance by long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: A 2022 update”
Pagina :1051
J. Delarue
MappaDiscussion about the presentation “Management of the COVID-19 epidemic in the carrier battle group (January – April 2020) by the Armed Forces Epidemiology and Public Health Center”
Pagina :1052-1053
J.-B. Meynard
MappaDiscussion about the presentation: “Actions of the French Military Medical Service in the war against COVID-19: mari transve mare, hominibus semper prodesse!”
Pagina :1054-1055
E. Meaudre
MappaPagina :1056-1058
M.-T. Hermange
Medicine and postmodern thinking
Pagina :1059-1064
J.-F. Mattei
Riassunto MappaThe Dictionary of the members of the French Academy of Medicine
Pagina :1065-1066
B. Delmas
MappaPagina :1067-1070
J. Mikol, B. Lechevalier
MappaMedicine and humanism in Touraine at the time of Rabelais
Pagina :1071-1077
J. Vons
Riassunto MappaCare and cure in Tours in the Middle Ages: A founding millennium
Pagina :1078-1084
F.-O. Touati
Riassunto MappaAutism: The Tours approach for a medicine of today and tomorrow
Pagina :1085-1090
C. Barthélémy, F. Bonnet-Brilhault
Riassunto MappaDevelopment of ultrasound and Doppler techniques at the University of Tours, France
Pagina :1091-1098
L. Pourcelot, A. Bouakaz
Riassunto MappaPerfusion and ischemia-reperfusion injury in liver transplantation
Pagina :1099-1106
M. Gabriel, P. Bucur, N. Tabchouri, L. Barbier, E. Felli, H. Barraud, E. Salamé
Riassunto MappaVaccine research in Tours: From hepatitis B vaccine to a bivalent vaccine against hepatitis B and C
Pagina :1107-1111
P. Roingeard
Riassunto MappaSTING signaling in T cells: Relevance in cancer immunotherapy
Pagina :1112-1119
L. Apetoh
Riassunto MappaPagina :1120-1121
J. Lucas, S. Combes
MappaSocial and emotional robots in healthcare
Pagina :1122-1123
L. Devillers
MappaArtificial intelligence and cancer
Pagina :1124-1125
A. Livartowski
MappaPagina :1126-1127
J.-D. Laredo
MappaArtificial Intelligence (AI) and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Pagina :1128-1130
D. Cohen, S. Mouchabac
MappaPagina :1131
Pagina :1132-1165
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