Vol 201 - N° 1-3 - janvier 2017
P. 5-500© Académie nationale de Médecine
Pagina :i
Pagina :iv
Pagina :5-10
Pagina :11
Opinion of the French National Academy of Medicine on the evaluation i) of the health risks related to the presence of barium in clays constituting the thermal muds and ii) the absence of sanitary control of the thermal mud.
Pagina :13-38
Christian-François Roques-Latrille, Richard Trèves, Patrice Queneau, Daniel Bontoux, Au nom de la Commission XII (Thérapies complémentaires, thermalisme, eaux minérales)** Membres :M.M.BontouxPrésidentBoudéneBourreDuhamelLasfarguesMme LecomteM.M.NicolasPéneQueneauTouitouBéaniLéviRoques-LatrilleRapporteurTrévesSecrétaire, Membres : M.M.BontouxPrésidentBoudéneBourreDuhamelLasfarguesMme LecomteM.M.NicolasPéneQueneauTouitouBéaniLéviRoques-LatrilleRapporteurTrévesSecrétaire, M.M. Bontoux, M.M. Nicolas
Pagina :39-40
Pagina :41-44
Gilles Bouvenot, Jean Sassard, Jean-Louis Montastruc
Pagina :45-46
Bernard Charpentier
Pagina :47-69
Séverine Beaudreuil, Antoine Durrbach
Pagina :71-79
Renato C. Monteiro
New antigenic epitopes in membranous nephropathy
Pagina :81-94
Pierre Ronco, Hanna Debiec
Pagina :95-101
Yvon Lebranchu
Benefits and risks of the development of connected health and of digital universities for health sciences
Pagina :103-120
Albert-Claude Benhamou
Pagina :121-128
Jacques Lucas
Sarcoptes scabiei: what kind of parasite is it? How is it transmitted and what could be its origin?
Pagina :129-141
Jacques Guillot
Human Scabies : why is it a public-health issue?
Pagina :143-146
Olivier Chosidow
Animal models in scabies: which are they? are they useful to optimize the therapeutic management of scabies?
Pagina :147-155
Charlotte Bernigaud, Olivier Chosidow, Jacques Guillot
Results of the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia by tyrosine kinase inhibitors alone or in combination with interferon
Pagina :157-166
François Guilhot
Can we annihilate or erode the Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia stem cells: allogenic bone marrow transplantation and new agents?
Pagina :167-177
Philippe Rousselot, Stéphane Prost
Genetic instability in chronic myeloid leukemia and its implication the development of resistances to tyrosine kinase inhibitors
Pagina :179-187
Ali Turhan
Pagina :189-194
Laurent Degos
Pagina :195-199
Dominique Poitout
Pagina :201-214
Alain de Tonquedec
Humanitarian transition and ethical approach
Pagina :215-224
Jean-François Mattei, Virginie Troit
Pagina :225
Daniel Jaeck
The alarming rise of pancreatic cancer burden worldwide
Pagina :227-235
Jacques Ferlay, Christian Partensky
Pagina :237-243
Marc Zins, Lucie Corno, Sophie Béranger, Stéphane Silvera, Isabelle Boulay-Coletta
Surgical treatment of pancreatic adenocarcinoma in 2017: patients selection, tumor selection, preoperative management, technical innovations and role of surgical volume
Pagina :245-258
Alain Sauvanet
Attentes et perspectives en recherche vaccinale
Pagina :259-272
Brigitte Autran, Béhazine Combadière, Odile Launay, Roger Legrand, Camille Locht, Frédéric Tangy, Pierre Verger, Nathalie Garçon
Pagina :273-279
Alain Fisher
Thirty years of evolution in the care of people living with the human immunodeficiency virus wishing to have child: a paradigm shift
Pagina :281-296
Louis Bujan
Type 1 diabetes. From biomarkers to prevention
Pagina :297-310
Christian Boitard
Preventive management of diffuse low-grade gliomas incidentally discovered: towards a policy of screening in the general population?
Pagina :311-324
Emmanuel Mandonnet, Luc Taillandier, Hugues Duffau
Is Diabetic Cardiomyopathy a specific entity?
Pagina :325-337
Jean-Paul Bounhoure, Michel Komajda
Pagina :339-357
Corinne Vons, Michèle Brami
Assessment of two drug interactions involving a distinct enzyme and their consequences on morbi-mortality
Pagina :359-379
Béatrice Saint-Salvi
Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty in osteoporotic vertebral fractures
Pagina :381-404
Jean-Denis Laredo, Philippe Orcel
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome type III (hypermobile): clinical somatosensory scale (SSCS-62) validation, about 626 patients
Pagina :405-415
Claude Hamonet, I. Brock, S. Pommeret, R. Amoretti, C. Baeza-Velasco, A. Metlaine
New medical treatments of Cushing’s disease
Pagina :417-429
Xavier Bertagna
Pharmacokinetic considerations in zinc supplementation: getting the dose right
Pagina :431-438
David H. Alpers
Pagina :e439
Induced membrane technique in restoration of bone defects
Pagina :439-453
Alain C. Masquelet
Update on infective endocarditis in adults
Pagina :455-465
François Delahaye
Pagina :467-479
François Chollet
Syphilis in France in 2016. An ugly situation
Pagina :481-484
Michel Janier
The Polyp in the Heart of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Pagina :485-493
Jean-François Cordier
Pagina :495-500
François-Bernard Michel
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