Vol 10 - N° 5-6 - décembre 2024
P. 407-538© Société Française d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation
Pagina :i
Pagina :iii
Nitrous oxide in anesthesia: Is there still a place?
Pagina :407-412
Chloé Allary, Sonia Delaporte-Cerceau
End-of-life knowledge and perceptions of French ICU nurses and nursing assistants
Pagina :413-420
Matthieu Le Dorze, Julien Carretier, Thomas Gonçalves, Mathilde Profumo, Yann Le Guen, Claire Fazilleau, Comité infirmier de réanimation de la Société française d’anesthésie-réanimation
The 10 key questions to optimize nutrition support in the intensive care unit
Pagina :421-429
Emmanuel Pardo, Émilie Occhiali, Céline Guichon, Claire Dupuis, Séverin Cabasson, Gaëlle Mourissoux, Louis-Marie Galerneau, Agnès Vinay, Vincent Susset, Nadia Dhif, Fabienne Tamion, Mette M. Berger
Case report: Propofol related infusion syndrome: Case of a patient hospitalized for subarachnoid hemorrhage
Pagina :430-434
Léa Fluteau, Camille Havel, Pauline Garel, Vincent Compère
Transfusion risk in 2024
Pagina :435-452
Agnès Bazin, Karim Boudjedir, Bernard Lassale, Corinne Lorriaux, Maryse Puntous, Jean-Yves Py, Imad Sandid
Understanding the microcirculatory dysfunction in anesthesia
Pagina :453-467
Stanislas Abrard, Matthias Jacquet-Lagrèze, François Dépret, Judith Catella, Samir Henni, Anne-Claire. Lukaszewicz, Philippe Guerci
Perioperative management of antiplatelets agents
Pagina :468-474
Fanny Bounes, Anne Godier, Stéphanie Roullet
The rules of good practice for blood transfusion: The point of view of the SFAR's Intensive Care Nurses Committee
Pagina :475-478
Manon Foucreau, Mathilde Joguet-Babut, Emilie Occhiali
Iron, EPO and vitamins for perioperative blood management
Pagina :479-481
Emmanuel Rineau, Alexandre Theissen, Sigismond Lasocki
La francophonie as the driving force behind strong anesthesia-intensive care-perioperative medicine
Pagina :482-483
Jean-Michel Constantin, Youssouf Coulibaly
“Academic mobility”: Why, for whom, and how?
Pagina :484-485
Benoit Tavernier, Anne-Claire Lukaszewicz
Morbidity and mortality in anaesthesia for total hip arthroplasty in sickle cell disease in a low-income country: The case of Monkole Hospital Centre
Pagina :486-495
Wilfrid Mbombo Dibue, Alphonse Mosolo Nganzele, Freddy MBUYI wa Mukishi, Berthe Barhayiga Nsimire, Jean Robert MAKULO Ali Risasi, Jean Joseph Echarri, Jean René Ngiyulu, Léon Tshilolo Muepu
Autotransfusion with intraoperative blood cell salvage: Experience of the University Hospital Treichville about 12 cases
Pagina :496-502
Servais Sontia Sai, Kadidia Kone, Kouesseu Judith Bouh, Kouadio Antoine Kouame, Stéphane Charles-Evrard Adingra, Sogbety Eric Diomande, Narcisse Boua
Rationalization of the prescription of biological tests: Current state in intensive care
Pagina :503-512
Asma Ben Souissi, Faten Haddad, Mhamed Sami Mebazaa
Anesthesia in Canada
Pagina :513-516
Guiseppe Fuda, Matthieu Kurrek
A tale of mobility: How I ended up practicing anesthesia in the United States
Pagina :517-518
Maxime Léger
Intensive care nurses: Towards a Swiss-style specialization?
Pagina :519-521
Manon Chrétien, Matthieu Clerget-Gurnaud, Mathilde Profumo, Yannick La Terra, Tania Bauer, Claire Fazilleau, Emilie Occhiali
Abstracts of Cochrane Collaboration reviews in Anesthésie & Réanimation
Pagina :522-523
Arthur James, Alice Blet, Isabelle Boutron
Diagnosis of confusional state with the confusional assessment method for the intensive care unit (CAM-ICU) in adult intensive care patients
Pagina :524-526
Fabian Miranda, Francisco Gonzalez, Maria Nieves Plana, Javier Zamora, Terry J. Quinn, Pamela Seron
Comment on the article “Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU) for the diagnosis of delirium in adults in critical care settings. Miranda et al. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023”
Pagina :527-528
Gérald Chanques
Block of erector spinae muscles for postoperative pain
Pagina :529-531
Lisa Oostvogels, Stephanie Weibel, Michael Meißner, Peter Kranke, Christine H. Meyer-Frießem, Esther Pogatzki-Zahn, Alexander Schnabel
Comment on article “Schnabel A, et al. Spinal erector muscle block for postoperative pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2023”
Pagina :532-533
Vincent Minville, Fabice Ferré
Commentary on: Environmental and financial impacts of perioperative paracetamol use: A multicentre international life-cycle analysis
Pagina :534-535
Stéphanie Pons, Le Masque et La Plume
Pagina :536-537
François Labaste, pour Le Masque et La Plume
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