
Tumeurs osseuses à cellules géantes : traitement par calcitonine ? - 08/09/11

Calcitonin use in giant cell bone tumors

Doi : 10.1016/j.rcot.2011.06.004 
H. Nouri , M.H. Meherzi, M. Ouertatani, M. Mestiri, K. Zehi, M. Douik, M. Zouari
Department of adult surgery, Kassab’s Institute Kassar Said, University of Tunis El Manar II, 2010 Mannouba, Tunisie 

Auteur correspondant.



As osteoclast, giant cell tumors express calcitonin receptors. The aim of this paper is to assess treatment using salmon calcitonin after curettage.

Patients and methods

We retrospectively reviewed 25 patients with giant cell tumor of the appendicular skeleton treated with a single protocol of calcitonin administration following curettage in order to assess the effectiveness of calcitonin in reducing the rate of local recurrence.


The mean duration follow-up was 68 months. Thirteen patients (52 %) had local recurrence. Eight of them were treated successfully after repeated curettage and calcitonin. Four patients had bone resection and one patient had curettage and cement filling. All patients with cavity left empty had ossified and the functional score as assessed by the MSTS score was 28.02/30.


This study suggests that the use of calcitonin as adjuvant is not effective and that filling agents are not required after curettage of giant cell tumors.

Level of evidence

Level IV.

Il testo completo di questo articolo è disponibile in PDF.

Keywords : Giant cell tumor, Calcitonin, Bone

 Cet article peut être consulté in extenso dans la version anglaise de la revue Orthopaedics & Traumatology : Surgery & Research sur Science Direct ( en utilisant le DOI ci-dessus.

© 2011  Elsevier Masson SAS. Tutti i diritti riservati.
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Vol 97 - N° 5

P. 509 - Settembre 2011 Ritorno al numero
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