
In situ localization of latex allergens in 3 different brands of latex gloves by means of immunogold field emission scanning and transmission electron microscopy - 04/09/11

Doi : 10.1067/mai.2000.103182 
Monika Grote, PhDa, Vera Mahler, MDb, Susanne Spitzauer, MDc, Thomas Fuchs, MDd, Rudolf Valenta, MDb, Rudolf Reichelt, PhDa
Münster and Göttingen, Germany, and Vienna, Austria 
From athe Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics, University of Münster, Münster; bthe Institute of General and Experimental Pathology, University of Vienna, Vienna; cthe Institute of Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics, AKH, University of Vienna, Vienna; and dGeorg-August-University, Department of Dermatology, Göttingen 


Background: Latex proteins represent relevant allergens, particularly for those persons who are frequently exposed to latex products (eg, health care workers and patients with chronic disorders). Although several latex allergens have been characterized by biochemical and molecular biologic techniques, little information is available concerning the in situ localization of allergenic proteins in latex products. Objective: The objective of the present study was the in situ localization of latex allergens. Methods: Serum IgE from patients with latex allergy reacting with a broad range (5-200 kd) of latex allergens was used for the in situ localization of latex allergens. One surgical and 2 examination latex glove brands were investigated by using immunogold field emission scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Results: Allergens were detected on the inner and outer surface of the gloves, particularly near the edges, crests, or folds of the bleb-like structures visible on the surface of the latex material at high magnifications. In ultrathin cross-sections, latex allergens were found throughout the sections. Conclusions: Latex allergens were localized on the outer and inner surface but also in the interior of latex gloves. The occurrence of latex allergens on the surface of latex products may be related to their potential to induce local reactions and, perhaps, to sensitize individuals by means of contact. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2000;105:561-9.)

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Keywords : Latex allergens, in situ localization, immunogold electron microscopy, latex-specific human IgE, surgical glove, examination glove

Abbreviations : FESEM:, TEM:


 Supported in part by the ICP program of the Austrian Ministry of Science and Transports and by grant Y078 GEN of the Austrian Science Fund.
 Reprint requests: Monika Grote, PhD, Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics, University of Münster, Robert-Koch-Str. 31, D-48149 Münster, Germany.

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Vol 105 - N° 3

P. 561-569 - Marzo 2000 Ritorno al numero
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