Therapeutic Targets for Alzheimer’s Disease: Amyloid Vs. Non-Amyloid. Where Does Consensus Lie Today? An CTAD Task Force Report - 21/11/24

Doi : 10.14283/jpad.2022.29 
Serge Gauthier 1, , A. Boxer 2, D. Knopman 3, J. Sims 4, R. Doody 5, P. Aisen 6, T. Iwatsubo 7, R. Bateman 8, B. Vellas 9
1 McGill Center for Studies in Aging, Montreal, Canada 
2 Memory and Aging Center, Department of Neurology, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA 
3 Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA 
4 Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA 
5 Genentech and F. Hoffman LaRoche, Basel, Switzerland 
6 Keck Scholl of Medicine of USC, San Diego, CA, USA 
7 Department of Neuropathology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 
8 Department of Neurology, Washington University, St-Louis, MO, USA 
9 Toulouse University Hospital, Inserm 1295, University of Toulouse, UPS, Toulouse, France 


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There was consensus that both amyloid and tau pathologies should be targeted in Alzheimer’s disease, as well as additional pathophysiological mechanisms such as neuroinflammation. The selection of one or both of these targets may depend upon a personalized approach that takes into account the genetic and acquired factors that cause AD in any given person as well as their stage of disease as reflected in a biomarker profile. The validation of this therapeutic approach will be made possible by new methodologies for subdividing into predominant pathology, by efficient methods for identifying people in the earliest stages of disease, and by combination studies.

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Key words : Alzheimer disease, Amyloid, tau, therapeutic targets


 Task Force members: Susan Abushakra (Framingham, USA); Sandrine Andrieu (Toulouse, France); Matthew Barton (Raleigh, USA); Randall Bateman (St Louis, USA); Monika Baudler (Basel, Switzerland); Joanne Bell (Willmington, USA); Tobias Bittner (Basel, Switzerland); Dawn Brooks (Indianapolis, USA); Mirek Brys (Indianapolis, USA); Szofia Bullain (South San Francisco, USA); Cherie Butts (Cambridge, USA); Maria Carrillo (Chicago, USA); Carmen Castrillo-Viguera (Cambridge, USA); Bill Chan (Beijing, China); Ivan Cheung (Woodcliff Lake, USA); Min Cho (Woodcliff Lake, USA); Suzanne Craft (Winston-Salem, USA); Jeffrey Cummings (Las Vegas, USA); Julien Delrieu (Toulouse, France); Michael Detke (San Francisco, USA); Shobha Dhadda (Woodcliff Lake, USA); Sanjay Dube (Viejo, USA); Billy Dunn (Beltsville, USA); Michael Egan (North Wales, USA); Rianne Esquivel (Malvern, USA); Colin Ewen (United Kingdom); Phyllis Ferrel (Indianapolis, USA); Michela Gallagher (Baltimore, USA); Wendy Galpern (New Jersey, USA); Hideki Garren (San Francisco, USA); Grönblad Anna-Kaija (Stockholm, Sweden); Juergen Haeussler (Titusville, USA); Harald Hampel (Woodcliff Lake, USA); Suzanne Hendrix (Salt Lake City, USA); Joseph Herring (North Wales, USA); Michael Irizarry (Woodcliff Lake, USA); Gene Kinney (San Francisco, USA); Hartmuth Kolb (Titusville, USA); Shailaja Korukonda (Woodcliff Lake, USA); Akihiko Koyama (Woodcliff Lake, USA); Lynn Kramer (Woodcliff Lake, USA); Luka Kulic (Basel, Switzerland); Ricky Kurzman (Woodcliff Lake, USA); Jaren Landen (Cambridge, USA); Lars Lannfelt (Uppsala, Sweden); John Lawson (Malvern, USA); Valérie Legrand (Nanterre, France); Jinhe Li (Gilbert, USA); Frank Longo (Stanford, USA); Manoj Malhotra (Woodcliff Lake, USA); William MEnard (Providence, USA); Mark Mintun (Indianapolis, USA); Cecilia Monteiro (South San Francisco, USA); Stacie O’Sullivan (Woodcliff Lake, USA); Tomas Odergren (Stockholm, Sweden); Gunilla Osswald (Stockholm, Sweden); Ronald Petersen (Rochester, USA); Michael Pontecorvo (Indianapolis, USA); Mary Ellen Quiceno (New Jersey, USA); Rema Raman (San Diego, USA); Larisa Reyderman (Woodcliff Lake, USA); Monica Rivera-Mindt (Bronx, USA); Sharon Rogers (Los Angeles, USA); Sharon Rosenzweig-Lipson (Baltimore, USA); Ivana Rubino (Cambridge, USA); Laurie Ryan (Bethesda, USA); Marwan Sabbagh (Phoenix, USA); Stephen Salloway (Providence, USA); Rachel Schindler (New York, USA); Lon Schneider (Los Angeles, USA); Peter Schüler (Langen, Germany); Hiroshi Sekiya (Malvern, USA); Dennis Selkoe (Boston, USA); Melanie Shulman (Cambridge, USA); Eric Siemers ((Zionsville, USA); Kaycee Sink (South San Francisco, USA); Reisa Sperling (Boston, USA); Joyce Suhy (San Mateo, USA); Chad Swanson (Woodcliff Lake, USA); Jina Swartz (London, United Kingdom); Pierre Tariot (Phoenix, USA); Edmond Teng (South San Francisco, USA); Jacques Touchon (Montpellier, France); Martin Traber (Basel, Switzerland); Dominic Walsh (Cambridge, USA); Michael Weiner (San Francisco, USA); Lisa Yarenis (Woodcliff Lake, USA); Wagner Zago (San Francisco, USA); Kenton Zavitz (Cambridge, United Kingdom)

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Vol 9 - N° 2

P. 231-235 - Aprile 2022 Ritorno al numero
Articolo precedente Articolo precedente
  • Aducanumab: Appropriate Use Recommendations Update
  • Jeffrey Cummings, G.D. Rabinovici, A. Atri, P. Aisen, L.G. Apostolova, S. Hendrix, M. Sabbagh, D. Selkoe, M. Weiner, S. Salloway, Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Therapeutics Working Group
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  • Digital Therapeutics for MCI and Alzheimer’s disease: A Regulatory Perspective — Highlights From The Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease conference (CTAD)
  • J. Shuren, P.M. Doraiswamy

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