
Structural analysis of human IgE monoclonal antibody epitopes on dust mite allergen Der p 2 - 05/08/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.jaci.2024.04.017 
Alyssa Ball, PhD a, , Kriti Khatri, PhD b, c, Jill Glesner, BS a, Lisa D. Vailes, MS a, Sabina Wünschmann, PhD a, Scott A. Gabel, BS d, Geoffrey A. Mueller, PhD d, Jian Zhang, MS e, R. Stokes Peebles, MD e, Martin D. Chapman, PhD a, Scott A. Smith, MD, PhD e, Maksymilian Chruszcz, PhD b, c, , Anna Pomés, PhD a
a InBio, Charlottesville, Va 
b Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich 
c University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 
d National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC 
e Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tenn 

Corresponding author: Alyssa Ball, PhD, InBio, 700 Harris St, Charlottesville, VA 22903.InBio700 Harris StCharlottesvilleVA22903Maksymilian Chruszcz, PhD, Michigan State University, 603 Wilson Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824.Michigan State University603 Wilson RdEast LansingMI48824

Graphical abstract

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Human IgE (hIgE) mAbs against major mite allergen Der p 2 developed using human hybridoma technology were used for IgE epitope mapping and analysis of epitopes associated with the hIgE repertoire.


We sought to elucidate the new hIgE mAb 4C8 epitope on Der p 2 and compare it to the hIgE mAb 2F10 epitope in the context of the allergenic structure of Der p 2.


X-ray crystallography was used to determine the epitope of anti–Der p 2 hIgE mAb 4C8. Epitope mutants created by targeted mutagenesis were analyzed by immunoassays and in vivo using a human high-affinity IgE receptor (FcεRIα)–transgenic mouse model of passive systemic anaphylaxis.


The structure of recombinant Der p 2 with hIgE mAb 4C8 Fab was determined at 3.05 Å. The newly identified epitope region does not overlap with the hIgE mAb 2F10 epitope or the region recognized by 3 overlapping hIgE mAbs (1B8, 5D10, and 2G1). Compared with wild-type Der p 2, single or double 4C8 and 2F10 epitope mutants bound less IgE antibodies from allergic patients by as much as 93%. Human FcεRIα–transgenic mice sensitized by hIgE mAbs, which were susceptible to anaphylaxis when challenged with wild-type Der p 2, could no longer cross-link FcεRI to induce anaphylaxis when challenged with the epitope mutants.


These data establish the structural basis of allergenicity of 2 hIgE mAb nonoverlapping epitopes on Der p 2, which appear to make important contributions to the hIgE repertoire against Der p 2 and provide molecular targets for future design of allergy therapeutics.

Il testo completo di questo articolo è disponibile in PDF.

Key words : IgE, antibody, house dust mite, anaphylaxis, epitope

Abbreviations used : CD, CDR, FcεRI, hIgE, mIgG, NIAID, NIH, NMR, rDer p 2, VUMC


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Vol 154 - N° 2

P. 447-457 - Agosto 2024 Ritorno al numero
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