
Electronic health record characterization and outcomes of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction - 11/08/23

Doi : 10.1016/j.ahj.2023.04.013 
Vishal N. Rao, MD, MPH a, b, Derek D. Cyr, PhD b, Lisa M. Wruck, PhD b, c, Gretchen Sanders, RN b, Paul Hofmann, BS b, Lothar Rössig, MD d, Harald Siedentop, PhD d, Thomas Evers, MSc, PhD d, Michaela Meyer, PhD d, Karen Paraschin, MD d, Richard Nkulikiyinka, MSc, MBBChir d, Kishan Parikh, MD a, b, G. Michael Felker, MD, MHS a, b,
a Division of Cardiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 
b Duke Clinical Research Institute, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC 
c Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC 
d Bayer AG, Wuppertal, Germany 

Reprint requests: G. Michael Felker, MD, MHS, Duke Clinical Research Institute, Duke University School of Medicine, 300 W. Morgan St, Durham, NC 27705.Duke Clinical Research InstituteDuke University School of Medicine300 W. Morgan StDurhamNC27705



Electronic health record (EHR)-based identification of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) in the clinical setting may facilitate screening for clinical trials by improving the understanding of its epidemiology and outcomes; yet, previous data have yielded variable results. We sought to characterize groups identified with HFpEF by different EHR screening strategies and their associated long-term outcomes across a large and diverse population.


We retrospectively analyzed 116,499 consecutive patients from an academic referral center who underwent echocardiography, and 9,263 patients who underwent echocardiography within 6 months of right heart catheterization (RHC), between 2008 and 2018. EHR-based screening strategies identified patients with HFpEF using 1) International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-9/10 codes, 2) H2FpEF score ≥6 and ejection fraction (EF) ≥50%, or 3) RHC wedge pressure ≥15 mmHg and EF ≥50%, when available. Primary outcomes were 1) cumulative incident heart failure hospitalization (HFH), and 2) death, over 10 years.


There were 33,461 (29%) patients who met either ICD or H2FpEF-HFpEF definition, of whom 5,310 (16%) met both criteria. Compared to ICD-HFpEF, patients with H2FpEF-HFpEF were more likely older (median age 72 vs 67), White (78% vs 64%), and had atrial fibrillation (97% vs 41%). Among those also with RHC, 6,353 (69%) patients met any HFpEF criteria, of whom only 783 (12%) satisfied all three criteria. Female sex was more common among RHC-HFpEF (55%) compared to other methods (H2FpEF-HFpEF, 47%; ICD-HFpEF, 43%). Atrial fibrillation was substantially higher among HFpEF identified by the H2FpEF score (97%) compared to other methods (49% for ICD and 47% for RHC). Across HFpEF screening methods, 10-year cumulative incidence rates for HFH was 32% to 45% for echocardiography only and 43% to 52% for echocardiography and RHC populations; 10-year risk of death was 54% to 56% for echocardiography only and 52% to 57% for echocardiography and RHC populations.


Different EHR-based HFpEF definitions identified cohorts with modest overlap and varying baseline characteristics. Yet, long-term risk for HFH and death were similarly high for cohorts identified among both populations undergoing echocardiography only or echocardiography and RHC. These data aid in identifying relevant subgroups in clinical trials of HFpEF.

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Abbreviations : HFpEF, EF, EHR, HFH, ICD, NPV, NT-proBNP, PPV, RHC


© 2023  Pubblicato da Elsevier Masson SAS.
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P. 1-14 - Settembre 2023 Ritorno al numero
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