
Sex-stratified differences in early antithrombotic treatment response in patients presenting with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction - 14/03/23

Doi : 10.1016/j.ahj.2022.12.013 
Ronak Delewi, MD, PhD a, #, Rosanne F. Vogel, MD a, b, #, Jeroen M. Wilschut, MD c, Miguel E. Lemmert, MD, PhD c, d, Roberto Diletti, MD, PhD c, Ria van Vliet e, Nancy W.P.L. van der Waarden, MSc f, Rutger-Jan Nuis, MD, PhD c, Valeria Paradies, MD e, Dimitrios Alexopoulos, MD, PhD g, Felix Zijlstra, MD, PhD c, Gilles Montalescot, MD, PhD h, Dominick J. Angiolillo, MD, PhD i, Mitchell W. Krucoff, MD, PhD j, Pieter A. Doevendans, MD, PhD b, Nicolas M. Van Mieghem, MD, PhD c, Pieter C. Smits, MD, PhD e, Georgios J. Vlachojannis, MD, PhD b, e,
a Department of cardiology, Amsterdam University Medical Center, Location AMC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 
b Department of cardiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands 
c Department of cardiology, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands 
d Department of cardiology, Isala Hospital, Zwolle, the Netherlands 
e Maasstad Hospital, Rotterdam, the Netherlands 
f AmbulanceZorg Rotterdam-Rijnmond, Rotterdam, Barendrecht, the Netherlands 
g Department of cardiology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School, Attikon University Hospital, Athens, Greece 
h ACTION group, Sorbonne University, Groupe Hospitalier Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital (AP-HP), Paris, France 
i Division of cardiology, University of Florida College of Medicine, Jacksonville, FL 
j Department of cardiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 

Reprint requests: Georgios J. Vlachojannis, MD, PhD, Division Heart and Lungs, University Medical Center Utrecht, PO Box 85500 -E 04.5.05, 3508 GA UTRECHT, The Netherlands.Division Heart and LungsUniversity Medical Center UtrechtPO Box 85500 -E 04.5.05UTRECHTGA3508The Netherlands



The mechanisms underlying the increased risk of bleeding that female patients with ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) exhibit, remains unclear. The present report assessed sex-related differences in response to pre-hospital dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) initiation in patients with STEMI.


The COMPARE CRUSH trial randomized patients presenting with STEMI to receive a pre-hospital loading dose of crushed or integral prasugrel tablets in the ambulance. In this substudy, we compared platelet reactivity levels and the occurrence of high platelet reactivity (HPR; defined as platelet reactivity ≥208) between sexes at 4 prespecified time points after DAPT initiation, and evaluated post-PCI bleeding between groups.


Out of 633 STEMI patients, 147 (23%) were female. Females compared with males presented with significantly higher levels of platelet reactivity and higher HPR rates at baseline (232 [IQR, 209-256] vs 195 [IQR, 171-220], P < .01, and 76% vs 41%, OR 4.58 [95%CI, 2.52-8.32], P < .01, respectively). Moreover, female sex was identified as the sole independent predictor of HPR at baseline (OR 5.67 [95%CI, 2.56-12.53], P < .01). Following DAPT initiation, levels of platelet reactivity and the incidence of HPR were similar between sexes. Post-PCI bleeding occurred more frequently in females compared with males (10% vs 2%, OR 6.02 [95%CI, 2.61-11.87], P < .01). Female sex was an independent predictor of post-PCI bleeding (OR 3.25 [95%CI, 1.09-9.72], P = .04).


In this contemporary STEMI cohort, female STEMI patients remain at risk of bleeding complications after primary PCI. However, this is not explained by sex-specific differences in the pharmacodynamic response to pre-hospital DAPT initiation.

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Vol 258

P. 17-26 - Aprile 2023 Ritorno al numero
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