
Transglutaminase 3 expression in hepatocellular carcinoma patients: Correlation with tumor features and survival profile - 27/03/22

Doi : 10.1016/j.clinre.2021.101812 
Deng Wu a, b, #, Renqian Zhang a, b, #, Lei Zhan a, b,
a Department of Hepatology, Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wuhan, China 
b Hubei Province Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wuhan, China 

Corresponding author at: Department of Hepatology, Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 4# Hua Yuan Shan, Wuchang District, Wuhan 430061, China.Department of HepatologyHubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine4# Hua Yuan Shan, Wuchang DistrictWuhan430061China

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TGM3 mRNA and protein expressions are increased in HCC cancerous tissue.
TGM3 high expression correlates with advanced clinicopathological features.
TMG3 high expression correlates with unfavorable prognosis.
TGM3 protein high expression (vs. low) independently correlates with worse OS.

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Transglutaminase 3 (TGM3) regulates multiple oncogene pathways (GSK-3β/β-catenin pathway, Akt/ERK pathway, etc.) to promote hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell proliferation, migration and invasion, however, its clinical value for HCC management is still limited. Therefore, we conducted this study to compare the TGM3 expression between tumor tissue and paired adjacent noncancerous tissue, aiming to explore the clinical application of TGM3 in HCC patients.


Totally, 208 HCC patients were enrolled and their clinicopathological features were collected. Then, 208 pairs of HCC specimens and adjacent noncancerous specimens were used to detect TGM3 protein expression by IHC assay and assessed by a semi-quantitative scoring method. Besides, 157 pairs were proposed to detect TGM3 mRNA expression by RT-qPCR.


Both TGM3 protein (P<0.001) and mRNA (P<0.001) levels were increased in HCC specimens compared to adjacent noncancerous specimens. Besides, TGM3 high protein expression correlated with multifocal tumor nodules (P<0.001), advanced Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) stage (P = 0.006), higher carcinoembryonic antigen (P = 0.038) and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) (P<0.001). While TGM3 high mRNA expression correlated with multifocal tumor nodules (P = 0.025), largest tumor size ≥ 5.0 cm (P = 0.042) and higher AFP (P = 0.019). Furthermore, both TGM3 protein (P = 0.002) and mRNA (P = 0.028) high expressions correlated with shorter overall survival (OS). While after adjustment by multivariant Cox's regression, TGM3 protein high expression (vs. low) independently predicted worse OS (P = 0.004).


TMG3 expression is increased in tumor tissue, also its high expression correlates with multiple tumor nodules, higher BCLC stage, abnormal AFP and reduced OS in HCC patients.

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Keywords : Hepatocellular carcinoma, Transglutaminase 3, Barcelona clinic liver cancer stage, Tumor markers, Prognosis

Abbreviations : HCC, TGM3, PI3K, Akt, ERK, IHC, RT-qPCR, AASLD, OS, FFEP, EMT, DFS


© 2021  Pubblicato da Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 46 - N° 3

Articolo 101812- Marzo 2022 Ritorno al numero
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