Electroglottography based real-time voice-to-MIDI controller - 17/01/22

Doi : 10.1016/j.neuri.2022.100041 
Eugenio Donati , 1 , Christos Chousidis
 School of Computing and Engineering, University of West London, St. Mary's road, W55RF, London, UK 

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In corso di stampa. Manoscritto Accettato. Disponibile online dal Monday 17 January 2022
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Voice-to-MIDI real-time conversion is a challenging problem that comes with a series of obstacles and complications. The main issue is the tracking of the human voice pitch. Extracting the voice fundamental frequency can be inaccurate and highly computationally exacting due to the spectral complexity of voice signals. In addition, on account of microphone usage, the presence of environmental noise can further affect voice processing. An analysis of the current research and status of the market shows a plethora of voice-to-MIDI implementations revolving around the processing of audio signals deriving from microphones. This paper addresses the above-mentioned issues by implementing a novel experimental method where electroglottography is employed instead of microphones as a source for pitch-tracking. In the proposed system, the signal is processed and converted through an embedded hardware device. The use of electroglottography improves both the accuracy of pitch evaluation and the ease of voice information processing; firstly, it provides a direct measurement of the vocal folds' activity and, secondly, it bypasses the interferences caused by external sound sources. This allows the extraction of a simpler and cleaner signal that yields a more effective evaluation of the fundamental frequency during phonation. The proposed method delivers a faster and less computationally demanding conversion thus in turn, allowing for an efficacious real-time voice-to-MIDI conversion.

Il testo completo di questo articolo è disponibile in PDF.

Keywords : Electroglottography, Bioimpedance Measurements, EGG-to-MIDI, voice-to-MIDI, Voice Information Retrieval, Real-time audio conversion


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