Protéger les établissements de santé - 27/06/21
Protecting healthcare facilities
pagine | 3 |
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Riassunto |
La protection d'un établissement de santé est une posture vigilante et permanente pour toute personne y travaillant
Le plan de sécurisation de l'établissement fait intervenir des acteurs internes et externes (forces de l'ordre et de secours) et impose de l'information et de la formation régulières.
Il testo completo di questo articolo è disponibile in PDF.Abstract |
The protection of a healthcare facility means maintaining a permanent approach of alertness for everyone working there. The hospital security plan involves internal and external players (police and emergency services), and requires the regular sharing of information and training.
Il testo completo di questo articolo è disponibile in PDF.Mots clés : attentat, crise, formation, hôpital, plan de secours, protection, sécurité, terrorisme, vigilance
Keywords : attack, crisis, emergency response plan, hospital, protection, security, terrorism, training, vigilance
Vol 66 - N° 856
P. 31-33 - Giugno 2021 Ritorno al numeroBenvenuto su EM|consulte, il riferimento dei professionisti della salute.
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