Nasopharyngeal Haemophilus and local immune response during infant respiratory syncytial virus infection - 04/03/21
Supported by funds from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (under awards U19AI095227, K24AI77930, HHSN272200900007C, R21AI142321, and U19AI110819); the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (under awards K23HL148638 and R01HL146401); the Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program; the Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (grant support from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences under award UL1TR000445); and the Vanderbilt Technologies for Advanced Genomics Core (grant support from the National Institutes of Health under awards UL1RR024975, P30CA68485, P30EY08126, and G20RR030956). |
Disclosure of potential conflict of interest: The authors declare that they have no relevant conflicts of interest. |
Vol 147 - N° 3
P. 1097 - Marzo 2021 Ritorno al numeroBenvenuto su EM|consulte, il riferimento dei professionisti della salute.
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