The critical care literature 2019 - 11/12/20
Abstract |
An emergency physician (EP) is often the first health care provider to evaluate, resuscitate, and manage a critically ill patient. In recent years, the annual hours of critical care delivered in emergency departments across the United States has steadily increased. From 2006 to 2014, emergency department (ED) visits for critically ill patients increased approximately 80%. In addition to seeing more critically ill patients, EPs are often tasked with providing critical care long beyond the initial resuscitation period. In fact, more than 50% of ED patients that require admission to the ICU remain in the ED for more than 6 h. Prolonged ED wait times for critically ill patients to be transferred to the ICU is associated with increased hospital, 30-day, and 90-day mortality. It is during these early hours of critical illness, while the patient is in the ED, where lives can be saved or lost. Therefore, it is important for the EP to be knowledgeable about recent developments in resuscitation and critical care medicine. This review summarizes important articles published in 2019 pertaining to the resuscitation and care of select critically ill patients. We chose these articles based on our opinion of the importance of the study findings and their application to emergency medicine. The following topics are covered: sepsis, rapid sequence intubation, mechanical ventilation, neurocritical care, post-cardiac arrest care, and ED-based ICUs.
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Vol 39
P. 197-206 - Gennaio 2021 Ritorno al numeroBenvenuto su EM|consulte, il riferimento dei professionisti della salute.
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