
Gal d 7—a major allergen in primary chicken meat allergy - 22/07/20

Doi : 10.1016/j.jaci.2020.02.033 
Christoph Klug, MSc a, , Wolfgang Hemmer, PhD b, Patricia Román-Carrasco, MSc a, Margarete Focke-Tejkl, PhD c, Santiago Quirce, MD, PhD d, Teresa Boyano-Martínez, MD d, Erwin Gaubitzer, PhD e, Herbert Wank, PhD a, Ines Swoboda, PhD a,
a Biotechnology Section, FH Campus Wien, University of Applied Sciences, Campus Vienna Biocenter, Vienna, Austria 
b Floridsdorf Allergy Center, Vienna, Austria 
c Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria 
d Department of Allergy, Hospital La Paz Institute for Health Research, Madrid, Spain 
e Max F. Perutz Laboratories, Department of Structural Biology and Biomolecular Chemistry, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria 

Corresponding author: Ines Swoboda, PhD, Biotechnology Section, FH Campus Wien, University of Applied Sciences, Campus Vienna Biocenter, Helmut-Qualtinger-Gasse 2, A-1030 Vienna, Austria.Biotechnology SectionFH Campus WienUniversity of Applied SciencesCampus Vienna BiocenterHelmut-Qualtinger-Gasse 2ViennaA-1030Austria



Poultry meat can induce severe allergic reactions. So far, the molecules causing poultry meat allergy are largely unknown.


Our aim was to identify and characterize poultry meat allergens.


Profiles of patients’ IgE reactivity to chicken muscle were analyzed in immunoblots, and proteins recognized by the majority of patients were subjected to peptide mass fingerprinting. A 23-kDa IgE-reactive protein was identified as myosin light chain 1, designated Gallus domesticus 7 (Gal d 7). Recombinant Gal d 7 was produced in Escherichia coli. The protein’s IgE reactivity was analyzed in ELISA experiments, and cross-reactivity with allergens of other poultry species was assessed in inhibition immunoblots. Fold and thermal stability were evaluated by circular dichroism analysis, and enzymatic stability was investigated using in vitro gastrointestinal digestion assays.


Recombinant Gal d 7 represents a properly folded, predominantly α-helical protein and displays IgE-binding activity comparable to that of its natural counterpart. IgE reactivity analysis in 28 patients allergic to chicken meat revealed that Gal d 7 is a major allergen for patients primarily sensitized to chicken meat. Furthermore, Gal d 7–cross-reactive allergens were also detected in other poultry species, suggesting that recombinant Gal d 7 can be used as a diagnostic marker allergen for poultry meat allergy. The high thermal stability, refolding capacity, and resistance to gastrointestinal enzymes might explain why Gal d 7 can act as a potent sensitizing agent.


Gal d 7 represents a novel major chicken meat allergen. Recombinant Gal d 7 could be used for diagnosis of genuine poultry meat sensitization.

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Key words : Poultry meat allergy, major chicken meat allergen, recombinant allergen, Gal d 7, genuine sensitization

Abbreviations used : CD, Gal d 5, Gal d 7, IMAC, LC-ESI MS/MS, MALDI-TOF, MLC, rGal d 7, SGF, SIF, SSF


 This study was supported by research grants P 25868-B13 and P 29991 from the Austrian Science Fund Austria and research grant 15-10 from the Municipal Department 23 for Economic Affairs, Labor and Statistics, Vienna, Austria.
 Disclosure of potential conflict of interest: The authors declare that they have no relevant conflict of interest.

© 2020  The Authors. Pubblicato da Elsevier Masson SAS. Tutti i diritti riservati.
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Vol 146 - N° 1

P. 169 - Luglio 2020 Ritorno al numero
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