
Le frottement métal-métal en arthroplastie de hanche : aspect de matériovigilance - 27/03/08

Doi : RCO-05-2007-93-3-0035-1040-101019-200520013 

Sous La Direction de : N. Passuti [1],

Et S. Terver [1]

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Metal on metal bearing surfaces in total hip arthroplasty: a survey of material incidents

This study is dedicated to the problems met with metal-metal bearing prostheses. We have analysed the results of the reports sent to the AFSSAPS relating incidents described with this interface.

Only 11 incidents were reported during the last 4 years by surgeons from different centers in France. At a mean follow-up of 7 years, we collected 2614 total hip arthroplasties with metal-metal bearings and among them only 5 cases of unusual osteolysis and 10 cases of impingement.

The bibliographic analysis did not show any severe specific complication due to the release of Cobalt or Chromium ions. The increased levels of Co an Cr in the patients' blood is now a well established notion (with more than 10 years follow up) and no special carcinogenetic effect has been correlated with the metal-metal bearings.

Small diameter cemented cups can provide complications with high rates of acetabular loosening and metallosis; the same is true for some cementless cups also with loosening and a high revision rate.

Among 143 hip prosthesis with a cemented polyethylene cup, at a mean follow-up of 42 months there were 22% of evolutive radiolucencies around the cups concerning all three De Lee and Charnley zones. Furthermore there was a statistically significant difference between small and large diameter cups (loosening of cups less than 46 mm in diameter).

The same problem has been described for some cementless cups with loosening at the metal-bone interface due to a failure of osteointegration at the implant surface. However no failures were observed with an hydroxyapatite coating on the same cup.

An other matter of concern is the skirted metal head: this design is responsible for a high rate of impingement and of prosthetic revision (2.3% among 642 THA). In these cases the increase of Cobalt serum levels was well correlated with the failure of the metal-metal interface.

Large diameter heads decrease significantly the risks of dislocation. This is correlated with the increase in size. The release of ions in the blood was not affected by the large diameter compared to the regular size.

So this overview confirms that if we respect some basic rules for the indications there are no specific complications related to the use of metal-metal bearings. In prospective studies the results of ceramic-ceramic and metal-metal bearings are similar but we must keep on observing prospectively the patients as for the release of Co and Cr.

Keywords: Prosthesis , wear , metal on metal bearing , toxicity


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Vol 93 - N° 3

P. 288-290 - Maggio 2007 Ritorno al numero
Articolo precedente Articolo precedente
  • Chondroblastome métaphyso-diaphysaire du fémur
  • K. Znati, M. Ahaouch, H. Fatemi, L. Chbani, A. Affifi, I. Kamaoui, S. Bennis, A. Amarti
| Articolo seguente Articolo seguente
  • Couple de frottement métal-métal : introduction, résultats de l'enquête de la Société Française de la Hanche et du Genou (SFHG) et des déclarations de matériovigilance
  • N. Passuti, S. Terver

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