
Impact of a visual aid on discordance between physicians and family members about prognosis of critically ill patients - 04/05/18

Doi : 10.1016/j.accpm.2017.05.006 
Gabrielle Burelli , Chloé Berthelier , Hélène Vanacker , Léonard Descaillot , Bénédicte Philippon-Jouve , Xavier Fabre , Mahmoud Kaaki , Jean-Charles Chakarian , Alexandre Domine , Pascal Beuret
 Service de Réanimation, Centre Hospitalier Roanne, 28, rue de Charlieu, 42328 Roanne, France 

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This study aimed to evaluate the impact of a visual aid on the discordance about prognosis between physicians and family members.


The study was performed in a general intensive care department with two 6-bed units. In the unit A, family members could consult a visual aid depicting day by day the evolution of global, hemodynamic, respiratory, renal and neurological conditions of the patient on a 10-point scale. In the unit B, they only received oral medical information. On day 7 of the ICU stay, the physician and family members estimated the prognosis of the patient among four proposals (life threatened; steady state but may worsen; steady state, should heal; will heal). Then we compared the rate of discordance about prognosis between physicians and family members in the two units.


Seventy-nine consecutive patients admitted in the intensive care department and still present at day 7, their family members and physicians, were enrolled. Patients in the two units were comparable in age, sex ratio, reason for admission, SAPS II at admission and SOFA score at day 7. In the unit A, physician-family members discordance about prognosis occurred for 12 out of 39 patients (31%) vs. 22 out of 40 patients (55%) in the unit B (P=0.04).


In our study, adding a visual aid depicting the evolution of the condition of critically ill patients day by day to classic oral information allowed the family to have an estimate of the prognosis less discordant with the estimate of the physician.

Il testo completo di questo articolo è disponibile in PDF.

Keywords : Understanding medical information, Prognosis, Critically ill patients, Visual aid


© 2017  Société française d'anesthésie et de réanimation (Sfar). Pubblicato da Elsevier Masson SAS. Tutti i diritti riservati.
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Vol 37 - N° 3

P. 207-210 - Giugno 2018 Ritorno al numero
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