Benoît Courteille a, Jennifer Brunet a, Alexandre Ouattara b, c, d, François Stéphan e, Jean-Louis Gérard a, Emmanuel Lorne f, g, Marc-Olivier Fischer a, h, ⁎ 
for theARCOTHOVA (group)
a Pôle réanimations anesthésie Samu/Smur, CHU de Caen, avenue de la Côte-de-Nacre, CS 30001, 14000 Caen, France
b CHU de Bordeaux, Department of Anaesthesia and Critical Care II, place Amélie-Raba-Léon, 33000 Bordeaux, France
c Univ. Bordeaux, Biology of cardiovascular disease, U1034, F-33600 Pessac, France
d INSERM, Biology of cardiovascular disease, U1034, F-33600 Pessac, France
e Service de réanimation adulte, centre chirurgical Marie-Lannelongue, 92350 Le-Plessis-Robinson, France
f Anesthesiology and Critical Care Department, Amiens University Medical Center, avenue René-Laennec, 80054 Amiens, France
g Inserm U1088, Jules Verne University of Picardy, centre universitaire de recherche en santé (CURS), chemin du Thil, 80025 Amiens cedex, France
h EA 4650, université de Caen-Normandie, esplanade de la paix, CS 14032, 14000 Caen, France