Vol 17 - N° 4 - août 2021
P. e1-e2©Société francophone de néphrologie, dialyse et transplantation (SFNDT)
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Why this special COVID issue?
Página :199
Cécile Vigneau
EsquemaSFNDT in the heart of the COVID-19 epidemy
Página :200-202
Maryvonne Hourmant, Luc Frimat, Bruno Moulin, François Vrtovsnik
EsquemaKidney damage in COVID-19
Página :203-207
Stéphane Burtey, Marion Sallée
Resumen EsquemaCOVID-19 vaccination in dialysis and kidney transplant patients
Página :208-213
Hamza Sakhi, Nathalie Chavarot, Philippe Attias, Khalil El Karoui, Dany Anglicheau
Resumen EsquemaThe position of children in the pandemic and the role of COVID-19 in their lives
Página :214-217
Ariane Zaloszyc, Michel Tsimaratos
EsquemaRole of the French national registry REIN in the health monitoring of patients with end-stage chronic renal failure infected with SARS-CoV-2: Organization and initial data
Página :218-225
Sophie Lapalu, Ghizlane Izaaryene, Nadia Honoré, Cécile Couchoud, registre REIN
Resumen EsquemaEpidemiologic and clinical profile, 90 days survival of incident end stage renal patient in haemodialysis during SARS-CoV2 pandemic: Experience of the General Hospital of Douala
Página :226-232
Hermine Danielle Fouda Menye Epse Ebana, Marie-Patrice Halle, Charles Mbele Onana, Bertrand Hugo Mbatchou, Henry Luma Namme, Gloria Ashuntantang Enow
Resumen EsquemaCovid-19 in kidney transplantation: Lessons from the French Registry
Página :233-244
Sophie Caillard, Olivier Thaunat, Marc Hazzan, pour le groupe français du registre des transplantés d’organe atteints de Covid-19
Resumen EsquemaPágina :245-251
Lionel Couzi, Miriam Manook, Sophie Caillard, Éric Épailly, Benoît Barrou, Dany Anglicheau, Mathias Buchler, Sacha Mussot, Jérôme Dumortier, Olivier Thaunat, Laurent Sebbag, Gilles Blancho, Yannick Le Meur, Yuval A. Patel, Mariya Samoylova, Lisa McElroy, Brian I. Shaw, Scott Sanoff, Marc Hazzan
Resumen EsquemaPsychological impact of lockdown and the COVID-19 epidemic on haemodialysis patients and carers in France
Página :252-259
Abdallah Guerraoui, Laetitia Idier, Patrick Hallonet, Thibault Dolley-Hitze, Morgane Gosselin, Gabrielle Duneau, Benoît Vendrely, Marie-Dorothée Hirigoyen, Lynda Azzouz, Marc Bouillier, Solenne Pelletier, Denis Fouque, Hafedh Fessi, Valérie De-Precigout, Cécile Vigneau, Anne Kolko, Émilie Pinçon, Simon Duquennoy, Arnaud Delezire, François Chantrel, Christian Combe, Philippe Chauveau, Agnès Caillette-Beaudoin, Catherine Lasseur, Mathilde Prézelin-Reydit
Resumen EsquemaComments on the article ``SGLT2 inhibitors, a new era for our patients''
Página :260-261
Thierry Hannedouche, Gérald Roul
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