Vol 21 - N° 5 - septembre 2022
P. 231-292© Elsevier Masson SAS
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Página :231-234
Bertrand Sardin
Palliative recommendation in the emergency room during the first COVID-19 wave: What are the benefits? A study among emergency physicians
Página :235-243
Laurent Haas
Representations of palliative care and collaboration with a Mobile Palliative Care Support Unit at the Southern Hospital of La Réunion
Página :244-252
Mary-Line Benard, Nadège Naty, Estelle Laboureur
What do pharmacists say about their role in home palliative care?
Página :253-262
Isabelle Cuchet, Aurélie Godard-Marceau, Régis Aubry, Michael Dambrun, Axelle Van Lander
Palliative care at home: A duo patient-private nurse?
Página :263-272
Audrey Letourneur, Ludivine Barbeau, Cécile Renoux
Elders, triage and the intensivist
Página :273-276
Pierre-Marie Doumeizel, Anthony Leborgne, Michèle Drieux
Existential suffuring and continuous deep sedation until death ; a case report of a teenager
Página :277-282
Mathias Rateau
Anesthetic decision-making for patients in palliative care: to take or not to take a per and perioperative risk
Página :283-287
Isabelle Strubi, Anne De Brettes, Delphine Gallix, Philippe Teston, Edouard Naboulsi, Jean-Marc Kubler
From sports medicine to Charcot's disease, practical tips and tricks to resist
Página :288-291
Patrick Coudert, Régis Coudert, Céline Gilardino, Fabienne Mourou, Jean-François Ciais
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