Impacts of Climate Change and Health Inequity: Colliding Crises

Édité par

  • Kimberly Humphrey Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, FXB Center for Health and Human Rights, Harvard University
  • Raju Dhakal Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Center, Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Center
  • Neha Pathak Global Sustainability Committee, American College of Lifestyle Medicine

Dernière mise à jour le 03 juillet 2023

This special issue seeks to address the critical intersection between climate change, health, and social and biological factors. The impacts of climate change on health are well documented and unequivocal. More than this, climate change will have the most profound effects on the health of those in our society whose health is already impacted by inequity, across the globe. Given the broad range of these communities across the world, those who will suffer most due to the compounding impact of climate change on existing inequity can be seen as a majority of the world’s population. Along with gender, ethnicity, extremes of age, and the presence of chronic mental and physical health conditions, health inequities disproportionately affect communities that include, but are in no way limited to First Nations, those with lived experience of disability, socio-economically disenfranchised, and those in low-to-middle income countries. There is much that can be learned about tackling the crises of long-standing health inequity and emerging climate change-related threats from elevating the voices of these communities.
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