
A comparison of balanced and unbalanced crystalloid solutions in surgery patient outcomes - 29/11/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.accpm.2016.10.001 
Tomas Kuca a , Michael B. Butler b , Mete Erdogan c , Robert S. Green a,
a Department of critical care, Dalhousie university, room 377, Bethune building, 1276, South Park street, B3H 2Y9 Halifax, NS, Canada 
b Department of critical care, department of mathematics and statistics, Dalhousie university, room 377, Bethune building, 1276, South Park street, B3H 2Y9 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 
c Trauma Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia department of health and wellness, room 1-026B, Centennial building, 1276, South Park street, B3H 2Y9 Halifax, NS, Canada 

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 902 221 0415; fax: +1 902 473 5835.

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▶ Acquired data on crystalloid administration to a vascular surgery population. ▶ Investigated relationship between type/volume of crystalloids and patient outcomes. ▶ Increasing volumes of unbalanced crystalloid were associated with poor outcomes.

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The objective of this study was to evaluate adverse patient outcomes associated with the choice of intravenous fluid administered during general anaesthesia.


This study was a retrospective chart review of vascular surgery patients at a Canadian tertiary care hospital. Patients were separated into three groups: those who were intraoperatively administered normal saline (NS), balanced crystalloids, or a combination of both solutions. Multivariate analysis was performed to determine association between volume of each fluid type administered and adverse outcomes including in-hospital mortality, prolonged intensive care unit admission, vasopressor requirement, ventilator requirement, hemodialysis requirement, and a composite endpoint of any of these adverse events occurring.


Overall, 796 vascular surgery patients were included in the analysis. There were 425 patients who received balanced crystalloids, 158 patients who received NS, and 213 patients received both balanced crystalloids and NS. Groups were similar in age (P=0.06), but varied in gender (P<0.001) and overall health (ASA2; P=0.027). The most common adverse event was ventilator requirement (NS: 27.9%, balanced: 7.5%, both: 38.0%; P<0.001). Mortality was lowest in the group that received balanced fluids (NS: 12.0%, balanced: 5.9%, both: 10.8%; P=0.018). Patients who were administered NS or both fluids were more likely to reach the composite endpoint than patients receiving balanced crystalloid alone.


The administration of an unbalanced crystalloid solution was associated with poor patient outcomes in our study population.

El texto completo de este artículo está disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Intravenous, Crystalloid, Vascular, Saline, Balanced, Outcome


© 2016  Société française d’anesthésie et de réanimation (Sfar). Publicado por Elsevier Masson SAS. Todos los derechos reservados.
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Vol 36 - N° 6

P. 371-376 - décembre 2017 Regresar al número
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