
Partner betrayal trauma and trust: Understanding the impact on attachment style and self-esteem - 18/05/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.ejtd.2024.100409 
Mridula Das a, , Nikita Jain b
a MSc Counselling Psychology, Department of Psychology, CHRIST (Deemed to be) University, Delhi NCR, Ghaziabad 201003 
b Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, CHRIST (Deemed to be) University, Delhi NCR, Ghaziabad 201003 

Corresponding author at: CHRIST (Deemed to be) University, Delhi NCR, Nandgram Rd, Marium Nagar, Sewa Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201003CHRIST (Deemed to be) University, Delhi NCRNandgram Rd, Marium Nagar, Sewa NagarGhaziabadUttar Pradesh201003


Partner betrayal trauma refers to the social phenomenon where the significant other/partner on which a person depends for survival significantly violates that person's trust or well-being.
The relation of partner betrayal trauma with an individual's self-esteem and attachment styles, with trust as a mediating variable, is found here.
The study consisted of 140 participants (n = 140), with a mean age of 21.7 and a standard deviation (SD) of 2.05.
The results showed that partner betrayal trauma in an individual affects their trust, which further aids that individual's anxious as well as avoidant attachment styles and decreased self-esteem.
The findings may aid mental health practitioners in helping young adults resolve their relationship crises and enhance their lifestyles in India.

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Dismissal of an individual's emotional experience by their significant others can have a massive impact on the psychological well-being of the individual. Betrayal trauma discusses the prevalent social phenomenon and its short- as well as long-term impacts on an individual. This study focused on betrayal trauma in romantic relationships. It aimed to find its relation with an individual's self-esteem and attachment styles, with trust as a mediating variable. The tools used in the study- were the partner betrayal trauma trust scale, adult attachment scale and self-esteem scale, each of which was a self-report measurement scale circulated among young adults in the Indian population. The study consisted of 140 participants (n = 140) with a mean age of 21.7 and a standard deviation (SD) of 2.05. The participants included 85% female, 16% male, 3% of the participants identified as genderfluid, and 2% of the participants preferred not to mention their gender. The results from the study show that betrayal trauma in romantic relationships is related to an individual's attachment style and self-esteem. A positive significant correlation was found between betrayal trauma, self-esteem and attachment style, which reveals the impact of betrayal trauma on the psychological well-being of an individual. These findings may aid mental health practitioners in helping young adults resolve their relationship crises and enhance their lifestyles in India.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Partner betrayal trauma, Attachment style, Self-esteem


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Vol 8 - N° 2

Article 100409- juin 2024 Retour au numéro
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