
Influence of a Relaxation Program, Cognitive Training and a Combination of Both Intervention Forms On Neuropsychological and Affective Parameters in Elderly Care Home Residents - 09/06/15

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(15)31121-4 
K. Stürz 1, S. Hartmann 1, G. Kemmler 1, V. Günther 1
1 Department of General and Social Psychiatry, University Hospital Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria 



Evaluation of non-medical interventions on cognitive and emotional competence in old age is among the goals of research in clinical gerontopsychology.


The goals of our study were to assess the impact of and analyze the differences between a cognitive training program, relaxation training according to Jacobson and a combination of both forms of intervention on cognitive performance, well-being and pain in older people.


26 care home residents (group 1) underwent the Jacobson relaxation training first, followed by a combination of relaxation and cognitive training. 24 participants (group 2) underwent a cognitive training program in the first instance followed by the combined intervention. Various psychological tests were implemented at three time points of measurement.


Significant improvement in dementia screening, in visual short-term memory and working memory both after the relaxation training only as also after combination training
Relevant improved performance in ultra short-term memory after combination training
Significant reduction in depression scores in both study groups
Relevant improvement in state of well-being after all training variants


Jacobson relaxation has a markedly stronger positive effect in optimizing the cognitive and emotional status of elderly persons compared to the more frequently propagandized and implemented cognitive training.

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Vol 30 - N° S1

P. 1447 - mars 2015 Retour au numéro
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