
EPA-1727 – Rehabilitative group of activities of daily living - experiences and reflections - 01/08/14

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(14)78863-7 
J. Ferreira 1, J. Cardoso 1, C. Lopes 1
1 Psychiatry and Mental Health, Beatriz Ângelo Hospital, Lisbon, Portugal 


Rehabilitation or terciary prevention refers to the set of appropriate measures to minimize the consequences of disease and reintegration the patients in their home environment, social and professional. Patients with severe mental illness need of psychosocial rehabilitation programs through the training of activities of daily life, especially in areas that present the greatest difficulties.

The advantage in the group approach is that the patient is confronted with its limits and possibilities. This observation allows us to recognize another important similarities and contrasts, expanding your vision of treatment and enhancing its effect. Group assistance seems to be more motivating and can further reduce costs in attendance with good results.

The creation of this psychoeducational group appears to foster the promotion / preservation of independence and functional capacity of patients in its maximum exponent, mean they can live without assistance for activities of daily living. The rehabilitative scheme is performed without isolating the patient from his family and his social environment. Looking for a comprehensive care that meets individual needs and possibilities, centered on the patient, with a view to their rehabilitation and social reintegration. Involves both professionals and patients, actively, in the development of skills that may lead to a better quality of life.

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Vol 29 - N° S1

P. 1 - 2014 Retour au numéro
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