
Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children with Functional Defecation Disorders - 22/08/13

Doi : 10.1016/j.jpeds.2013.02.028 
Babette Peeters, MD, PhD 1, , Ilse Noens, PhD 2, Elise M. Philips, MSc 1, Sofie Kuppens, PhD 3, Marc A. Benninga, MD, PhD 1
1 Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Emma Children's Hospital, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
2 Parenting and Special Education Research Unit and Leuven Autism Research, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium 
3 Clinical Child and Family Studies/EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 

Reprint requests: Babette Peeters, MD, Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Emma Children's Hospital, Academic Medical Center, Room C2-312, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands.



To prospectively assess the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) symptoms in children presenting with functional defecation disorders.

Study design

Children (age 4-12 years) with functional constipation or functional non-retentive fecal incontinence according to the Rome III criteria referred to a specialized outpatient clinic were included. Parents completed 2 validated ASD screening questionnaires about their child; the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) and the Social Communication Questionnaire-Lifetime (SCQ-L). A total SRS score of ≥51 is a strong indicator for the presence of ASD. On the SCQ-L, a score of ≥15 is suggestive for ASD.


In total, 242 patients (130 males, median age 7.9 years) were included. Of these, 91% were diagnosed with functional constipation and 9% with functional non-retentive fecal incontinence. Thirteen children (5.4%) had previously been diagnosed with ASD. Twenty-six children (11%) had both SRS and SCQ-L scores at or above cutoff points, strongly suggestive for the presence of ASD. Solely high SRS were present in 42 children (17%), whereas two children (1%) only had high SCQ-L scores. Altogether, 29% had ASD symptoms, indicated by SRS and/or SCQ-L scores at or above the cutoff values. These children were older than children without ASD symptoms and presented with a longer duration of symptoms.


A substantial number of children (29%) presenting with a functional defecation disorder at a tertiary hospital has concomitant ASD symptoms. Clinicians should be aware of ASD symptoms in children with functional defecation disorders.

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 Supported by institutional departmental funds. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

© 2013  Mosby, Inc. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 163 - N° 3

P. 873-878 - septembre 2013 Retour au numéro
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