
1053 – In vitro receptor-binding profile of lurasidone and other commonly-used antipsychotics - 09/07/13

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(13)76173-X 
P. Werner 1, T. Ishiyama 2, A. Loebel 1, J. Cucchiaro 1, T. Horisawa 2, K. Tokuda 2, M. Ogasa 2, T. Ishibashi 2, S.M. Stahl 3
1 Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc., Fort Lee, NJ, USA 
2 Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan 
3 Neuroscience Education Institute, University of California San Diego, Carlsbad, CA, USA 



Atypical antipsychotics bind to multiple receptor types and subtypes. Improved outcomes in schizophrenia are linked to activity at D2 and serotonin receptors 5-HT7, 5-HT2A and 5-HT1A.


To characterize the receptor-binding profile of lurasidone and other antipsychotics.


To compare receptor-binding profiles of antipsychotics.


Replicated, side-by-side receptor-binding assays used human recombinant receptors (for 5-HT7, α2A, and α2C) or membrane-fractions of animal CNS tissue. Affinities were determined via Hill plot analysis for IC50values; Ki values were determined using Ki=IC50/(1+ S/Kd) (S=concentration of competing radioligand, Kd=dissociation constant).


Lurasidone displayed potent binding and full antagonism at dopamine D2(Ki, 1.68nM) and serotonin 5-HT2A(Ki, 2.03nM) receptors (the highest D2affinity of all tested agents). Lurasidone's dopamine binding was selective for D2receptors. Unlike other antipsychotics tested, lurasidone had very high affinity and full antagonism at serotonin 5-HT7(Ki, 0.49nM), and nanomolar affinity (Ki=6.75nM) with weak-moderate partial agonism at serotonin 5-HT1Areceptors., Lurasidone showed higher affinity for 5-HT7, 5-HT2A, and 5-HT1Areceptors relative to D2receptor-binding than other agents. Lurasidone displayed moderate affinity for α2C adrenoceptors (Ki, 10.8nM); moderate-weak affinity for α1adrenoceptors (Ki, 48nM); and minimal or unappreciable affinity for receptors associated with undesirable effects (5-HT2C [Ki, 415nM], histamine H1[IC50>1000nM] and muscarinic [cholinergic] M1[IC50>1000nM] receptors).


The unique pharmacological profile of lurasidone is consistent with observed antipsychotic efficacy, low-tomoderate likelihood of EPS, low weight-gain potential, and possible mood, anxiety, and cognitive benefits.

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Vol 28 - N° S1

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