
1246 – Medico-economic impact of a suicide attempt on the relatives of the suicide attempter - 09/07/13

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(13)76319-3 
V. Jardon 1, E. Poulet 2, P. Genest 3, F. Chastang 4, G. Brousse 5, J.B. Garre 6, C. Pichene 7, C. Thevenon Gignac 8, L. Jehel 9, C. Chanudet 10, M. Benoit 11, J. Mousques 12, P. Dourgnon 12, A.L. Demarty 13, S. Duhem 13, F. Ducrocq 1, M. Seguin 14, G. Vaiva 1
1 CHRU Lille - Hopital Michel Fontan, Lille 
2 CH Le Vinatier, Lyon 
3 CHRU Brest, Brest 
4 CHRU Caen, Caen 
5 CHU Clermont- Ferrand, Clermont-Ferrand 
6 CHU Angers, Angers 
7 CHU Nancy, Nancy 
8 CH Dron, Tourcoing 
9 CHU Fort de France, Fort de France 
10 CH Quimper, Quimper 
11 CHU Nice, Nice 
12 IRDES, Paris 
13 CIC Lille, Lille, France 
14 Douglas Research Center - Mac Gill University, Montréal, QC, Canada 



A suicide attempt is an major event that creates harm on both family and close relatives, that can be measured in terms of traumatic stress and medico-economic impact (costs). Each year, 3.750.000 French people are concerned by a suicide attempt of a relative (or close person).


Male or female, older than 16, being a relative of a suicide attempter (i.e. living in the same house as the suicide attempter). 171 families were included (171 suicide attempters and 171 « family informants »). These subjects were compared to IRDES datas on French population (Institute of Research and Documentation on Health Economy ; sample of 20.000 subjects, representing 95% of the French families). All subjects were reassessed by phone at 3 month and 1 year.


80% of the relatives declare “being fine” at 1 year; the 20% that declare being “not so well” are important to qualify, the sooner after the suicide attempt. An explicative model trying to evaluate the risk of being “not so well” at 1 year is possible ; this model is highly represented by the psychotraumatic impact of the confrontation with the suicide attempt.

On the economic plan, we can observe a great stability in healthcare contacts at 1 year (hospitalizations, GP or Specialists contacts, other kind of care contact…), contrasting with a big increase in medication use (× 2.37 in comparison with IRDES population); all the medication types being concerned, psychotropic and others.

The question of a self-medication partly unconscious is raised.

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Vol 28 - N° S1

P. 1 - 2013 Retour au numéro
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