
924 – Synergetic integrative model of group psychotherapy for schizophrenic patient relatives - 09/07/13

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(13)76079-6 
V. Prazdnova, T. Zelenkova
 Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry, Moscow, Russia 



The authors propose an integrative approach in group work psychotherapy for schizophrenic patient’s relatives. This approach integrates three components into session: psycho education (knowledge for systemic family psychotherapy), cognitive behavior (family solving problem skills) and psychotherapy (reflection and coping strategies). These components are integrative for communication process, which provides their synergetic interaction within the theme educate limits.


Study the effectiveness of a synergetic approach in enhancing the impact of rehabilitation.


Identifying markers of efficacy of the approach through a comparative analysis of the two groups of mothers of patients, one of whom used a synergistic approach, in the other using traditional programs.


SCL-90-R (Derogatis); URICA (McConnaughy); MSPSS(Zimet). Objective conclusion is provided by using Mann-Whitney U-test.


Synergetic integrative approach to group therapy significantly affects the reduction of somatization (p =0,05), depression (p =0,01), hostility (p =0,05) and Global Severity Index (p =0,05). In participants of the experimental group was significantly higher overall perception of social support (p =0,01), measures of social support from family (p =0,05), friends (p =0,01) and significant others (p =0,05). Diagnostic stage of psychotherapeutic process showed that participants of the control group mostly are on initial stages of therapy, while the experimental group members are at a mature stage.


Synergetic integrative approach showed high efficiency to work with the families of schizophrenic patients by reducing the level of psychiatric symptoms, enhance feelings of social support and accelerate the psychotherapeutic process.

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Vol 28 - N° S1

P. 1 - 2013 Retour au numéro
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