R. Chetty a, A. Rullier b, P. Gill a, D. Govender c, A. Bateman d, H.J. Chang e, V. Deshpande f, D. Driman f, M. Gomez f, G. Greywoode a, E. Jaynes d, C. Soon Lee f, M. Locketz c, C. Rowsell f, S. Serra f, N. Shepherd f, E. Szentgyorgyi f, R. Vajpeyi f, L.M. Wang a
a Department of cellular pathology/biomedical research centre/Nuffield department of clinical laboratory sciences, John Radcliffe hospital and university of Oxford, Royaume-Uni
b Department of pathology, CHU de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
c Division of anatomical pathology, university of Cape Town/Groote Schuur hospital, Cape Town, Afrique du Sud
d Department of cellular pathology, Southampton university hospitals NHS Trust, Southampton, Royaume-Uni
e Center for colorectal cancer, research institute and hospital, National cancer center, Goyang, Corée
f Department of cellular pathology, John Radcliff Hospital and University of Oxford, Oxford, Royaume-Uni