
N-octyl-O-sulfate chitosan-modified liposomes for delivery of docetaxel: Preparation, characterization, and pharmacokinetics - 07/02/12

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2011.09.010 
Guowei Qu, Xiaoli Wu, Lifang Yin , Can Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Natural Medicines, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 210009, People’s Republic of China 

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A N-octyl-O-sulfate chitosan (NOSC) anchored liposome system was developed as the carrier for antitumor drug, docetaxel (DTX). The physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties of NOSC-modified DTX liposomes (NDLs) were evaluated compared with the conventional DTX liposomes (DLs) and commercial dosage form of DTX, Taxotere®. The results showed that NDLs had DTX-loading rate of 3.41%, entrapment efficiency of 61.73%, narrow distributed particle size of 147.6±1.9nm, and high zata potential of −44.2±3.9mV. The decreased permeability of the liposome bilayer was evaluated by release behavior of calcein (CAL) from the internal phase of NOSC-modified CAL liposomes (NCLs) and enhanced stability of NDLs owed to shielding effect of sulfonic shell from adsorption by BSA. After i.v. administration at the dose of 12mg/kg, a significant increase in the AUC, MRT, and T1/2β (P<0.05) was observed in NDLs group compared with DLs and Taxotere® group. AUC0–∞ of NDLs was 6.14 and 1.55 times higher than Taxotere® and DLs, respectively, and MRT0–∞ of NDLs was 5.77 and 1.37 times higher than Taxotere® and DLs, respectively. All these results suggested that anchored liposomes could increase the stability of DTX in vitro and in vivo, as compared with conventional liposomes and Taxotere®. Therefore, NOSC as a polymeric shell to liposomes was effective to enhance the stability of liposomes containing DTX.

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Keywords : Chitosan derivative anchored liposome, Docetaxel, Pharmacokinetics


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Vol 66 - N° 1

P. 46-51 - février 2012 Retour au numéro
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