
Infectious diseases biobanking as a catalyst towards personalized medicine: Mycobacterium tuberculosis paradigm - 08/11/11

Doi : 10.1016/j.tube.2011.07.006 
Fotini Betsou a, , Shreemanta K. Parida b, Martine Guillerm c
a Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg, 6 rue Ernest Barble, L-1210 Luxembourg, Luxembourg 
b Vaccine Grand Challenges Program, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi, India 
c The UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (WHO/TDR), Switzerland 

Corresponding author. Tel.: +35227446456; fax: +35227446464.


Research for biomarkers supporting personalized medicine in infectious diseases is needed, especially for tuberculosis in which the existing toolbox does not yet address the public health priorities. Biobanks are essential infrastructures in this effort by collecting, authenticating and preserving human and/or bacterial specimens. A broad range of specimens should be collected prior to, during and following treatment, with a comprehensive characterisation of the sample donors and the samples themselves to accommodate the most recent technological platforms in biomarker research. This review explains current state-of-the-field biobanking practices in tuberculosis and suggests technical and managerial improvements to ensure long-term preservation and optimal use of the specimens. Open-access and certified biobanks are an essential component of a strategy supporting the development of drugs and diagnostic tests for both public health and personalised medicine. Biobanks have a role to play in the interaction between these two - not always compatible - approaches.

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Keywords : Infectious diseases, Tuberculosis, Biobank, Biomarker


 Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and are not to be construed as official or as representing the opinion of respective organizations.

© 2011  Elsevier Ltd. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 91 - N° 6

P. 524-532 - novembre 2011 Retour au numéro
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