
In vitro and in vivo studies on the development of the ⍺-emitting radionuclide bismuth 212 for intraperitoneal use against microscopic ovarian carcinoma - 10/09/11

Doi : 10.1016/S0002-9378(97)70608-2 
Jacob Rotmensch, MDa, Jenny L. Whitlock, BSa, Jeffrey L. Schwartz, PhDe, John J. Hines, MSa, d, Richard C. Reba, MDb, Paul V. Harper, MDb, c
Chicago and Argonne, Illinois, and Seattle, Washington 


OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to develop the ⍺-emitting radionuclide bismuth 212 for possible intraperitoneal use against microscopic ovarian cancer.

STUDY DESIGN: The radiobiologic effectiveness of bismuth 212 was compared in vitro to x rays and chromic phosphate phosphorus 32). The distribution, toxicity, and maximum tolerated dose of bismuth 212 were determined after intraperitoneal administration in animal models. Dose estimates in animals and humans were made.

RESULTS: In in vitro studies bismuth 212 was three times more effective in eradicating tumor cells grown in monolayers and in 800 μm spheroids. In in vivo studies bismuth 212 was distributed uniformly after intraperitoneal administration. The maximum tolerated dose in rabbits was 60 mCi. There was reversible hematologic toxicity with minimal organ damage. Bismuth 212 prolonged survival and cured up to 40% of animals inoculated with Ehrlich carcinoma cells. Dose estimates made from these studies indicated that dosages administered were effective in eradicating tumor cells and were within the radiotolerance of normal human tissue.

CONCLUSION: Bismuth 212 appears to be a suitable candidate for intraperitoneal use against microscopic ovarian cancer. (Am J Obstet Gynecol 1997;176:833-41.)

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Keywords : ⍺-Emitting isotopes, bismuth 212, ovarian carcinoma


 From the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology,a Nuclear Medicine,b and Surgery,c University of Chicago, the Department of Chemistry, Argonne National Laboratory,d and the Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Washington.e
 Reprint requests: Jacob Rotmensch, MD, University of Chicago, Section of Gynecologic Oncology, Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, MC2050, 5841 S. Maryland Ave., Chicago, IL 60637.
 0002-9378/97 $5.00 + 0 6/6/80374

© 1997  Mosby, Inc. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 176 - N° 4

P. 833-841 - avril 1997 Retour au numéro
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