
Desensitization of β2-adrenoceptor and hypersensitization to phosphodiesterase inhibitors elicited by β2-agonists in guinea pig eosinophils - 04/09/11

Doi : 10.1067/mai.2000.110099 
Mitsunobu Mio, PhD, Yasushi Kirino, BS, Chiaki Kamei, PhD
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University, Okayama. Okayama, Japan 


Background: Although the existence of functional β2-adrenoceptor on eosinophils has been reported, the effects of desensitization of β2-adrenoceptors on eosinophils have not been well documented. Objective: The effects of desensitization of β2-adrenoceptors on the degranulation of guinea pig eosinophils were investigated. Methods: Guinea pig eosinophils were stimulated with the calcium ionophore A23187, and eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) release was determined. Changes in intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels were also measured. Results: A23187-induced EPO release from guinea pig eosinophils was inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner by pretreatment for 5 minutes with fenoterol, clenbuterol, and salbutamol. Such effects of β2-agonists were abolished by pretreatment with KT5720, an inhibitor of protein kinase A. Desensitization of the inhibitory effects of β2-agonists was observed when the incubation time was prolonged. Fenoterol (10–6 mol/L) induced almost complete desensitization after 120 minutes of incubation, whereas clenbuterol did not bring about significant desensitization. The inhibitory effects of fenoterol and clenbuterol on A23187-induced EPO release were correlated with increases in the intracellular cAMP levels evoked by either compound. After incubation of eosinophils with 10–6 mol/L fenoterol for 120 minutes to induce complete desensitization of β2-adrenoceptors, the inhibitory effects of theophylline and rolipram were increased by about 100-fold in the desensitized cells, although the effects of forskolin and dibutyryl cAMP were not affected by β2-adrenoceptor desensitization. Conclusions: Prolonged incubation with β2-agonists induced desensitization of β2-adrenoceptors. Also, we postulated that hypersensitization of phosphodiesterase to its inhibitors occurs in β2-adrenoceptor–desensitized guinea pig eosinophils. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2000;106:896-903.)

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Keywords : Eosinophil, β2-adrenoceptor, cyclic adenosine monophosphate, protein kinase A, desensitization, eosinophil peroxidase, phosphodiesterase

Abbreviations : cAMP:, EPO:, GRK2:, HB-Tyrode:, PDE:, PKA:


 Reprint requests: Chiaki Kamei, PhD, Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan 700-8530.

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Vol 106 - N° 5

P. 896-903 - novembre 2000 Retour au numéro
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