
IgE-binding epitopes of enolases, a class of highly conserved fungal allergens - 04/09/11

Doi : 10.1067/mai.2000.110799 
Birgit Simon-Nobbe, PhDa, Gerald Probst, MSb, Andrey V. Kajava, PhDc, Hannes Oberkofler, PhDd, Markus Susani, PhDe, Reto Crameri, PhDf, Fátima Ferreira, PhDa, Christof Ebner, MDg, Michael Breitenbach, PhDa
Salzburg and Vienna, Austria, Bethesda, Md, and Davos, Switzerland 
From athe Institute of Genetics and General Biology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg; bthe Institute of Molecular Biology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Salzburg; cCenter for Molecular Modeling, NIH-CIT, Bethesda; dthe Department of Laboratory Medicine, Landeskrankenanstalten Salzburg, Salzburg; eAdvanced Biological Systems Inc, Salzburg; fSwiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF), Davos; and gthe Department of Pathophysiology, University of Vienna, Vienna 


Background: Cladosporium herbarum and Alternaria alternata are two of the most prominent fungal species inducing type I allergy. Previously, we have demonstrated that enolase (Cla h 6) is the second most important allergen of C herbarum in terms of frequency of sensitization. Objective: IgE-reactive B-cell epitopes of C herbarum enolase were analyzed, and cross-reactivity between fungal enolases was investigated. Methods: Cla h 6 glutathione-S-transferase fusion peptides were constructed by means of PCR cloning. A alternata enolase (Alt a 5) was isolated by screening a complementary (c)DNA expression library with a C herbarum enolase DNA probe. Results: Mapping of Cla h 6 IgE-binding epitopes identified a peptide with a length of 69 amino acids (peptide 9), which bound IgE from 8 of 8 patients. Analysis of the conformation of peptide 9 revealed that it does not form a compact structure but rather spans the whole length of the protein, with side chains exposed to solvent at 3 locations. Peptide 9 in the context of Escherichia coli glutathione-S-transferase not only binds IgE but also competitively inhibits IgE binding to Alt a 5. This result indicates that the epitope or epitopes on peptide 9 constitute a major cross-reacting epitope or epitopes on the enolases from C herbarum and A alternata in the case of the one patient tested. Conclusions: We demonstrated that the glycolytic enzyme enolase is an allergen not only in C herbarum but also in A alternata . Additionally, enolase was shown to exhibit high cross-reactivity to other fungal enolases. On the basis of the results presented here, we propose the use of recombinant Cla h 6 or maybe even peptide 9 of Cla h 6 for diagnosis and possibly therapy of mold allergy. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2000;106:887-95.)

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Keywords : Enolase, structure, epitope, mold, allergy, Cladosporium herbarum, Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida albicans, Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Abbreviations : DOC, GST, rnf


 Supported by a grant to Michael Breitenbach from Biomay (Linz, Austria). Work at SIAF was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation grant No. 31-50515.97.
 Reprint requests: Birgit Simon-Nobbe, PhD, Institute of Genetics and General Biology, University of Salzburg, Hellbrunnerstr 34, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria.

© 2000  Mosby, Inc. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 106 - N° 5

P. 887-895 - novembre 2000 Retour au numéro
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