Marc A. Pfeffer, MD, PhDa, Michael Domanski, MDc, Joel Verter, PhDd, Mark Dunlap, MDe, Greg C. Flaker, MDf, Bernard Gersh, MB, ChB, DPhilg, Judith Hsia, MDd, A.David Goldberg, MDh, Marian C. Limacher, MDi, Aldo P. Maggioni, MDj, Yves Rosenberg, MDc, Jean-Lucien Rouleau, MDk, J.Wayne Warnica, MDl, Alan G. Wasserman, MDd, Eugene Braunwald, MDb
for the PEACE Investigators
Boston, Mass, Bethesda and Rockville, Md, Cleveland, Ohio, Columbia, Mo, Rochester, Minn, Detroit, Mich, Gainesville, Fla, Florence, Italy, and Toronto, Ontario, and Calgary, Alberta, Canada
From the aCardiovascular Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and bPartners HealthCare System, Boston, Mass, the cClinical Trials Group, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Bethesda, and the dBiostatistics Center and Cardiovascular Division, George Washington University, Rockville, Md, the eCleveland Veterans Administration Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio, the fUniversity of Missouri, Columbia, Mo, the gCardiovascular Division, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn, the hHenry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Mich, the iGainesville Veterans Administration Medical Center, Gainesville, Fla, the jANMCO Research Center, Florence, Italy, the kToronto General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, and the lFoothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, Canada