
What medical students value most during their clinical clerkships from department chairs - 28/08/11

Doi : 10.1067/S0002-9378(03)00891-3 
Gena C McIlwain-Dunivan, MS a, Sharon T Phelan, MD a, b, , William F Rayburn, MD b
From the Office of Student Affairs, Dean's Office,a and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,b School of Medicine, University of New Mexico, USA Dr McIlwain-Dunivan is now with the Department of Ob-Gyn, University of California, San Diego Medical Center. 

Reprint requests: Sharon T. Phelan, MD, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, MSC 10 5580, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001.



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the qualities that medical students value most in department chairs during clinical clerkships.

Study design

All fourth-year students were asked to complete an anonymous survey voluntarily. The students ranked nine qualities of a chair using a visual analog scale that ranged from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree.” Also assessed was the student's level of contact with each department chair during the six core clerkships.


Sixty-seven of 73 students (91.8%) completed the survey. Almost two thirds of the students (63%) had minimal or no contact with clinical chairs. The most desirable qualities of the department chair included advocating teaching by the residents and faculty, meeting with students (if possible, at the beginning, middle, and end of the clerkship), and participating in teaching in the classroom or clinic settings. Least important qualities involved knowing the student as a person and displaying an air of authority. The most common theme of written comments was that the department chair sets the tone for the department by advocating teaching and by encouraging respect for students.


Medical students want clinical chairs to be visibly proactive toward teaching, meet with them periodically, and participate in teaching.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Medical students, education, clinical chair


 Supported by in part by the Dean's Faculty of Medicine Fund, University of New Mexico.
Presented at the Annual Meeting of CREOG/APGO, Anaheim Calif, March 1-4, 2003.

© 2003  Mosby, Inc. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 189 - N° 3

P. 659-661 - septembre 2003 Retour au numéro
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