
The Mumbai experience in building field level partnerships for DOTS implementation - 26/08/11

Doi : 10.1016/S1472-9792(02)00070-7 
S. Rangan a, , G. Ambe b, N. Borremans c, D. Zallocco c, J. Porter d
a Centre for Health Research and Development, 64 Anand Park, Baner Road, Aundh, Pune 411 007, India 
b Mumbai Municipal Corporation, Mumbai, India 
c Medecins Sans Frontieres, Mumbai, India 
d Health Policy Unit, Department of Public Health and Policy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK 

*Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-20-588-4150; mobile: 91-98210-25000


In February 1999, the Revised National Tuberculosis (TB) Control Programme (RNTCP) was implemented in the city of Mumbai after a pilot phase of 5 years. The city has a population of more than 12 million people and an estimated annual TB incidence of 21,000 cases, 8000 of these being infectious. This paper describes a partnership between the TB programme and a Non Governmental Organization (NGO), which began with a methodological analysis of the problems faced by the programme to help identify other key organizations, who might usefully be involved. The work focussed on ‘networking’ to ensure the optimum use of existing resources. The problems encountered affected all levels of TB control from access to drug supply and treatment. The major issues related to an inadequate public health infrastructure resulting in poor technical and administrative support to field staff. There was confusion over roles of the health personnel in the TB programme and the public health facility, as well as poor technical performance. Partnerships were found to be useful in addressing the following areas: (1) the implementation of an external quality assurance scheme for sputum microscopy through involvement of microbiologists from large hospitals and research organizations; (2) training and capacity strengthening of programme and public health facility staff through innovative training and team building exercises organized by the programme, NGOs and the private sector; (3) development of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) material through partnerships with NGOs, and (4) the involvement of local NGOs and private doctors to increase case finding and to improve access to direct observation of treatment (DOT). The paper discusses the lessons learnt in this process and identifies some of the key issues in urban TB control, for consideration by policy makers.

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Vol 83 - N° 1-3

P. 165-172 - février 2003 Retour au numéro
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  • Involving private health care providers in delivery of TB care: global strategy
  • Mukund Uplekar
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  • Public–private mix DOTS in the Philippines
  • Mariquita J. Mantala

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