
Risk factors of readmission for childhood asthma - 25/08/11

Doi : 10.1016/j.jaci.2004.01.459 
Y. Rha
Dept. of Pediatrics, Kyung Hee Medical Center, Seoul, Republic of Korea 



The admission rate of childhood asthma is increasing and is partly responsible for the increased rate of readmission. Selection of children with a high-risk of readmission and aggressive treatments of them may improve treatment outcome and cost- effectiveness. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the risk factors affecting the readmission in cases of childhood asthma.


The medical records of 105 cases under 14 years of age who were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Kyung-Hee University were reviewed and divided into readmission group and first admission group.


Readmission cases were 55 (52%). Age, sex, duration of admission, duration of oxygen therapy, serum IgE concentration, duration of symptoms prior to admission and severity of asthma were not statistically significant between the groups. Use of prophylactic agents, family history of allergic diseases and past history of bronchiolitis were significant (P<0.05), but age under 4 years and sex were not significant between the groups. Age under 4 years, history of bronchiolitis, and history of previous hospital admission for asthma were significant (P<0.05), but sex, severity of asthma, history of frequent upper respiratory tract infection, family history, and the use of prophylactic agents were not statistically significant (P>0.05) as independent risk factors.


Age under 4 years, past history of bronchiolitis, and history of previous hospital admission for asthma were significant risk factors for hospital readmission for childhood asthma.

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 Funding: Self-funded

© 2004  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 113 - N° 2S

P. S274 - février 2004 Retour au numéro
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